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UK General Election Dec 2019


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54 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

So despite BoJo being compromised to the Russians, and the latest layer in a shit sandwich which has seen austerity, cuts and division, you think Corbyn is the worse option of the two?

He isn't compromised to the Russians. He simply has donations from wealthy bods a few of whom happen to be Russian. Are you silly enough to believe that this obliges him do Putin's bidding?

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3 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

So despite BoJo being compromised to the Russians, and the latest layer in a shit sandwich which has seen austerity, cuts and division, you think Corbyn is the worse option of the two?

Yes.  The 'shit sandwich' you describe was a direct result of the global financial crash that happened under the last Labour government (not that they could have done a thing about it) and that Tory policy has been trying to address for the past 9 years.

I like Corbyn's Europe policy, and don't mind at all that he's not nailing his flag to the mast - I think he's dead right to offer a further referendum now the electorate understand the practical implications of Brexit more than they did 3 years ago.  But when he heads up a manifesto that promises 80+ Billion of spending, and then announces another 50 Billion (uncosted) to deal with pension issues initiated by the last Labour (or tory-lite if you like) government then I don't think he can be trusted financially, which will hurt everyone, not just billionaires who own multi-national companies like they make out.

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2 minutes ago, woolley said:

He isn't compromised to the Russians. He simply has donations from wealthy bods a few of whom happen to be rich. Are you silly enough to believe that this obliges him do Putin's bidding?

If you had read the article I posted (clearly you haven't), you would see the extent to which the donations are and who from.

You would have also read that the has been attending "functions" held by Russians.

But you wont read the article because it challenges your perception of the bumbling traitor.

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3 minutes ago, wrighty said:

...which will hurt everyone, not just billionaires who own multi-national companies like they make out.

The way I have read it, it only is going to "hurt" if you earn more than £82k a year, which is 5% of the countries earners (top 5% earn more than £73k I think I read somewhere).


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9 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

If you had read the article I posted (clearly you haven't), you would see the extent to which the donations are and who from.

You would have also read that the has been attending "functions" held by Russians.

But you wont read the article because it challenges your perception of the bumbling traitor.

I had a look but you posted the meat of it above anyway. They are trying to do a Trump job on Johnson by saying he's run by the Russians. Do you believe that he is?

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8 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

The way I have read it, it only is going to "hurt" if you earn more than £82k a year, which is 5% of the countries earners (top 5% earn more than £73k I think I read somewhere).


If you believe that nonsense then you really will believe anything.

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3 minutes ago, woolley said:

I had a look but you posted the meat of it above anyway. They are trying to do a Trump job on Johnson by saying he's run by the Russians. Do you believe that he is?

"A Trump job", you mean trying to keep the highest office in the country honest and legal?

Party donations are a matter of legal record, so are you saying the report lied?

Why is he stopping the report from coming out if he has nothing to hide?

Your slavish refusal to acknowledge this is worrying.

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19 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

That isn't refuting what I said, just empty hand waving.

If you really didn't understand, I am saying that if you believe all of Corbyn's promises can be paid for by making only the top 5% pay "a little more", then you are fiscally illiterate. That is refuting what you said.

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22 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

"A Trump job", you mean trying to keep the highest office in the country honest and legal?

Party donations are a matter of legal record, so are you saying the report lied?

Why is he stopping the report from coming out if he has nothing to hide?

Your slavish refusal to acknowledge this is worrying.

I suppose because the hard of thinking will jump to the same conclusion as you.

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6 minutes ago, woolley said:

If you really didn't understand, I am saying that if you believe all of Corbyn's promises can be paid for by making only the top 5% pay "a little more", then you are fiscally illiterate. That is refuting what you said.

This is what Corbyn's plan amounts to. Looks like the Britbot didn't watch it...

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1 hour ago, wrighty said:

the global financial crash that happened under the last Labour government (not that they could have done a thing about it) and that Tory policy has been trying to address for the past 9 years

Which party set the groundwork for that financial crash in the UK?

As someone who works in the NHS  (or did do at least) what is your view on the allegations that the Tory party are planning on selling off more of the NHS or even as going as far as replicating the US healthcare system?  What about the pledge for 50,000 new nurses over 10 (!!!) years?

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