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UK General Election Dec 2019


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50 minutes ago, woolley said:

That's rather dark for those merely advocating genuinely held opinions on the best way forward for the interests, perhaps even the survival of the UK as a state. I exclude Johnson, of course. What comeuppance would be appropriate? 

Not as dark as Rees-Mogg heavily implying that the reason people died in the Grenfell fire was because they lacked common sense and should have ignored the advice of firefighters.

Then some other Tory idiot came out trying to defend muggy and dug an even deeper hole.

At any other time there would have been calls for JRM to resign over such publically (live on LBC to be exact) made comments.

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3 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Not as dark as Rees-Mogg heavily implying that the reason people died in the Grenfell fire was because they lacked common sense and should have ignored the advice of firefighters.

Then some other Tory idiot came out trying to defend muggy and dug an even deeper hole.

At any other time there would have been calls for JRM to resign over such publically (live on LBC to be exact) made comments.

he didn't say that or imply that......:rolleyes:

diane again?


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3 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

So much for your fact checking...


and yours.....

People are accusing JRM of saying the Grenfell residents lacked common sense. He doesn’t say that. He is saying that if he had been in the burning building, he would have left. To him that would be the common-sense thing to do.

That’s it. He was simply echoing the actual contents of the Grenfell report, which starkly says that fire chiefs’ ‘stay put’ policy proved disastrous for the Grenfell residents.

If you are more angry with a politician for saying it is a tragedy that people did not ignore dangerous advice than you are with the people who issued the dangerous advice, then your moral compass is in urgent need of repair. The cynicism of it all is breathtaking. People are purposefully misinterpreting and exploiting JRM’s words to the cynical end of hurting the Tories in the election. ‘Maybe this will cost them some votes!’ is the gross undertone of this confected media storm. Once again the leftish middle classes are exploiting the dead of Grenfell to score political points, and I say that is far more repulsive than what Rees-Mogg said on the radio this morning.


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You must have serious problems with your moral compass to think for a minute that the responsibility for the tragedy of Grenfell Tower is not a political matter. The U.K. fire service is mostly funded and organised by central government and partly by local government. de Pfeffer cut the contribution from the mayor’s office and flogged off fire stations and spaffed  the money away on his garden bridge, water cannons and airport fiascos. Grenfell Tower is owned by a tory controlled London Borough. The fire regs, the fire service and the building itself were all the responsibility of feckless politicians. Do you really think shifting the blame for deaths onto the victims is acceptable behaviour? 

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33 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Where did you get that load of bollocks from Woody? 

It is far to coherent for something you have written.

ETA:  If what you have posted is true why did Rees-Mogg feel the need to apologise for the statement?

because people like you don't listen to what is said.......


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24 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

You must have serious problems with your moral compass to think for a minute that the responsibility for the tragedy of Grenfell Tower is not a political matter. The U.K. fire service is mostly funded and organised by central government and partly by local government. de Pfeffer cut the contribution from the mayor’s office and flogged off fire stations and spaffed  the money away on his garden bridge, water cannons and airport fiascos. Grenfell Tower is owned by a tory controlled London Borough. The fire regs, the fire service and the building itself were all the responsibility of feckless politicians. Do you really think shifting the blame for deaths onto the victims is acceptable behaviour? 

it is a political matter........no one is blaming the victims......read the report.......

labour put a post up saying 1m council/ social housing had been refurbed under its policy recently.......it was soon removed when it was pointed out grenfell was refurbed under this policy.....

it was the fire service that wanted rid of the stations.....they came up with the plan......

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