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UK General Election Dec 2019


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It doesn't make any difference who wins the election, they are all virtually the same.  I'm not just being cynical.  If you look at early to mid 20th century politics, there were very clear differences between the parties (or "clear blue water" to use political-speak) - the Tories mainly representing the interests of the landowning and monied classes and Labour mainly representing the interests of the working classes and the labour unions.  Starting around the time of Tony Blair's New Labour, the differences have become less and less until now they are virtually indistinguishable.  Both parties believe in (or profess to believe in) infinite/perpetual economic growth, Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), lowering taxes and increasing public spending simultaneously, pay lip service to climate change but still plan to expand airports, and so on.  Brexit won't make any difference either - in the long run it will just be a footnote in history and people will wonder what all the fuss was about.  The Boer War was a really big deal at the time, but can anyone remember now what it was about or what the result was?  Er, something to do with whether to pay taxes to the Orange Free State or the British Empire?  And the outcome was...er...something or other but it's all settled now.

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46 minutes ago, BallaDoc said:

It doesn't make any difference who wins the election, they are all virtually the same. 

I disagree.  This is the first time in recent years where Labour and the Conservative Party are clearly different from each other.  Labour have jumped to the left, the Conservatives have stepped to the right.


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1 hour ago, BallaDoc said:

It doesn't make any difference who wins the election, they are all virtually the same.

There is a massive difference.

One party foisted the totally stupid and unnecessary brexit on the UK. When we leave I hope they will be in power to take any brown and smelly hitting the air-con unit....

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2 hours ago, BallaDoc said:

It doesn't make any difference who wins the election, they are all virtually the same.  I'm not just being cynical.  If you look at early to mid 20th century politics, there were very clear differences between the parties (or "clear blue water" to use political-speak) - the Tories mainly representing the interests of the landowning and monied classes and Labour mainly representing the interests of the working classes and the labour unions.  Starting around the time of Tony Blair's New Labour, the differences have become less and less until now they are virtually indistinguishable.  Both parties believe in (or profess to believe in) infinite/perpetual economic growth, Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), lowering taxes and increasing public spending simultaneously, pay lip service to climate change but still plan to expand airports, and so on.  Brexit won't make any difference either - in the long run it will just be a footnote in history and people will wonder what all the fuss was about.  The Boer War was a really big deal at the time, but can anyone remember now what it was about or what the result was?  Er, something to do with whether to pay taxes to the Orange Free State or the British Empire?  And the outcome was...er...something or other but it's all settled now.

Maybe if you'd written it 10 years ago. But that's a long time in politics.

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2 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

I disagree.  This is the first time in recent years where Labour and the Conservative Party are clearly different from each other.  Labour have jumped to the left, the Conservatives have stepped to the right.


evidence? :whistling:

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I predict a Tory-Brexit party mash up. Tories won’t stand in traditional Labour leave areas to allow the Brexit party in. Brexit party won’t stand in strong remain areas and hope Tories win with opposition votes shares between libdems and lab. 

SNP to win all of Scotland. 

Probably a real mess. I’d quite like to see Corbyn as PM - not because I think he’d do a good job necessarily, but because it might be more entertaining for a relatively distant observer. 

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I'll stick in my oar and probably be proved completely wrong. The last one I called was 2015.

Personally I doubt that the Brexit Party Ltd will do as well as anyone isn't yet predicting but probably will. Their only role is as a threat - to both Labour and the Conservatives. In this respect they are simply troublemakers. My best guess is that their time will never come.

I doubt they've got the organisation or useful local data required to run multiple candidates - especially against Labour. Let alone the money. And their candidates are a ragbag of ex communists and  inveterate contrarians. They will fall apart under any serious media scrutiny.

The Brexit Party Ltd started this week trying to talk up the bogus idea that Conservative candidates in their droves were reaching out begging them  not to run. Because they definitely want some kind of deal with the Conservatives and want to still be part of the story (let's be honest: Farage hasn't got another job). Even though Cummings and Farage hate each other. Even though No 10 has said in public that Farage is not fit to be "anywhere near government" - which is true - he's a complete toady. Already now they are scaling back and talking about only running in solid Labour constituencies in the grim north and midlands. Best case scenario, they split the vote and let the Lib Dems pick a few unexpected seats ooop north.

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