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UK General Election Dec 2019


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10 hours ago, woolley said:

You are seeing things that aren't there. If anything Brexit will bolster the constitutional position of the Crown Dependencies. They are extremely useful.  I think you are right in that trading patterns will not be much changed and everyone will wonder what the 3 years of handwringing was about.  

It was there 1972. What to o about the Offshores.?

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6 hours ago, P.K. said:

Well, in your far right opinion that is.....

Who do you think the new Tory MPs are from the working class heartlands? Toffs? Hard right extremists?  No. They are ordinary people from those areas. Local businessmen, youngsters from single parent families on council estates,  health workers, etc. And people flocked to vote for them in droves. Why? Because they are sick and tired of being taken for granted and then ignored by a pc liberal southern based elite that considers itself smarter than they are and knows better than they do what is good for them. Finally, the worm has turned. 

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1 minute ago, RIchard Britten said:

If anyone else had posted such blatant hypocrisy, I would have ignored it.

But coming from the forums king of self "wokedness" that is the funniest thing I have seen dribbled on to the screen this year.

I always like to throw a liberal or two around in the morning just to wake you up, Richard. 

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