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UK General Election Dec 2019


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4 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Again, not the question.  Not sure why such a simple question is vexing someone who lords himself as some bastion of common sense and intellect.

If you wouldn't pick Tory or Labour, which of Green, Lib Dems, Brexit Party or UKIP would you choose?

I would have to hold my nose and go Tory. 

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1 minute ago, woolley said:

You're on a roll. Why not deny that it doesn't stop those executed from reoffending too? I'm sure you could find a liberal work written by some saintly bearded head-the-ball to prove it. 

And what about the wrongly accused?  How do you deal with that?  I'm sure you could find a conservative work written by some gammony sort?

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"In 2018, 42 death sentences were imposed and 25 people were executed, according to the Death Penalty Information Center. In the United States, execution is carried out by lethal injection, electrocution, lethal gas, hanging, or firing squad. Lethal injection is the primary method in all 50 states with the other alternate methods available, at the condemned’s request, in several states.

Not everyone who is sentenced to death is executed. Since the punishment is permanent, the U.S. legal system provides many opportunities for the defense to avoid it. Between 1973 and 2013, around 75% of those who received the death penalty were not executed. Around one-third had their sentences overturned on appeal. Reasons included:

  • The underlying statute was unconstitutional.
  • The defendant was declared not guilty.
  • The defendant was found guilty but sentenced to a lesser punishment.
  • Others weren't executed because they died of natural causes awaiting execution or had their sentences commuted.

Seeking the death penalty is expensive. The total includes all the costs that occur between the prosecutor's decision to seek the death sentence and ultimately the execution, if it occurs."

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Just now, woolley said:

Ok Having prised that out of me. Give us the wisdom of your selection. 

Right, well certainly not the Tories, Brexit or UKIP (basically the same shit, just different shades of brown).

A vote for the Lib Dems or Green only dilutes the chances of toppling the Tories, so it has to be Labour.

Corbyn isn't my first choice, but an easy pick over Bumble Bollocks Johnson and the Tories.

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29 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:


"In 2018, 42 death sentences were imposed and 25 people were executed, according to the Death Penalty Information Center. In the United States, execution is carried out by lethal injection, electrocution, lethal gas, hanging, or firing squad. Lethal injection is the primary method in all 50 states with the other alternate methods available, at the condemned’s request, in several states.

Not everyone who is sentenced to death is executed. Since the punishment is permanent, the U.S. legal system provides many opportunities for the defense to avoid it. Between 1973 and 2013, around 75% of those who received the death penalty were not executed. Around one-third had their sentences overturned on appeal. Reasons included:

  • The underlying statute was unconstitutional.
  • The defendant was declared not guilty.
  • The defendant was found guilty but sentenced to a lesser punishment.
  • Others weren't executed because they died of natural causes awaiting execution or had their sentences commuted.

Seeking the death penalty is expensive. The total includes all the costs that occur between the prosecutor's decision to seek the death sentence and ultimately the execution, if it occurs."

I would ensure that it was very inexpensive. Only an idiot would make the cost argument. It clearly doesn't stand scrutiny when comparing execution to a lifetime of supervision in the system, likely reoffending, "rehabilitation", all manner of flapping white coats and worthies giving their opinion on fitness for release, upkeep,  healthcare etc. Don't be daft. 

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

Death penalty not a deterrent?  Works wonders for repeat offending. How many innocent victims would still be alive today or unmolested?  No better than barbaric Middle East countries?  Nothing barbaric about making the punishment fit the crime and exacting the ultimate retribution from the perpetrators of the most heinous. As ever, your wet liberal tendencies render you incapable of seeing that you are too civilised to protect the innocent from harm. That is not a caring society. 

 "Police statistics show that 41 per cent of those being caught for knife crimes across London’s boroughs are now aged between 15 and 19.

"Another 8 per cent are younger still, ranging in age from 10 to 14"

So you would incarcerate these kids and execute them on their 18th birthday?

Yes, I can see that working....

It's such a joke the way the right whingers equate liberal as being weak-willed or whatever.

I have a suspicion that's because they don't like the fact that some folks can hold higher ideals than they themselves can.

The hang 'em and flog 'em brigade always falls down on the simple fact that the justice system is run by people and as we all know people fuck up.

End of.

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3 minutes ago, woolley said:

I would ensure that it was very inexpensive. Only an idiot would make the cost argument. It clearly doesn't stand scrutiny when comparing execution to a lifetime of supervision in the system, likely reoffending, "rehabilitation", all manner of flapping white coats and worthies giving their opinion on fitness for release, upkeep,  healthcare etc. Don't be daft. 

So how would you make it "inexpensive"?  Do away with due process?  Appeals? 

The "cost" comes from ensuring that a process is followed to try and ensure that people aren't wrongly executed (not a problem in Woolster totalitarian dream, where wrong un's are 110% guilty and shot the moment they leave the court room).

Again, more empty knee jerk hand waving.

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2 minutes ago, P.K. said:


It's such a joke the way the right whingers equate liberal as being weak-willed or whatever.

I have a suspicion that's because they don't like the fact that some folks can hold higher ideals than they themselves 

High ideals! :D Very nice for you, but we live in a world that doesn't have. 

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