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UK General Election Dec 2019


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22 hours ago, woody2 said:

and yours.....

People are accusing JRM of saying the Grenfell residents lacked common sense. He doesn’t say that. He is saying that if he had been in the burning building, he would have left. To him that would be the common-sense thing to do.

That’s it. He was simply echoing the actual contents of the Grenfell report, which starkly says that fire chiefs’ ‘stay put’ policy proved disastrous for the Grenfell residents.

If you are more angry with a politician for saying it is a tragedy that people did not ignore dangerous advice than you are with the people who issued the dangerous advice, then your moral compass is in urgent need of repair. The cynicism of it all is breathtaking. People are purposefully misinterpreting and exploiting JRM’s words to the cynical end of hurting the Tories in the election. ‘Maybe this will cost them some votes!’ is the gross undertone of this confected media storm. Once again the leftish middle classes are exploiting the dead of Grenfell to score political points, and I say that is far more repulsive than what Rees-Mogg said on the radio this morning.


Well, I see that Woody was certainly owning this thread yesterday on the subject of Grenfell, and all that his liberal protagonists could offer in return was more hysterical ranting culled from the leftist media. The above is the most sober and truthful assessment of the disgraceful hijacking of the suffering of those involved in the disaster for political purposes by the left. Of course Rees-Mogg was not blaming the victims for their fate and only a fool would think otherwise.

As for cuts to the fire service, actually I agree that they need more funding and protection from lawless thugs who regularly attack them, but the situation that night was caused purely and simply by cladding a building with flammable material for cosmetic purposes. The blame lies with those who saw fit to allow this to be done around the country on an industrial scale. Had there been treble the resources, firemen and appliances available that night it would have made no difference to the outcome because the building had been turned into a towering inferno and the major problem was one of access.


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22 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

ETA:  If what you have posted is true why did Rees-Mogg feel the need to apologise for the statement?

He will have been told to do so and would no doubt have seen the need to in the face of the media storm that had been whipped up on a false premise.

21 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

You must have serious problems with your moral compass to think for a minute that the responsibility for the tragedy of Grenfell Tower is not a political matter. The U.K. fire service is mostly funded and organised by central government and partly by local government. de Pfeffer cut the contribution from the mayor’s office and flogged off fire stations and spaffed  the money away on his garden bridge, water cannons and airport fiascos. Grenfell Tower is owned by a tory controlled London Borough. The fire regs, the fire service and the building itself were all the responsibility of feckless politicians. Do you really think shifting the blame for deaths onto the victims is acceptable behaviour? 

Nobody did that, no matter how much Momentum and the liberal media wish it were so.

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20 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

1. Ask someone who knows English to explain what Grease Mogg says in the interview. 

2. Whataboutery. Post something in the ‘Labour’ thread. 

3. Horseshit. 




16 hours ago, manxman1980 said:


When losing the argument and having no point to make, post waffle or resort to offensive social media fodder.

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33 minutes ago, woolley said:

Well, I see that Woody was certainly owning this thread yesterday on the subject of Grenfell, and all that his liberal protagonists could offer in return was more hysterical ranting culled from the leftist media. The above is the most sober and truthful assessment of the disgraceful hijacking of the suffering of those involved in the disaster for political purposes by the left. Of course Rees-Mogg was not blaming the victims for their fate and only a fool would think otherwise.

As for cuts to the fire service, actually I agree that they need more funding and protection from lawless thugs who regularly attack them, but the situation that night was caused purely and simply by cladding a building with flammable material for cosmetic purposes. The blame lies with those who saw fit to allow this to be done around the country on an industrial scale. Had there been treble the resources, firemen and appliances available that night it would have made no difference to the outcome because the building had been turned into a towering inferno and the major problem was one of access.

Are you absolutely sure you can't take anything for it?

It's like the way that when the increases in child poverty are posted up rather than agreeing it's a dreadful situation you immediately start trying to challenge the definition of poverty etc etc.

Somewhere to the right of Attilla the Hun it would appear...

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18 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

That is not an answer and you know it.  Come on boomer you can do better than that.

learn to read.......

People are accusing JRM of saying the Grenfell residents lacked common sense. He doesn’t say that. He is saying that if he had been in the burning building, he would have left. To him that would be the common-sense thing to do.

That’s it. He was simply echoing the actual contents of the Grenfell report, which starkly says that fire chiefs’ ‘stay put’ policy proved disastrous for the Grenfell residents.

If you are more angry with a politician for saying it is a tragedy that people did not ignore dangerous advice than you are with the people who issued the dangerous advice, then your moral compass is in urgent need of repair. The cynicism of it all is breathtaking. People are purposefully misinterpreting and exploiting JRM’s words to the cynical end of hurting the Tories in the election. ‘Maybe this will cost them some votes!’ is the gross undertone of this confected media storm. Once again the leftish middle classes are exploiting the dead of Grenfell to score political points, and I say that is far more repulsive than what Rees-Mogg said on the radio this morning.

