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UK General Election Dec 2019


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I’d find it hard to back anyone not prepared to be interviewed by Brillopad or to debate climate issues. For this evening’s climate debate de Pfeffel probably knows he is too ill-informed to take part. Having said that, it’s a shame C4 won’t accept cokehead Gove instead - although he is a cretin on most subjects I’d guess he understands environmental issues much better than Corbyn.

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10 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

And what about the wrongly accused?  How do you deal with that?  I'm sure you could find a conservative work written by some gammony sort?

Few and far between. It is a lesser risk than releasing murderers and rapists into society to do the same again. A calculated risk, but one worth taking in the light of the alternative risk, particularly in these days of accurate dna profiling.

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10 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

Right, well certainly not the Tories, Brexit or UKIP (basically the same shit, just different shades of brown).

A vote for the Lib Dems or Green only dilutes the chances of toppling the Tories, so it has to be Labour.

Corbyn isn't my first choice, but an easy pick over Bumble Bollocks Johnson and the Tories.

Basically Momentum and the trade unions to run things then.

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10 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

So how would you make it "inexpensive"?  Do away with due process?  Appeals? 

The "cost" comes from ensuring that a process is followed to try and ensure that people aren't wrongly executed (not a problem in Woolster totalitarian dream, where wrong un's are 110% guilty and shot the moment they leave the court room).

Again, more empty knee jerk hand waving.

No, your argument isn't even logical. All of those costs come prior to the final verdict after any appeal, so would apply whatever the sentence. The long list of costs I posted earlier are incurred during and after non-capital sentence, during incarceration, continuing assessment, release, possible rearrest for future crimes, retrial,  etc. etc. To contend that all of that is less costly than a one time and done execution is ridiculous.

Make your liberal pleadings for the wellbeing of the scum of the Earth if you must, but don't try to hide behind the disingenuous facade of a cost-benefit analysis.

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3 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

I’d find it hard to back anyone not prepared to be interviewed by Brillopad or to debate climate issues. For this evening’s climate debate de Pfeffel probably knows he is too ill-informed to take part. Having said that, it’s a shame C4 won’t accept cokehead Gove instead - although he is a cretin on most subjects I’d guess he understands environmental issues much better than Corbyn.

I'd say he understands most things better then Corbyn and Johnson put together. He is pretty smart, certainly no cretin. However, if I'd been Johnson he would be nowhere near my cabinet after his previous treachery during the leadership campaign in 2016. It was he who handed the leadership to Theresa Mayhem, and look how that went. Three wasted years.

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

Of course I can see it, but then I can see Disney too. Open your eyes. The real world is not like that.

Of course it's not.

However unless people strive for something better it simply won't change.

Hence "Actually very nice for everyone."

That's the bit you can't see.

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1 minute ago, P.K. said:

Of course it's not.

However unless people strive for something better it simply won't change.

Hence "Actually very nice for everyone."

That's the bit you can't see.

The bit you can't see is that it is just your pipe dream like it was John Lennon's. "Imagine all the people........" Sadly, that's all it will ever be. Imagination.

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4 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

I’d find it hard to back anyone not prepared to be interviewed by Brillopad or to debate climate issues. For this evening’s climate debate de Pfeffel probably knows he is too ill-informed to take part. Having said that, it’s a shame C4 won’t accept cokehead Gove instead - although he is a cretin on most subjects I’d guess he understands environmental issues much better than Corbyn.

It would appear Gove turned up at C4 and requested they ask the other candidates if he could take the place of totally amoral serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson.

So they asked the other candidates who very wisely decided not to cheapen the discussion with constant references to "Getting Brexit Done" or whatever...

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Just now, woolley said:

The bit you can't see is that it is just your pipe dream like it was John Lennon's. "Imagine all the people........" Sadly, that's all it will ever be. Imagination.

Don't be stupid. I'm sure there's a lot more advancements that can and will be made...

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

Right up to the point that you, or a family member or friend are wrongly convicted then your tune would change.

As always, Woolster's posts are flavoured with a total lack of empathy, and derived from an I'm alright boomer white privilege background, with his "real world" experience coming from accidentally watching Channel 5 for a few seconds

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