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UK General Election Dec 2019


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3 minutes ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

For goodness sake have a bit of compassion!


its only 8 am, far too early to be playing the Woolley drinking game :mellow:

I rarely post drunk. I rarely am drunk because I have all the stimulation I need from pure joie de vivre. 

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4 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

I did read it.  It is only "cogent and relevant" and if you see the world through the eyes of someone with a certain political and life bias, like you and quilp.

But that surely is reversible and someone with your political and life bias does not have a monopoly on wisdom either?

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23 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

I did read it.  It is only "cogent and relevant" and if you see the world through the eyes of someone with a certain political and life bias, like you and quilp.

This post exemplifies your Corbynista political and life bias perfectly. You just don't see how your contemptuous, better-than-thou arrogance shines through here. You're all the same, you, the corporal, unfunny Bobster, et al. Too wrapped up in your pompous and smug assumptions that you know better, even when most of your political bias has been roundly rejected by the electorate. Fortunately, sore-ass losers like you will fade into obscurity as the rest of the country moves on. 


12 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

But its the obvious "venom" that drips from every word of that post worries me.

Venom? Venom?? Another liberal lefty trait - creating false dilemma when all is lost. Like your comparing Boris and the Tory to Hitler and the Nazis. Moral illiteracy grasping at straws.

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