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UK General Election Dec 2019


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The phone incident was a belter. If you don't like what you're being publicly shown...confiscate the evidence and then nobody else can see the inconvenience and it doesn't need to be commented on or explained.

Out of sight, out of mind. Pointer towards his whole approach in life perhaps?

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7 hours ago, woolley said:

Well, without getting into the politics across the pond, I do agree that this "style over substance" approach is to be deplored. In the UK it actually started back with Blair and the spin doctors. The leaders today hardly even scratch the surface of their policies when they speak publicly. They just keep repeating the same narrow mantra over and over again, and it's mind numbing. Johnson is by no means an idiot, but he is liable to come out with the occasional howler to frighten the horses. Obviously, they are afraid that he will have a Ratner moment in the run up to polling day, so they play safe and don't let him say anything beyond a sort of ten commandments in the style of Miliband. Crass.

Actually, I have been watching a few YouTube videos of 60's and 70's politicians being interviewed and put on the spot, not much has changed with regard to the depth of content in their replies. 

I'm actually sick to death of listening to the meaningless tripe which they are all spouting at this election! 

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8 hours ago, Max Power said:

Actually, I have been watching a few YouTube videos of 60's and 70's politicians being interviewed and put on the spot, not much has changed with regard to the depth of content in their replies. 

I'm actually sick to death of listening to the meaningless tripe which they are all spouting at this election! 

Perhaps we just notice it more now with the solid wall of relentless coverage. However,  I can't imagine Wilson, Thatcher or even Major going on about something being 'oven ready' for 'popping in'. The standard seems to fall ever lower.  

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9 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

The phone incident was a belter. If you don't like what you're being publicly shown...confiscate the evidence and then nobody else can see the inconvenience and it doesn't need to be commented on or explained.

Out of sight, out of mind. Pointer towards his whole approach in life perhaps?

It was odd. I think it demonstrated further what I was saying about a very limited set of cleared soundbites and when something unexpected comes up it leaves him stumped. Also, to me, his actions displayed traits of autism. It was a curious way to react. Almost like a toddler covering his eyes so that you can't see him. He's at the end of his tether. 

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That’s because of people like you who clearly do not understand the prerequisites to negotiating a good deal. The idea that you just need to believe enough and you can get a good ‘sovereign’ deal with seasoned EU or US negotiators when you are a tenth of the size of either and in a desperate position is comically naive, but ultimately, very sad. 

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16 minutes ago, woolley said:

It was odd. I think it demonstrated further what I was saying about a very limited set of cleared soundbites and when something unexpected comes up it leaves him stumped. Also, to me, his actions displayed traits of autism. It was a curious way to react. Almost like a toddler covering his eyes so that you can't see him. He's at the end of his tether. 

If he's at the end of his tether now, what's he going to be like when there's the hard bargaining that he's promised to be done? Utterly out of his depth.

Let's not forget that PM or not, like all politicians his strings are being pulled from further up by his puppet masters and paymasters. Putting that bumbling, shuffling, initiativeless caricature up as Britain's leader surely calls their judgement into question?

Or perhaps it's an indicator of how desperate they've become?

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13 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

That’s because of people like you who clearly do not understand the prerequisites to negotiating a good deal. The idea that you just need to believe enough and you can get a good ‘sovereign’ deal with seasoned EU or US negotiators when you are a tenth of the size of either and in a desperate position is comically naive, but ultimately, very sad. 

Have you ever been in business? It doesn't work in such a simplistic way. We all have attributes and needs that we bring to a negotiation and everyone gets some of what they want but nobody gets everything,  not even your wonderful EU or the USA. Prices will not vary much. Life will go on. All the guff about trade deals is pushed forward to obscure the more important issues of self-determination. They just can't stomach any country saying "no tthanks" to "the project".

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2 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

If he's at the end of his tether now, what's he going to be like when there's the hard bargaining that he's promised to be done? Utterly out of his depth.

Let's not forget that PM or not, like all politicians his strings are being pulled from further up by his puppet masters and paymasters. Putting that bumbling, shuffling, initiativeless caricature up as Britain's leader surely calls their judgement into question?

Or perhaps it's an indicator of how desperate they've become?

Well he will not be limited to a few cleared pronouncements then and of course,  he won't be doing any detailed negotiating. Above his pay grade. 

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1 hour ago, wrighty said:

This election can be reduced to "Get Brexit Done" on the one side to "They'll sell the NHS" on the other.  I'm glad I'm not voting - I'd prefer them both to lose.

Which is probably why Nigel Farage has jumped on the opportunity to rename the Brexit Party the Reform Party and campaign for proportional representation and the scrapping of first past the post.  I can't stand Farage but I agree with him on this subject. 

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1 hour ago, wrighty said:

This election can be reduced to "Get Brexit Done" on the one side to "They'll sell the NHS" on the other.  I'm glad I'm not voting - I'd prefer them both to lose.

And the emergent national in the woodpile is that this election will also decide the Island's future. There's not a darn thing you can do about it...Or in Biblical terms, the dogs may eat the scraps that fall from the rich man's table...

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9 hours ago, woolley said:

Have you ever been in business? It doesn't work in such a simplistic way. We all have attributes and needs that we bring to a negotiation and everyone gets some of what they want but nobody gets everything,  not even your wonderful EU or the USA. Prices will not vary much. Life will go on. All the guff about trade deals is pushed forward to obscure the more important issues of self-determination. They just can't stomach any country saying "no tthanks" to "the project".

What a stupid question. I set up my first business nearly thirty years ago. I moved out of all my foreign concerns almost fifteen years ago and these days I only have a couple of  local 1931s. Employing people is a heavy responsibility, and I can tell you that deals rely on people being trustworthy, and supplying the right product at the right price. In serious business, If you can’t offer anything purchasers anything over their trusted suppliers, and if you can’t put in bigger orders to your suppliers than your competitors then all you’ll get for your efforts is jet lag and entertainment receipts, no matter how good your patter is. It’s different at retail level, where good will goes further, but bottom lines are everything in big business. If you seriously think trade deals don’t matter then you clearly have no experience. 

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