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UK General Election Dec 2019


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58 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

I believe that the Brexit Party will announce their manifesto tomorrow.

I heard on the radio yesterday that they are going to have some surprising environmental policies. 

They're going to ban all so-called "brain foods" in the hope people will still vote for them.

Totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson racked up this scoreline in the tv so-called "debate" -

"Get brexit done" - eight times

"Take back control" - three times.

Enthralling stuff. I'm so sorry I missed it not....

I did catch a little of a wash-up session where a brexiteer told a youngster how there would be plenty of time to sort other issues once they "get brexit done" so mindless empty soundbites clearly do work on some folks. Especially those who don't realise that once we exit the EU there's an awful lot left to do that will help shape the UK's GDP for the next decade or so.

But hell, we'll get blue passports...

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Is it suddenly the First of April...?

Priti Patel says Tory government not to blame for poverty in UK

Home secretary condemned as ‘out of touch’ after appearing to pass buck on to local authorities


It's like the appalling stunt where they tried to make it look as though Kier Starmer wasn't answering the question. Plus Maitlis tried to take James Misnomer Cleverly to task over the ridiculous fact check twitter feed they set up. He made it clear he didn't give a toss. Now the Brexit Referendum clearly showed up how stupid and gullible some folks are. But Cummings et al currently in charge at #10 really are cheapening our whole democratic system. Sure it was a pretty low bar in the first place but this nonsense seems to be going completely unchecked and that is really bad for our democracy.

Worth a read:

Democracy relies on accurate information. If voters are subjected to a cacophony of political claims between which it is almost impossible to sift fact from fiction, how can they be said to have made a meaningful choice? This is why the proliferation of “fake news” – false, fabricated or deliberately misleading information – poses such an existential threat to the legitimacy of the democratic process.

This election campaign is highlighting the extent to which it is not just shadowy players in the background who are involved in spreading fake news. It is increasingly something that certain politicians, in particular, the Tory party under Boris Johnson, are themselves creating and propagating in an effort to discredit their rivals.

It would be naive to imagine politics has ever been immune to spin and exaggeration. But until a few years ago, there was an assumption that most of what our leaders said would have some basis in fact and if a politician were caught telling a bare-faced lie, there would be political consequences. This helped to keep politics honest far more than any rule or law.

Last week’s campaigning shows how much this honour code has broken down.



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The Tory Party are really going for it aren't they?  Not only did they re-brand their twitter account to a suggest it was a fact checking source they have now created this website;


Are they really that worried that Corbyn's Labour party will win that they feel the need to stoop to this type of nonsense?  I thought the leadership and Boris Johnson and their policy of "Get Brexit Done" were all they needed to return a majority?

British politics is really going downhill rapidly if this is what one (if not both) of the major parties start doing.

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On 10/30/2019 at 10:41 AM, woolley said:


I predict another Conservative government with a small majority. I predict that the Brexit Party will come up short, mainly as a consequence of Farage's bizarre withdrawal of candidates based on a single comment made by the PM. Labour voters aren't stupid enough to vote Brexit Party if they know it's a de facto vote for a Conservative government -- they're more likely to vote UKIP (post-Farage) as a protest vote or not vote at all. I had high hopes up until Farage made that blunder. A more important question than who wins a working majority is whether there will be a delivery of Brexit. I don't think there will be. It will be Brexit in name only. We've been betrayed.

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2 hours ago, timetraveler said:

I predict another Conservative government with a small majority. I predict that the Brexit Party will come up short, mainly as a consequence of Farage's bizarre withdrawal of candidates based on a single comment made by the PM. Labour voters aren't stupid enough to vote Brexit Party if they know it's a de facto vote for a Conservative government -- they're more likely to vote UKIP (post-Farage) as a protest vote or not vote at all. I had high hopes up until Farage made that blunder. A more important question than who wins a working majority is whether there will be a delivery of Brexit. I don't think there will be. It will be Brexit in name only. We've been betrayed.


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On 11/17/2019 at 10:29 AM, P.K. said:

Excuse me but as I have found over the years a voice of sensible moderation and balance is simply not welcome on MF.

I go to the newsagents and watch them unload piles and piles of The Telegraph, The Express, The Sun and particularly The Daily Wail and it's easy to understand why.

You do know they're all English newspapers right?

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9 hours ago, Lagman said:

You do know they're all English newspapers right?

I'm fully aware that they are rabidly right wing nonsense printed in the UK in total thrall to the owner's agenda who specifically target the hard of thinking and hundreds and hundreds are delivered to the island every day.

You do know that if UK financials catch a cold the IOM sneezes right?

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1 hour ago, Freggyragh said:

Anyone see Johnson make a tit of himself on Leader’s QT tonight? Won’t matter as his demographic will mostly be in Spoons on a Friday night - but shocking moronic  performances from the both the Tory and Lib Dem candidates. 

Totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson knows only too well that his "supporters" will happily believe that the moon is made of cheese if it means they will get their totally stupid and unnecessary brexit.

Fortunately for them it's clear that they have absolutely no idea what that means.

I do hope that they find out over time....

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18 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Anyone see Johnson make a tit of himself on Leader’s QT tonight? Won’t matter as his demographic will mostly be in Spoons on a Friday night - but shocking moronic  performances from the both the Tory and Lib Dem candidates. 

I think you expect too much. They are all woeful. I always wonder why they give such lame, repetitive and formulaic answers to questions and have come to the conclusion that they are incapable of better. I could make a more compelling case for each of the party stances. 

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18 minutes ago, woolley said:

I think you expect too much. They are all woeful. I always wonder why they give such lame, repetitive and formulaic answers to questions and have come to the conclusion that they are incapable of better. I could make a more compelling case for each of the party stances. 

More likely they've been spoon fed anti-fuckup rhetoric until they're pretty much brain dead.

Johnson's constant "get brexit done" hollow shallow soundbite shows that he knows, or more likely Cummings knows, that it's all he has to do to get a majority.

It's just pathetic what our democracy has been reduced to....

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I see that it’s being reported today, via an opinion poll, that Johnson’s right wing splinter group, formerly known as the Conservative party, has a 19 point lead. Setting aside for the moment the fact that opinion polls are as reliable as a DoI road surface, it seems incredible that an incompetent, pathological liar funded by dirty Russian money should be so far ahead. There are two reasons; all the leave votes are aligning behind Johnson whereas the remainers are split between Labour and LibDem (led by a nothingness hole in the air) and, secondly, Corbyn is the least electable leader of a political party in the history of modern British politics. What a desperate sink of hopelessness British politics and democracy has become.

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