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UK General Election Dec 2019


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13 hours ago, woolley said:

No. Traitorism, treachery and treason are all valid and each have their nuances. Treachery has a wider usage. I used traitorism purposefully and I am content with it.

"Selling the country down the pan to make your disaster capitalist mates a ton of money" is entirely anecdotal, put about by liberal Europhiles without evidence. You do not protect the rights of the people by thwarting their democratically expressed will.

But you do make yourself and your disaster capitalist mates a boat load of cash by steering public opinion towards Exit.

"...liberal Europhiles without evidence."  And yet the evidence continues to mount daily, regardless of whether you acknowledge it.

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8 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Sovereignty is conceded by the weaker party in a trade deal in almost every clause in every paragraph. Acting alone and outside of any trade bloc the U.K. would be in a weaker position than almost any other country on Earth. That is why the US, Russia and China are delighted with Brexit. It will not just be the end of the British Empire, it will be the beginning of what the Chinese would call a century of humiliation. For this to happen not as a result of losing a war, but because a bunch of money-obsessed spivs managed to convince the gullible that it was the patriotic thing to do is sad and ironic. I’m not going to accuse any brexiter of treachery or traitorism, because I don’t believe most of them see that they are knackering the country, and they certainly aren’t going to profit from it. Lord Nige, on the other hand, seems to hold the general public, and particularly his followers, in utter contempt. 

what rot........

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56 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Labour putting forward the idea of free broadband for all. They really are deluded.

I could see people falling for it.

Britain will be even more fucked than it is already if Corbyn gets in. First Brexit, then state control.

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1 hour ago, pongo said:

I could see people falling for it.

Britain will be even more fucked than it is already if Corbyn gets in. First Brexit, then state control.

it's a great idea......ripping off pension pots........largely owned by public sector workers.......:lol:

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11 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:



I hope it has Boris Johnson's Conservatives written on the side of it, a la Jo Swinson's Liberal Democrats. It makes them look like some ageing rockers desperately trying to tour some old rock group when the line up only contains the original drummer.

Libs are always behind the curve. Theresa Mayhem tried having her name on the bus. Did her no good. 

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3 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

Labour putting forward the idea of free broadband for all. They really are deluded.

There will be regular bold initiatives like this announced throughout the campaign. I hear that the final one before the election will be the pledge of a yearly free trip for every family to see Father Christmas in Lapland. 

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47 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

I suppose until any of the parties actually publish a manifesto they can make any claim they want.


Personally, I'm glad I'm not voting in the election. All parties are a shower of you know what.

It's come down to voting for the best of the worst or tactical voting to keep Labour/Moment out

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