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UK General Election Dec 2019


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3 hours ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

I'm glad you agree Planet Woolley is a fantasy.  Now, why not come join us in the 21st century!

I get it. You think that your liberal stance is a higher expression of humanity. You are staunch in your belief that the approach to criminal justice that I advocate is barbaric and has no place in a civilised society. This is more important to you than the harm suffered by the victims of repeat offenders. It is the ultimate in virtue signaling and you don't even realise you are doing it 

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18 minutes ago, woolley said:

I get it. You think that your liberal stance is a higher expression of humanity. You are staunch in your belief that the approach to criminal justice that I advocate is barbaric and has no place in a civilised society. This is more important to you than the harm suffered by the victims of repeat offenders. It is the ultimate in virtue signaling and you don't even realise you are doing it 

The problem with all your wailing and gnashing of teeth and rending of garments is that you can't give an absolute guarantee that all those sent to the gallows are guilty.

OK so you're a hang 'em and flog 'em right whinger dinosaur.

Tell us something we don't know...

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16 minutes ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

@woolley Well, you're half right.

More than half. Try a little self-analysis. Why, when confronted with the consequences of the leniency you support, can you respond with only an embarrassed "lol"? It's because you have no valid answer other than your massive liberal entitlement complex to claim the moral high ground in all circumstances however crackpot the policy might be. You are so confident in your inalienable virtue that there is never a need to explain, so you never do. 

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12 minutes ago, P.K. said:

The problem with all your wailing and gnashing of teeth and rending of garments is that you can't give an absolute guarantee that all those sent to the gallows are guilty.

OK so you're a hang 'em and flog 'em right whinger dinosaur.

Tell us something we don't know...

Stock liberal excuse for moral cowardice again. What about all of those that we are sure about? As for wailing, gnashing and rending,  don't flatter yourself. You don't excite me.

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8 minutes ago, woolley said:

More than half. Try a little self-analysis. Why, when confronted with the consequences of the leniency you support, can you respond with only an embarrassed "lol"? It's because you have no valid answer other than your massive liberal entitlement complex to claim the moral high ground in all circumstances however crackpot the policy might be. You are so confident in your inalienable virtue that there is never a need to explain, so you never do. 


(Not embarrassed)

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7 hours ago, woolley said:

Divert, distract, deviate. Hang on to that moral high ground. Never apologise, never explain. 

Shall we try the right wing angry way of doing everything?  Oh wait we did, we used to hang people, we used to castrate gay people, we used to burn witches, we used to make black people sit at the back of the bus, we used to deny women the vote, etc.

You paint your version of history as rosey quaint idillyic times of peace for all (as long as you were a white, straight, well enough off type), but the reality is, it was shit and people are trying to make it better, but the thought of people have the same basic rights as you makes you sick to the stomach for some reason and you can only express that petty impotent rage here by spouting it fruitlessly on MF.


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8 hours ago, woolley said:

More than half. Try a little self-analysis. Why, when confronted with the consequences of the leniency you support, can you respond with only an embarrassed "lol"?

The two people killed in London both worked in rehabilitation.  One of the families has expressly come out and asked for the matter not to be politicised and used to introduce more draconian punishments.  

One of the heroes who tackled the guy with a knife was a convicted murderer who had been released following rehabilitation. 

The other, I believe was Polish.  Bloody immigrants hey?

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