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12 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Are you absolutely sure you can't take anything for it?

It's like the way that when the increases in child poverty are posted up rather than agreeing it's a dreadful situation you immediately start trying to challenge the definition of poverty etc etc.

Somewhere to the right of Attilla the Hun it would appear...

no such thing in the uk......


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Just now, woody2 said:

learn to read.......

People are accusing JRM of saying the Grenfell residents lacked common sense. He doesn’t say that. He is saying that if he had been in the burning building, he would have left. To him that would be the common-sense thing to do.

The thing you clearly fail to understand is that "commonsense" applies to everyone. So the inevitable conclusion is that according to Rees-Mogg those who stayed as ordered were stupid. 

Hence this from James Misnomer Cleverly:

Cleverly was asked on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “Isn’t the reality that [Rees-Mogg] has no idea how these people live? He has no idea how people who didn’t go to Eton, didn’t go to Oxford, didn’t inherit large sums of money really live their lives?”

Cleverly said Rees-Mogg’s comments were hurtful and it was right for him to have apologised. “Jacob recognises that what he said was wrong and caused a huge amount of hurt and distress,” he said. “He has apologised unreservedly and I do think that is the right thing for him to do.”

So Rees-Mogg knows he fucked-up and apologised for it and yet you want to play semantics.

So now Woody2 you can explain why Dominic Cummings has put Rees-Mogg on the naughty step for the duration when according to you he's done nothing wrong...?  :)

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14 minutes ago, P.K. said:

The thing you clearly fail to understand is that "commonsense" applies to everyone. So the inevitable conclusion is that according to Rees-Mogg those who stayed as ordered were stupid. 

Hence this from James Misnomer Cleverly:

Cleverly was asked on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “Isn’t the reality that [Rees-Mogg] has no idea how these people live? He has no idea how people who didn’t go to Eton, didn’t go to Oxford, didn’t inherit large sums of money really live their lives?”

Cleverly said Rees-Mogg’s comments were hurtful and it was right for him to have apologised. “Jacob recognises that what he said was wrong and caused a huge amount of hurt and distress,” he said. “He has apologised unreservedly and I do think that is the right thing for him to do.”

So Rees-Mogg knows he fucked-up and apologised for it and yet you want to play semantics.

So now Woody2 you can explain why Dominic Cummings has put Rees-Mogg on the naughty step for the duration when according to you he's done nothing wrong...?  :)

uncleverly cleverly is that the best you can do......:lol:

naughty step? #fakenews......he was at the cenotaph this morning.......

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Fury as decision on police inquiry into PM shelved until after election

Labour ‘shocked’ as police watchdog freezes investigation into Jennifer Arcuri scandal

The scandal over Boris Johnson’s friendship with technology entrepreneur Jennifer Arcuri was reignited on Saturday after the Observer revealed that the independent police watchdog has delayed its announcement on whether the PM should face an investigation into possible criminal misconduct until after the election.

The decision prompted fury from Westminster politicians and London assembly members who said it appeared that a ruling had been “suppressed” in order to protect Johnson from potentially damaging headlines at a crucial stage of the election campaign.

Certainly puts a question mark over the IOCP's impartiality.

The attacks on the cornerstones of our democracy just keep coming.....


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14 minutes ago, woody2 said:

uncleverly cleverly is that the best you can do......:lol:

naughty step? #fakenews......he was at the cenotaph this morning.......

So explain why Rees-Mogg apologised unreservedly?

I can't help thinking you won't be seeing much of JRM on the telly...

ETA - I would have been appalled if any tv crew etc had doorstepped not just JRM but any politico at or after the Remembrance Service. Something Woody2 clearly can't understand....

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3 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Fury as decision on police inquiry into PM shelved until after election

Labour ‘shocked’ as police watchdog freezes investigation into Jennifer Arcuri scandal

The scandal over Boris Johnson’s friendship with technology entrepreneur Jennifer Arcuri was reignited on Saturday after the Observer revealed that the independent police watchdog has delayed its announcement on whether the PM should face an investigation into possible criminal misconduct until after the election.

The decision prompted fury from Westminster politicians and London assembly members who said it appeared that a ruling had been “suppressed” in order to protect Johnson from potentially damaging headlines at a crucial stage of the election campaign.

Certainly puts a question mark over the IOCP's impartiality.

The attacks on the cornerstones of our democracy just keep coming.....



Government rules £100,000 given to Jennifer Arcuri's company 'appropriate'


bj had nothing to do with it......

labours kant referred him to the independent office of police conduct.......

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2 minutes ago, woody2 said:


Government rules £100,000 given to Jennifer Arcuri's company 'appropriate'


bj had nothing to do with it......

labours kant referred him to the independent office of police conduct.......

It's not the governments call. Jeeeeze....

That'll be the government that Gina Miller and others dragged through the High Court to prove it's not omnipotent.

Don't you know anything...?

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