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UK General Election Dec 2019


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5 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Which is probably why Nigel Farage has jumped on the opportunity to rename the Brexit Party the Reform Party and campaign for proportional representation and the scrapping of first past the post.  I can't stand Farage but I agree with him on this subject. 

Can't you see where it's going though? Next up we'll have a referendum on some other daft populist cause - like hanging, or gassing some minority group that the mob don't like.

It was a big mistake giving the man in the street a vote. He's not very nice.

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1 hour ago, Freggyragh said:

What a stupid question. I set up my first business nearly thirty years ago. I moved out of all my foreign concerns almost fifteen years ago and these days I only have a couple of  local 1931s. Employing people is a heavy responsibility, and I can tell you that deals rely on people being trustworthy, and supplying the right product at the right price. In serious business, If you can’t offer anything purchasers anything over their trusted suppliers, and if you can’t put in bigger orders to your suppliers than your competitors then all you’ll get for your efforts is jet lag and entertainment receipts, no matter how good your patter is. It’s different at retail level, where good will goes further, but bottom lines are everything in big business. If you seriously think trade deals don’t matter then you clearly have no experience. 

I don't think trade deals don't matter but I am not as defeatist as you and they are not the only matter in play here. Having been involved in national and international business as a proprietor, employer and active investor for decades, I know for a fact that the wider world is very interested in doing business with Britain as we have a huge amount to offer across multiple sectors, as well as a massive consumer market. We will not come out of this in a bad place- if it ever happens. Your posts give every impression of being laced with a hope for failure to teach the country a lesson for having the temerity to leave the paradise that in your opinion is the EU. 

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52 minutes ago, pongo said:

Can't you see where it's going though? Next up we'll have a referendum on some other daft populist cause - like hanging, or gassing some minority group that the mob don't like.

It was a big mistake giving the man in the street a vote. He's not very nice.

He isn't stupid either although the faux superior liberals fervently believe he is. Capital punishment referendum you day? I do hope so. Murderers and rapists are not very nice. 

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I predict a notable majority for Johnson. With the exception of the Scots, Britain is naturally Conservative or Conservative Lite. That's how Blair won his landslide in 1997 against a Major government that had lost the faith of the centre ground.

Corbyn is another Michael Foot, seen as too far to the left for the comfort of most Brits. Plus his fence sitting on Brexit.

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