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UK General Election Dec 2019


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17 hours ago, woolley said:

Few and far between. It is a lesser risk than releasing murderers and rapists into society to do the same again. A calculated risk, but one worth taking in the light of the alternative risk, particularly in these days of accurate dna profiling.


Down on my manor we have DIY death sentences...

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2 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:


The subject is closed but the link above has information. I remember the last hangings as reported in the Daily Mail of the time. If you are an EU member or have an association you cannot have execution....It is finished. No one left who is trained to do it now...


1 minute ago, Barrie Stevens said:

Yes, Bazza. When I read your first post it struck me that you'd hardly need a degree.

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47 minutes ago, woolley said:

I saw this:  https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-50598506

And couldn't help thinking of my dear friend PK. The effect he has on me!

Good way to prevent dissenting views, buying up the opposition.

You either start twisting the content to your agenda, or just by being associated with the paper, drive away the readership sending the paper under.

I'd be interested to see how "i"'s view on billionaire tax dodgers changers after the sale.

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5 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:


The subject is closed but the link above has information. I remember the last hangings as reported in the Daily Mail of the time. If you are an EU member or have an association you cannot have execution....It is finished. No one left who is trained to do it now...

Bazza, I just ran this by Mrs. W, and she says she would be happy to kick the stool away nonchalantly, so problem solved.

You can see why we are such a match made in heaven. ;)

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2 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

Good way to prevent dissenting views, buying up the opposition.

You either start twisting the content to your agenda, or just by being associated with the paper, drive away the readership sending the paper under.

I'd be interested to see how "i"'s view on billionaire tax dodgers changers after the sale.

I liked the post for its billionaire tax dodging angle but, as ever, I feel that you and others overestimate the influence of newspapers and particularly this one.

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17 minutes ago, woolley said:

I liked the post for its billionaire tax dodging angle but, as ever, I feel that you and others overestimate the influence of newspapers and particularly this one.

As a right whinger you would say that of course.

If the majority of the UK so-called press was rabidly left wing no doubt you would be singing an entirely different tune.

You're so boringly predictable...

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1 minute ago, P.K. said:

As a right whinger you would say that of course.

If the majority of the UK so-called press was rabidly left wing no doubt you would be singing an entirely different tune.

You're so boringly predictable...

That might have some validity if I was a right winger. I eschew such simplistic labels because my views go across the spectrum depending on the subject at hand.

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9 minutes ago, woolley said:

That might have some validity if I was a right winger. I eschew such simplistic labels because my views go across the spectrum depending on the subject at hand.

So you say.

Over time I have formed a different view.

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On 11/28/2019 at 9:38 AM, woolley said:

Death penalty not a deterrent?  Works wonders for repeat offending. How many innocent victims would still be alive today or unmolested?  No better than barbaric Middle East countries?  Nothing barbaric about making the punishment fit the crime and exacting the ultimate retribution from the perpetrators of the most heinous. As ever, your wet liberal tendencies render you incapable of seeing that you are too civilised to protect the innocent from harm. That is not a caring society. 


On 11/28/2019 at 10:47 AM, RIchard Britten said:

No, it really and demonstrably doesn't.


On 11/28/2019 at 10:53 AM, woolley said:

You're on a roll. Why not deny that it doesn't stop those executed from reoffending too? I'm sure you could find a liberal work written by some saintly bearded head-the-ball to prove it. 


On 11/28/2019 at 11:36 AM, P.K. said:

 It's such a joke the way the right whingers equate liberal as being weak-willed or whatever.

I have a suspicion that's because they don't like the fact that some folks can hold higher ideals than they themselves can.


On 11/28/2019 at 11:43 AM, P.K. said:

Actually very nice for everyone. If you could but see it.


On 11/28/2019 at 9:44 PM, woolley said:

Mistakes few and far between. It is a lesser risk than releasing murderers and rapists into society to do the same again. A calculated risk, but one worth taking in the light of the alternative risk, particularly in these days of accurate dna profiling.


17 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Right up to the point that you, or a family member or friend are wrongly convicted then your tune would change.


15 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

As always, Woolster's posts are flavoured with a total lack of empathy.


14 hours ago, woolley said:

So if that had been a released reoffender would it not have influenced your view?

In the light of events today in London our earlier exchanges turned out to be prescient. This killer of two innocent members of the public (so far) turns out to be a convicted terrorist on early release. Surprise, surprise. Idiot do-gooders strike again. I wonder what our own liberal brethren with their proud sense of empathy with the lawless would be saying to the families of those harmed and slain. They call it empathy. I call it moral cowardice in the system. I do hope that there is a backlash against these nonsensical policies on crime and punishment and that it becomes a cause celebre among the public to get something done about it.

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8 hours ago, woolley said:

Bazza, I just ran this by Mrs. W, and she says she would be happy to kick the stool away nonchalantly, so problem solved.

You can see why we are such a match made in heaven. ;)

Sadly, we are tied to the European Convention on Human Rights. No judicial execution allowed. As founders of the Council of Europe in 1949 it is not going to happen and we will not leave or do anything to be expelled. The right to life and no death penalty is the only absolute right in the Convention. The state can  take life in order to protect the rights and freedoms of others as the Met demonstrated on London Bridge. Mrs W has been watching too many Westerns. 

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9 minutes ago, Barrie Stevens said:

Sadly, we are tied to the European Convention on Human Rights. No judicial execution allowed. As founders of the Council of Europe in 1949 it is not going to happen and we will not leave or do anything to be expelled. The right to life and no death penalty is the only absolute right in the Convention. The state can  take life in order to protect the rights and freedoms of others as the Met demonstrated on London Bridge. Mrs W has been watching too many Westerns. 

On the other hand the Human Rights Convention is meant to be a living instrument subject to changing values as the generations move on so who knows one day judicial execution may return but at the moment it is not fashionable as one might say. The UK as a signatory of the Convention is not even allowed to extradite someone to where they have judicial execution unless the receiving state agrees not to judicially execute. Neil Entwistle wanted for murder was extradited to Massachusetts in 2006 because the state has no death penalty. On the other hand I think it was the terrorist chappie Abu wotsisname not going to look it up but who was extradited to the USA and liable to a death penalty under federal law but the USA agreed not to do it so the UK could let him go. 

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8 hours ago, woolley said:

Bazza, I just ran this by Mrs. W, and she says she would be happy to kick the stool away nonchalantly, so problem solved.

You can see why we are such a match made in heaven. ;)

The last working execution shed in UK demolished. Wandsworth was the control centre for hangings and this one chamber was maintained even after judicial execution had been abolished for crime and then in time even for espionage, treason and arson in HM Dockyards. The hanging kits in boxes were also kept there and sent out to wherever needed.


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