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UK General Election Dec 2019


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Just now, manxman1980 said:

The comment you are referring to is hardly the height of adult discussion is it quilp? 

Adult discussion? It's impossible when the professional offence-takers and virtue-signalling lefties on here read stuff that makes them wet their pants. I respond in kind to provocative and contemptuous posts. It's as if you lot are frightened by opinion that doesn't toe your line and must be silenced immediately, usually via accusations of racism, islamophobia and virtual thuggery. I'm not having it. You, the corporal and the stormtrooper just can't believe people don't think like you do and deserve "punishment" (oh Britten!) for their individualism.

So utterly predictable.

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13 hours ago, Bobbie Bobster said:


(Not embarrassed)

Well, of course. I suppose I should have followed my own logic and concluded that you can't feel embarrassment because you never question your own beliefs. You should try it sometime. It's most therapeutic and it might help you to think laterally.

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4 hours ago, quilp said:

Adult discussion? It's impossible when the professional offence-takers and virtue-signalling lefties on here read stuff that makes them wet their pants. I respond in kind to provocative and contemptuous posts. It's as if you lot are frightened by opinion that doesn't toe your line and must be silenced immediately, usually via accusations of racism, islamophobia and virtual thuggery. I'm not having it. You, the corporal and the stormtrooper just can't believe people don't think like you do and deserve "punishment" (oh Britten!) for their individualism.

So utterly predictable.

Again you just revert to name calling rather than actually discuss the issue.  

I have already explained my views on the death penalty with reference to my own experiences.  I have reiterated what the family of at least one of the victims of this attack have said and pointed to the fact that one of those who tackled the person was in fact a convicted murderer who had been rehabilitated.  

I don't think people who have different views from me deserve punishment.  I do believe that we should live in a tolerant society that treats people equally within the laws of the land. 

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6 minutes ago, woolley said:

it might help you to think laterally.

Hmm.  What would happen on a planet where sovereignty was an individual right, along with the right to impose the death penalty?

Actually, that's more like creative writing than political analysis.  Still, if you fancy doing up 2-3,000 words on it, I'll have a look.

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25 minutes ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

Hmm.  What would happen on a planet where sovereignty was an individual right, along with the right to impose the death penalty?

Actually, that's more like creative writing than political analysis.  Still, if you fancy doing up 2-3,000 words on it, I'll have a look.

It would take more than 3,000 words to get from that flight of fancy back to judicial execution, and even then, would it make any difference? No. So I'll pass, thanks. ;)

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5 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

Shall we try the right wing angry way of doing everything?  Oh wait we did, we used to hang people, we used to castrate gay people, we used to burn witches, we used to make black people sit at the back of the bus, we used to deny women the vote, etc.

You paint your version of history as rosey quaint idillyic times of peace for all (as long as you were a white, straight, well enough off type), but the reality is, it was shit and people are trying to make it better, but the thought of people have the same basic rights as you makes you sick to the stomach for some reason and you can only express that petty impotent rage here by spouting it fruitlessly on MF.


Point by point, Richard. All of the groups listed in your first paragraph have made massive progress towards equality. I don't have a problem with that, so to bring it up in this context is one of your beloved straw man arguments. Those people were victims and now they are victims not so much. This is to be applauded, but none of it is relevant to capital punishment. Or if it is, logically, you are advocating for a similar emancipation of rapists and murderers. If so, we should not be surprised because this is what the status quo begets.

Your second paragraph would be hilarious were it not so serious. You plainly cannot see that it is white, straight, well off types that have brought about the hand wringing, politically correct, lax attitude to law and order that you are espousing. They are indeed the problem, but of course, they live their privileged lives totally isolated from the mayhem they have brought to the less fortunate. It is the disadvantaged in society who reap the consequences of this "tolerance". It is the poor, the blacks, the women, the minorities who live in more deprived areas who suffer disproportionately from crime. They would benefit the most from a more realistic approach.

You are quite wrong about the efficacy of capital punishment in relation to reoffenders. I can assure you that it is 100% effective and nobody has ever gone on to commit a crime after execution. I'm not particularly wedded to hanging, by the way. Lethal injection would be perfectly acceptable, or a procedure similar to Dignitas.

You often accuse me of being in a rage, but I see that as a weakness and it isn't in my nature. I am certainly never provoked by the flaky ramblings of liberals such as yourself. I've heard it for 50 years and I'm totally immune. As for rights, I think we all should have them equally, and here I would draw your attention to the rights of those murdered, raped and injured which you always conveniently brush under the carpet. I don't much care about the rights of the perpetrators because if you take away the basic rights of others you ought to forfeit any rights of your own by your actions. Society according such people the right to once again walk among our women and children and playing Russian roulette with their safety should make all of us sick to our stomachs.


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5 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

The two people killed in London both worked in rehabilitation.  One of the families has expressly come out and asked for the matter not to be politicised and used to introduce more draconian punishments.  

One of the heroes who tackled the guy with a knife was a convicted murderer who had been released following rehabilitation. 

The other, I believe was Polish.  Bloody immigrants hey?

Yes, indeed they did. Perhaps it should be put to a referendum?

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53 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

 I do believe that we should live in a tolerant society that treats people equally within the laws of the land. 

I believe we should live in a tolerant society too, believe it or not. However, when that tolerance becomes so extreme that it impinges on and, in some cases, ruins or extinguishes the lives of others, then it has seriously lost its way and we have a problem. A tolerant society should not extend to tolerance of intolerance and tolerance of evildoing.

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6 hours ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

Anyway back from Planet Woolley to the reality of Planet Earth, just listening to a bit of a car crash interview with Jo Swinson on R4Today. Looks like they're not going to emerge as a significant force after Thursday.

No, but I hear that the small parties are still clinging on to a hope of unseating Johnson himself. They reckon it could be tight. Don't know if that is wishful thinking or based on any polling. Still think anything could happen nationally as there are so many imponderables.

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