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UK General Election Dec 2019


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3 hours ago, woolley said:

Were they staff or Momentum activists tipped off by the unions? Johnson's reaction to that photo was odd. He was probably jumped upon by the reporter with his mind full of other stuff. The easier reaction would have been to say "If this is as it appears it is exactly the kind of occurrence we are working to avoid." 

Checked under your bed for Reds recently?

No Momentum activists or anything else you can dream up. Just normal folks trying to keep a deliberately underfunded NHS doing it's job for those who need it. You should be lauding them rather than throwing about petty accusations of a fix.

It does amuse me all this "Johnson winning" bollox when it's highly likely we will all lose. As I have said all along you'll get your stupid and completely unnecessary brexit.

But I can't help thinking you should be careful what you wish for....

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Some time ago, about 6 months, I asked several remain posters on here whether they would respect the result of a second referendum even if it were granted. I asked if, like a board of directors, or a sports team, they would discuss the issue, take onboard all views, vote, and then respect the result for the benefit of the Company / Team even if they had lost.

I was rebuffed.

They stated that, even if the majority vote was for a certain direction, and was re-confirmed in a second vote, they would still act in a manner contrary to the majority decision. I was shouted down, they would continue to act in their own personal interests not those of the Country / Team / Company.

Those same individuals are posting on here now, demanding that the Government (The 365 seat Government), The Prime Minister, and we Leavers (i.e. The Majority) must now produce an outcome that satisfies their demands (as if that were remotely possible).

Reality check time remainers.

The Government will not be pursuing an outcome to suit remainers - it will be an outcome that supports the winners (Leavers).

Boris will not be answering to remain dreams - He will be addressing Leave dreams. He will therefore be answerable to leavers not remainers.

Remainers had the chance to respect the leave vote, but they chose to fight it. They disrespected our legitimate view and called us 'Stupid'.

So we have had a second vote (election) and they have been THRASHED.

Now they want us to answer to them as to the result. Dream on. The Country voted 'Leave' (twice) it did not vote 'Leave to the satisfaction of remain losers.

You made your bed Remainers, Lie in it, we won't be answering to you.

It's going to take some time for you to get over the democratic result. No rush, take all the time you need.

(Bring on the usual abuse - you have no other arguments left).

You can squirm, squeal, moan, moan again, and then remoan - it doesn't matter now, you are irrelevant, you have made yourselves irrelevant, take all the time you need to let that sink in.


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4 hours ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

Again with the assumptions.  Maybe I should just cut out the middleman and subcontract my thinking and posting to you.


And you assume I would want the contract. True though, wasn't it? Whatever they did would never be good enough.

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4 hours ago, P.K. said:

Checked under your bed for Reds recently?

No Momentum activists or anything else you can dream up.

They do have form for staging sham protests and for general thuggish behaviour. They also think that every ordinary or normal person thinks like they do and that anyone who disagrees is a hard right fascist on the cusp of the Third Reich.

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2 hours ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

 The Country voted 'Leave' (twice)

Thrice, in fact. In the 2017 election no less than 84% of MPs returned were elected on a platform to enact the referendum result. It was the refusal of that Parliament to respect the referendum result and their own manifesto pledges that led to the recent shenanigans, and the fact that many of them are now out on their ears. Quite right too. Who's stupid now?

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22 minutes ago, woolley said:

Whatever they did would never be good enough.

Did you see the cabinet meeting today?

 - How many hospitals are we going to build?
   - (mumbled, reluctantly) forty...

- How many new nurses are we going to have
  - (mumbled embarassingly) ...fiftl tolmand...


Behaving like adults would be good enough.

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2 hours ago, woolley said:

They do have form for staging sham protests and for general thuggish behaviour. They also think that every ordinary or normal person thinks like they do and that anyone who disagrees is a hard right fascist on the cusp of the Third Reich.

Well, in your far right opinion that is.....

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