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UK General Election Dec 2019


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32 minutes ago, woolley said:

I think you are reading too much into the witterings of lefties writing for that decent newspaper. There is nothing in anything leaked that supports the spin Corbyn is trying to attribute to it. He is using it to hoodwink the easily fooled. Seems like it worked in your case. 

Not even a good try...

The UK's actual Prime Minister, totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson, was on the Marr show telling the most appalling hairy sphericals and at no time did Marr challenge Johnson's totally imaginary view of the issues. Not even a "My understanding of that differs from yours Prime Minister in that..." or similar.

The inescapable conclusion is that the once most trusted newscaster on the planet is running scared....

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28 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Not even a good try...

The UK's actual Prime Minister, totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson, was on the Marr show telling the most appalling hairy sphericals and at no time did Marr challenge Johnson's totally imaginary view of the issues. Not even a "My understanding of that differs from yours Prime Minister in that..." or similar.

The inescapable conclusion is that the once most trusted newscaster on the planet is running scared....

I note that you didn't address the point that there is nothing in any of the leaked document that confirms Corbyn's assertion that the NHS will be sold. It's a total lie.

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Corbyn knows you cannot appeal to the faithful of English nationalism with logic. He’s putting it in simple terms for the benefit of the thick end of the electorate. Brexit will make everyone who relies on NHS treatments poorer because the U.K. will have to sign away the measures it has taken to keep down costs for the NHS (what Woolley might call ‘sovereignty’) in return for free trade with the US, or anyone else. Why should the US allow the U.K. to sell stuff to them if it’s lucrative insurance and pharmaceutical industries have to compete in the U.K. by the rules of socialised medicine? The very idea belies logic. The EU allows the U.K. to have the NHS and the procurement and intellectual property law that supports it.  No other trade agreement would allow it. And you thought those insurance tycoon brexiteers were in it out of patriotism! 

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3 hours ago, woolley said:

I note that you didn't address the point that there is nothing in any of the leaked document that confirms Corbyn's assertion that the NHS will be sold. It's a total lie.

Yet to get my nose in todays Grauniad. In Scarby to see Henning Wehn tomorrow. Very nice place to be.

Anyway Woolster, good luck with Barrie :)

I note you didn't address the point about the thorny NI customs farrago....?

That's the thing about the PM, nobody trusts him.

Not even his own side....

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3 hours ago, quilp said:

Interesting video... Indicative of the glaring hypocrisy of the left. 


Somewhere to the right of Attila The Hun.

How is the Guido campaign to bring back the Death Penalty getting on...?

It's not as though we haven't had enough farce what with brexit and this grubby little election campaign...

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11 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Corbyn knows you cannot appeal to the faithful of English nationalism with logic. He’s putting it in simple terms for the benefit of the thick end of the electorate. Brexit will make everyone who relies on NHS treatments poorer because the U.K. will have to sign away the measures it has taken to keep down costs for the NHS (what Woolley might call ‘sovereignty’) in return for free trade with the US, or anyone else. Why should the US allow the U.K. to sell stuff to them if it’s lucrative insurance and pharmaceutical industries have to compete in the U.K. by the rules of socialised medicine? The very idea belies logic. The EU allows the U.K. to have the NHS and the procurement and intellectual property law that supports it.  No other trade agreement would allow it. And you thought those insurance tycoon brexiteers were in it out of patriotism! 

Corbyn?  He's a Brexiteer. He's just trying to hide it from his party at the moment. 

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11 hours ago, woolley said:

That nice Mr McCann seems to be making a decent case for it. Another one released early by thick liberals to prey on the vulnerable. 

You know the political persuation of all those in the probation service? Now that's clever.

Oh no, you don't do you...

Plus McCann was jailed for burglary. That wasn't a capital offence last time I looked.

It's just pathetic. Every new fuckup by the Justice System is just more proof that you simply can't afford to have Capital Punishment.

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39 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Plus McCann was jailed for burglary. That wasn't a capital offence last time I looked.

It's just pathetic. 

What is pathetic is that there are NO capital offences at all. What is your justification for maintaining such a person at public expense when they are caught red-handed and there is no possibility of mistaken identity?

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27 minutes ago, quilp said:

Why are you making capital punishment an issue corporal? It'll never be brought back in, everyone for or against knows it.

Have you got a hang over this morning :rolleyes:

I think that one day there will be a public backlash to the current ineptitude and there will be a rethink. Obviously not in this election. 

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