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UK General Election Dec 2019


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2 hours ago, woolley said:

Nah. Politicians used to be treated with great reverence. You simply wouldn't have found out.

Really? Has the U.K. ever had a figure more morally bankrupt in both his personal and public dealings? The English nationalists voting for his lot are wilfully gullible.

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1 hour ago, Freggyragh said:

Has the U.K. ever had a figure more morally bankrupt in both his personal and public dealings? 

Plenty... James Stanley, 7th Earl of Derby. John Profumo. Jeremy Thorpe. Prince Andrew. Prince Eddy. Louis Mountbatten. Reginald Maudling. John Poulsom. T Dan Smith. Even Lloyd George, would you like more..? 

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8 hours ago, P.K. said:

I always like to hang real £numbers on the issues to cut through all the emotive anecdotal bollox spouted by the ill-informed.

When Blair became PM in 1997 the UK's GDP stood at 1.552tn USD.

When Blair left office in 2007 the UK's GDP stood at 3.074tn USD.

So during Blair's ten year tenure as PM the UK's GDP basically doubled.

Then came the global financial crash that pushed every country's finances in a downward direction. Pain all round.

Consequently when Cameron's Tory/LibDem "Coalition" (in name only) came to power in 2010 the UK's GDP stood at 2.441tn USD.

In 2017 the UK's GDP stood at 2.622tn USD.

Compared to Blair's efforts I would describe the tory results as "modest" at best. Although admittedly in a harsher environment I can't help thinking the Gideon Osborne's austerity measures were a very bad policy idea. Incidentally as "austerity" has officially ended when is VAT going back down to 17.5%?

It's like the UK's growth since Maastricht beating all comers at 122%. Those pesky real £numbers eh Woolster? Always biting your prejudices in the arse...

One of the more ridiculous advocacies in your bulging catalogue. Blair inherited the most benign of economic circumstances. Interesting that you measure the value of everything in terms of gdp. 

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8 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Really? Has the U.K. ever had a figure more morally bankrupt in both his personal and public dealings? 

Of course. As I said, politicians were treated with godlike reverence. Even if misdemeanours were known about in the higher echelons they would be hushed up by a complicit media. Nowadays, if you are somewhere you shouldn't be there are likely to be pictures on t'internet before you get home. Then there's all the made up stuff that's taken as gospel. 

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7 hours ago, quilp said:

Plenty... James Stanley, 7th Earl of Derby. John Profumo. Jeremy Thorpe. Prince Andrew. Prince Eddy. Louis Mountbatten. Reginald Maudling. John Poulsom. T Dan Smith. Even Lloyd George, would you like more..? 

The massive two differences being:

1. The dissemination of information these days gets to every level and at speed

2. As a consequence of their actions the done thing used to be was to resign.

Corbyn seems to have some folks leaking info to him of a very damaging nature. Like the recent couple of NHS For Sale and Border in the Irish Sea to name but two. But if you don't read a decent newspaper, which puts you very much in the majority, you would hardly know it was going on.

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40 minutes ago, woolley said:

One of the more ridiculous advocacies in your bulging catalogue. Blair inherited the most benign of economic circumstances. Interesting that you measure the value of everything in terms of gdp. 

Facts are facts and as such irrefutable.

There's nothing at all wrong, and everything right, with measuring the performance of UK PLC via GDP.

Just because the numbers don't suit YOUR prejudices is YOUR problem.

Those pesky real £numbers eh Woolster....?

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24 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Facts are facts and as such irrefutable.

There's nothing at all wrong, and everything right, with measuring the performance of UK PLC via GDP.

Just because the numbers don't suit YOUR prejudices is YOUR problem.

Those pesky real £numbers eh Woolster....?

Keep digging. 

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29 minutes ago, P.K. said:

The massive two differences being:

1. The dissemination of information these days gets to every level and at speed

2. As a consequence of their actions the done thing used to be was to resign.

Corbyn seems to have some folks leaking info to him of a very damaging nature. Like the recent couple of NHS For Sale and Border in the Irish Sea to name but two. But if you don't read a decent newspaper, which puts you very much in the majority, you would hardly know it was going on.

I think you are reading too much into the witterings of lefties writing for that decent newspaper. There is nothing in anything leaked that supports the spin Corbyn is trying to attribute to it. He is using it to hoodwink the easily fooled. Seems like it worked in your case. 

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35 minutes ago, P.K. said:

The massive two differences being:

1. The dissemination of information these days gets to every level and at speed

2. As a consequence of their actions the done thing used to be was to resign.

Corbyn seems to have some folks leaking info to him of a very damaging nature. Like the recent couple of NHS For Sale and Border in the Irish Sea to name but two. But if you don't read a decent newspaper, which puts you very much in the majority, you would hardly know it was going on.

Doesn't matter what gets leaked. The focus will always be on the leakers rather than the content. Corbyn will actually come out looking worse as a result. It's kind of a reverse of the Biden story

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2 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Doesn't matter what gets leaked. The focus will always be on the leakers rather than the content. Corbyn will actually come out looking worse as a result. It's kind of a reverse of the Biden story

It's those Russkies according to Reddit. So Jezza's in league with Putin just like the Donald. Kindred spirits I'd say. 

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