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UK General Election Dec 2019


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3 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Right up to the point that you, or a family member or friend are wrongly convicted then your tune would change.

Chances vanishingly small, akin to winning the lottery.

I turn it around to you. At the point a family member or friend is raped or murdered by a released reoffender YOU would change your tune. But then probably not.

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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:

As always, Woolster's posts are flavoured with a total lack of empathy, and derived from an I'm alright boomer white privilege background, with his "real world" experience coming from accidentally watching Channel 5 for a few seconds

What's Channel 5 got to do with it?

You really do live in some sort of wonderland. In reply to Bees on the Epstein thread, you wrote:

"You have no concept of the complex psychological harm these girls and women have been subjected to and the complex situation they were in. You are a terrible person, and should be ashamed of yourself."

So how do you square this with accusing me of a lack of empathy when I am standing up for the protection of victims such as those allegedly abused by Epstein et al? You have appalling double standards. How much empathy is it necessary to have with rapists and murderers in your world? I am happy to confirm that I have none.

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11 minutes ago, woolley said:

Chances vanishingly small, akin to winning the lottery.

I turn it around to you. At the point a family member or friend is raped or murdered by a released reoffender YOU would change your tune. But then probably not.

Unfortunately I have had a friend murdered in cold blood so please do not try and lecture me on my position.  

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9 minutes ago, woolley said:

Chances vanishingly small, akin to winning the lottery.

I turn it around to you. At the point a family member or friend is raped or murdered by a released reoffender YOU would change your tune. But then probably not.

Yet people win the lottery with some degree of regularity.

I believe I read recently that 3 people have won over £100 million in the last few years.

So you point is moot.

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Just now, manxman1980 said:

Unfortunately I have had a friend murdered in cold blood so please do not try and lecture me on my position.  

So if that had been a released reoffender would it not have influenced your view?

As it happens I had a relative hanged many years ago. It was a burglary job and he had no part in the murder but was executed on the "joint enterprise" principle. The family was thoroughly ashamed and would not plead for him.

I lectured you on your position no more than you lectured me on mine. I appreciate that as a liberal, you feel a natural entitlement to lecture.

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14 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Yet people win the lottery with some degree of regularity.

I believe I read recently that 3 people have won over £100 million in the last few years.

So you point is moot.

Well, it was a figure of speech. Far lesser chance than winning the lottery and certainly worth it for the overall gain to the many victims. I note that you never take account of the appalling damage to the victims (except victims of the white and privileged such as Epstein). Total lack of empathy and so typically liberal.

However as no party in the election is offering such a sensible and popular option as capital punishment, I will refrain from engaging further in this circular argument in this particular thread.

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21 minutes ago, woolley said:

So if that had been a released reoffender would it not have influenced your view?

As it happens I had a relative hanged many years ago. It was a burglary job and he had no part in the murder but was executed on the "joint enterprise" principle. The family was thoroughly ashamed and would not plead for him.

I lectured you on your position no more than you lectured me on mine. I appreciate that as a liberal, you feel a natural entitlement to lecture.

I am not going to go into details but the person responsible was well known to the Police and Criminal Justice System.  

I went through a lot of anger, grief and personal introspection following the death of my friend - someone who I loved dearly and was very close too.  I will always support the Police and the Justice System but do acknowledge that not every case is a clear cut as this one.  

As a boomer I appreciate that you are a self-entitled know it all. 

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My heart is with Woolley all the way, but when you think it through then cold reality changes my mind. How ‘sure’ does the judge have to be to put on the black cap? Should the jury score their verdict on a scale of how they feel about their verdict? Would that be coloured by their feelings about the crime? Don’t think for a minute that I’m saying the death penalty isn’t warranted for heinous crimes, I just cannot see how it would work. 

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11 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

My heart is with Woolley all the way, but when you think it through then cold reality changes my mind. How ‘sure’ does the judge have to be to put on the black cap? Should the jury score their verdict on a scale of how they feel about their verdict? Would that be coloured by their feelings about the crime? Don’t think for a minute that I’m saying the death penalty isn’t warranted for heinous crimes, I just cannot see how it would work. 

There can be no reality as cold as having a loved one raped or murdered by someone who has been released from prison in a triumph of liberal hope over realistic expectation. It's an imperfect world, Freggy, and all of our endeavours are fallible. We just have to do our best.

And with that, I really will confine my comment on the thread to matters relating to the election.

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11 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Yes, the topic of the death penalty is a minefield, and I agree, my views would change according to circumstance. 


The subject is closed but the link above has information. I remember the last hangings as reported in the Daily Mail of the time. If you are an EU member or have an association you cannot have execution....It is finished. No one left who is trained to do it now...

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