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UK General Election Dec 2019


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1 hour ago, woolley said:

If you chaps believe that the "status quo" is a steady state then clearly you haven't been watching the EU evolving over recent decades. The naivety is quite astonishing. 

So are you claiming that the UK steady growth of GDP in the EU isn't true?

Or are you just doing your usual by trying to give the impression that only you know what's really going on and that the EU is actually run by Evil Goblins intent on world domination and the rest of us are so stupid because we can't see it?

Trouble is that pesky GDP figure just keeps coming back to haunt you...

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18 hours ago, hagar the horrible said:

I would like to add the SNP motormouth gobshite Ian Blackford  to my list, not sure of the gender but certainly comes across as an old woman.

At least he's elected. Sturgeon isn't even standing as an MP. What democratic remit does she have?

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9 hours ago, woolley said:

If you chaps believe that the "status quo" is a steady state then clearly you haven't been watching the EU evolving over recent decades. The naivety is quite astonishing. 

Or, the paranioa, mistrust and "looking for a boogey man under the bed" of some is quite tiresome.

But thank you for wanting to remove my rights for some unicorn pipe dream based on wishes and "hopes".

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Anyone would think by the way the "Right aligned" print media, the BBC, the Chief Rabbi and certain posters on here go on about anti-semitism in the Labour party, it doesn't exist in other parties.

Oh wait...



While this bordering on "whataboutism", I am not raising this to "defend" anything anyone says (unless it is criticism of the Israel Government's actions - which is not anti-semitism), but to point out that the so-called Labour anti-semitism "problem" is being massively over played in an orchestrated attempt by the Tories and some members of Corbyns own party (the Blairite faithful) to prevent not only a Labour Government but also a Corbyn Government,



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I know straight away that certain posters are automatically going to dismiss the article because the writer if the founder of Momentum, but try reading the piece with the understanding that the writer is also a Jewish man as well.

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"Boris Johnson's Conservative Party election campaign received a six-figure donation from the wife of a former finance minister and ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The prime minister's party received £5.7 million in donations in the first week of the campaign, mostly from senior business figures and hedge funds, more than 25 times the amount raised by the opposition Labour Party.

One of the largest single donors was Lubov Chernukhin, the wife of the Russian oligarch Vladimir Chernukhin. She donated £200,000 to the Conservative campaign.

Chernukhin previously paid £160,000 for a tennis match with Johnson and £135,000 for a night out with former Prime Minister Theresa May.

The donation came as Johnson refused to publish a report by Parliament's Intelligence and Security Committee about potential Russian interference in recent UK elections.

The committee looked into donations from nine Russian sources, according to a report by The Sunday Times.

Johnson blocked the report, which was set to be published before the election campaign, because of fears that the information would damage his chance of winning the UK general election next month, sources told The Times."

So...not only is BoJo compromised, the Tory party as a whole is compromised.  Vote with your conscience...


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10 hours ago, P.K. said:

So are you claiming that the UK steady growth of GDP in the EU isn't true?

Or are you just doing your usual by trying to give the impression that only you know what's really going on and that the EU is actually run by Evil Goblins intent on world domination and the rest of us are so stupid because we can't see it?

Trouble is that pesky GDP figure just keeps coming back to haunt you...

No. You made all of that up. 

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27 minutes ago, woolley said:

You could try your brain instead. Momentum is very dangerous. Corbyn is the benign face of an extremely ugly creature. 

Says the right whinger straight out of the Daily Wail.

Of course, totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson can only be good for the UK.

Yeah, right....

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3 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:


I know straight away that certain posters are automatically going to dismiss the article because the writer if the founder of Momentum, but try reading the piece with the understanding that the writer is also a Jewish man as well.

I read it, and I have no problem in accepting it as being probably true.  There's likely to be racism/anti-Semitism/islamophobia in all political parties to a certain extent, just as there is amongst the electorate as a whole.  I think when it comes to voting it makes little difference.  Yesterday's announcements by the chief rabbi on the one side, and the muslim council of Britain on the other will not make a jot of difference.

This election, as most others, is about the economy (yes Brexit too, but mostly the economy).  Corbyn's aims, while laudable, are simply not deliverable nor economically credible.  The wheels have already begun to fall off Labour's costings and promises that the lower paid will not pay more tax.  After 40 years of tory/tory-lite rule the country is not about to vote for the alternative which has failed everywhere else.  I'm not a fan of BJ, and would certainly have preferred Hunt as PM, but he will not be as bad as Corbyn and his backers, and those are the only realistic choices.

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8 minutes ago, wrighty said:

...but he will not be as bad as Corbyn and his backers, and those are the only realistic choices.

So despite BoJo being compromised to the Russians, and the latest layer in a shit sandwich which has seen austerity, cuts and division, you think Corbyn is the worse option of the two?

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22 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Of course I did.

There, you must feel all superior again....

Not hard around here.

18 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Says the right whinger straight out of the Daily Wail.

Of course, totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson can only be good for the UK.

Yeah, right....

Would not waste my time on the Mail. Johnson is a tosser.

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