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UK General Election Dec 2019


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2 hours ago, woolley said:

Never going to be enough. It's a demand led service. Demand led means infinite while resources will always be finite. 

Now you're just trying to hide behind the fact it's a demand led service.

There's a major difference between barely sufficient to meet the planned demand compared to woefully deficient to meet the planned demand.

Dear me, you really are very much a right whinger. Next thing you'll be claiming that a record number of children living in poverty are there because of their poor life choices, like being born in the first place!

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9 hours ago, P.K. said:

Now you're just trying to hide behind the fact it's a demand led service.

There's a major difference between barely sufficient to meet the planned demand compared to woefully deficient to meet the planned demand.

Dear me, you really are very much a right whinger. Next thing you'll be claiming that a record number of children living in poverty are there because of their poor life choices, like being born in the first place!

There will always be people living in poverty if we continue to measure it as a percentage below average income. It's a blunt tool that doesn't reflect genuine poverty. There is a smaller number who do struggle and the work and resources need to be targeted at those groups. The headline poverty figures are bunkum. 

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54 minutes ago, woolley said:

Thank you. 

Now about the other part of the post where the tories are deliberately underfunding the NHS...?  :)

Just think back to when our wonderful Prime Minister wouldn't even look at a photograph of the realities of his tory policies.

Plus you may recall someone with a sick child confronted him in a hospital where the PM claimed there was no media present. Oh, except for that film crew that is....

The staff of that hospital booed and jeered the PM all the way back to his car. Strange but true the recording of that seems to have gone AWOL.

It's very obvious that he and his cronies just don't give a stuff about the chaos they've caused....

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2 minutes ago, quilp said:

And yet, given all that cynicism and hate, the totally amoral, narcissistic, serial-philanderer and inveterate-liar still won the day with a massive, massive majority.

The winner, in other words...

I hear Hitler was quite popular in German in the 30's.

Johnson winning does nothing to remove the fact that he is a nasty piece of work.

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8 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Johnson winning does nothing to remove the fact that he is a nasty piece of work.

Sorry, a totally amoral, narcissistic, serial-philanderer and inveterate-liar and a nasty piece of work. Forgot to add that.

Still a winner of magnificent proportion.

Nice one Boris, free passes all round.

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34 minutes ago, quilp said:

Sorry, a totally amoral, narcissistic, serial-philanderer and inveterate-liar and a nasty piece of work. Forgot to add that.

Still a winner of magnificent proportion.

Nice one Boris, free passes all round.

And whatever comes next is his responsibility and he is not going to be able to blame "remainers" or "snowflakes".  

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