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UK General Election Dec 2019


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13 hours ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:


I do not want a fall-out on this, not even an argument, nor am I trolling. But I am genuinely struggling to get where you are coming from.

Could you please have a go at answering the following hypothetical question so that I can try to understand your stance. It is hypothetical (accepted), it puts you on the spot (accepted) It is highly unlikely to happen in real life (accepted). So with all those caveats;

Imagine that there is a lone wolf attacker(s). He has 100 totally innocent victims kneeling down, handcuffed, in front of him. Age decending order, he starts to behead them ( Bit like Beatles did).

You turn up, the only uncuffed individual, you are armed - you alone can take him out. No communication to outside assistance.

What would your actions be? It is down to you entirely as to the fate of the remaining 99 - what would your actions be?

Wrong thread imho.

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London Bridge attack: Boris Johnson ignores family’s plea not to exploit victims' deaths

PM accused of ‘distasteful’ attempt to turn London Bridge attack into election issue

Boris Johnson has been accused of twisting the facts of the London Bridge terror attack in a “distasteful” attempt to turn it into an election issue, as he tried to blame Labour for the release of the terrorist who stabbed two people to death.

Despite one of the victims’ families pleading for their son’s death not to be used as an excuse for kneejerk political reaction, Johnson claimed that “a lefty government” was responsible for Usman Khan being freed.

The family of Jack Merritt called for the murder of “our beautiful, talented boy” to not be exploited for political gain, as police named the second victim as Saskia Jones, a prisoner rehabilitation volunteer.


A new nadir in UK politics courtesy of totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson...

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1 minute ago, hagar the horrible said:

If Corbyn and labour were to be elected with a clear majority the gap between rich and poor would definitely be eliminated, the whole population would become impoverished.

Not sure about that. I'll probably vote labour as it's the best way to unseat my local MP (George Eustice).

I'd rather have Blair, but anyone is better than rotten Boris.

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2 hours ago, GD4ELI said:

Not sure about that. I'll probably vote labour as it's the best way to unseat my local MP (George Eustice).

I'd rather have Blair, but anyone is better than rotten Boris.

I would really like to see putrid Corbyn and labour win so I could sit back and have a good laugh while they annihilate the UK economy trouble is they would annihilate ours too.

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2 hours ago, GD4ELI said:

Not sure about that. I'll probably vote labour as it's the best way to unseat my local MP (George Eustice).

I'd rather have Blair, but anyone is better than rotten Boris.

Have to agree.

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

I suspect that since the referendum the rare commodity of honesty in the tory party is nowadays viewed as a serious career limiting move. Not so long ago a politician lying would have serious consequences. But with the beeb emasculated and the UK rabid right wing press in thrall to the owners' agenda, which is to say pretty much all of it, letting the tories get away with the most obvious of untruths then our democracy looks broken...

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On 12/5/2019 at 6:28 PM, GD4ELI said:

Not sure about that. I'll probably vote labour as it's the best way to unseat my local MP (George Eustice).

I'd rather have Blair, but anyone is better than rotten Boris.

Blair? Totally toxic. Outdated ideas and deluded too. He still makes political speeches totally oblivious to the fact that every time he opens his mouth he turns more people off whatever it is he is advocating.

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

Blair? Totally toxic. Outdated ideas and deluded too. He still makes political speeches totally oblivious to the fact that every time he opens his mouth he turns more people off whatever it is he is advocating.

I always like to hang real £numbers on the issues to cut through all the emotive anecdotal bollox spouted by the ill-informed.

When Blair became PM in 1997 the UK's GDP stood at 1.552tn USD.

When Blair left office in 2007 the UK's GDP stood at 3.074tn USD.

So during Blair's ten year tenure as PM the UK's GDP basically doubled.

Then came the global financial crash that pushed every country's finances in a downward direction. Pain all round.

Consequently when Cameron's Tory/LibDem "Coalition" (in name only) came to power in 2010 the UK's GDP stood at 2.441tn USD.

In 2017 the UK's GDP stood at 2.622tn USD.

Compared to Blair's efforts I would describe the tory results as "modest" at best. Although admittedly in a harsher environment I can't help thinking the Gideon Osborne's austerity measures were a very bad policy idea. Incidentally as "austerity" has officially ended when is VAT going back down to 17.5%?

It's like the UK's growth since Maastricht beating all comers at 122%. Those pesky real £numbers eh Woolster? Always biting your prejudices in the arse...

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