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UK General Election Dec 2019


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1 hour ago, woolley said:

It's under your nose that the current liberal regime is lethal to innocents. A little more opening of your eyes and less burnishing of those lovely high ideals would seem to be in order.  What would you be saying to the bereaved, as a matter of interest?  Presumably you would be telling them what jolly bad luck it was, but never mind because we occupy the moral high ground. What a bankrupt set of values. Let us hope that a popular backlash comes sooner rather than later to sweep these lunatics and their "high ideals" and "empathy"  into the dustbin of history. 

What utter insulting nonsense playing the victim card. Of course I feel for the bereaved. Idiot.

The facts of the matter are that you simply have no defences against a "lone wolf" attack like this one.

Maybe the tories shouldn't have got rid of locking dangerous people up for good if they pose a threat to the public...?

Mind you, mistakes like this do blow away your stupid "Bring back hanging" though....

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52 minutes ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

“Honestly, the closest I can think of Planet Woolley, as well made as it is, with words and sentences doing the best they can under the circumstances, is theme parks. It isn’t the discussion of human beings trying to convey emotional, psychological experiences to another human being.”

This is not cinema either. It's real life where people are regularly killed and maimed. That is seriously emotional if you hadn't noticed. Strange thing that some are so lacking in moral principle that they have more empathy with killers and terrorists than their victims, and then they accuse others of a lack of humanity. A very odd mindset to wear with pride.

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10 minutes ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

@woolley SIck troll, bro!

I have no doubt that you genuinely believe it, because you see no alternative to running a slack regime, giving criminals carte blanche to do as they will while hoping for the best and, when it frequently and inevitably goes pear-shaped, making soothing, empty noises about "keeping the public safe" and "redoubling our efforts to protect our values", before carrying on as before until the next time.

Anyone who wants to break this cycle must be a really sick troll. It needs to become an election issue - but it won't for the politicians beyond the usual blarney.

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26 minutes ago, P.K. said:

What utter insulting nonsense playing the victim card. Of course I feel for the bereaved. Idiot.

Your stated beliefs say otherwise.

The facts of the matter are that you simply have no defences against a "lone wolf" attack like this one.

You did - but you released him from prison, thus forfeiting it.

Maybe the tories shouldn't have got rid of locking dangerous people up for good if they pose a threat to the public...?

Politicians of all colours are responsible. All parties have released dangerous individuals into society.

Mind you, mistakes like this do blow away your stupid "Bring back hanging" though....

Er, no. They reinforce it.


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4 minutes ago, woolley said:

I have no doubt that you genuinely believe it, because you see no alternative to running a slack regime, giving criminals carte blanche to do as they will while hoping for the best and, when it frequently and inevitably goes pear-shaped, making soothing, empty noises about "keeping the public safe" and "redoubling our efforts to protect our values", before carrying on as before until the next time.

Anyone who wants to break this cycle must be a really sick troll. It needs to become an election issue - but it won't for the politicians beyond the usual blarney.

"Running a slack regime" or whatever. The UK isn't Jurby you know.

Let's try one more time to see if the Woolster can finally grasp the truism:

The justice system is run by people and as we all know people fuck up...

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Just now, P.K. said:

The justice system is run by people and as we all know people fuck up...

Oh yes! Big style, and on multiple occasions. So much so that they have abused the privilege for far too long. What a shower.

On something we can agree.

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The Council of Europe was formed after WW2 to try and ensure the horrors of WW2 would not be repeated. Minorities and diversity of opinions are protected, and in 1985 it was agreed that governments will not execute people in peacetime. I’m quite happy with that. I really wouldn’t want any of the current loons running the executive to have the power to pass laws mandating execution for transgressors. Of course I’d be happy enough to see paedos, people traffickers, murderers, terrorists, Class A drug pushers, treasonous politicians working for foreign regimes, serial liars and hate mongers, massive fraudsters, war criminals and wife beaters strung up. The thing is, I know enough about human nature and history to be thankful that no U.K. government for the foreseeable future will allow itself to execute its own citizens, however frustrating that might be on a case by case basis. 

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3 hours ago, woolley said:

Oh yes! Big style, and on multiple occasions. So much so that they have abused the privilege for far too long. What a shower.

On something we can agree.

Where is your proof for "they have abused the privilege" whatever that means...?

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I do not want a fall-out on this, not even an argument, nor am I trolling. But I am genuinely struggling to get where you are coming from.

Could you please have a go at answering the following hypothetical question so that I can try to understand your stance. It is hypothetical (accepted), it puts you on the spot (accepted) It is highly unlikely to happen in real life (accepted). So with all those caveats;

Imagine that there is a lone wolf attacker(s). He has 100 totally innocent victims kneeling down, handcuffed, in front of him. Age decending order, he starts to behead them ( Bit like Beatles did).

You turn up, the only uncuffed individual, you are armed - you alone can take him out. No communication to outside assistance.

What would your actions be? It is down to you entirely as to the fate of the remaining 99 - what would your actions be?

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