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UK General Election Dec 2019


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"Now that Brexit will happen, we must make the best of it and the country must come together".  Tony Blair, 17/11/2019.

The UK electorate have had enough of wasted years. They are no longer interested in the views of the Islington set. They want to sort poverty by making the economy more successful, not by blaming others.

It is going to take some people a bit of time for this new reality to sink in, for a few it will take longer if indeed they ever grasp it at all.

Either way, the rest of us are moving on - 'With or without you'. We have no more time to waste on out of date 20th century arguments.

Time to boost the economy and to use the proceeds to make life much better for the 'Cannots'. We have spent too much time and effort concentrating on the moaning of the 'Can but willnots'.  Those days are over.

The UK has now set itself on a different path to that of the EU. Those who still believe that the EU economy will now outpace the UK economy and that the EU is the better place to live should consider moving to the EU whilst they still have the chance. But it's their decision. They have the choice. There is always a boat from Dover in the morning.


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On 12/16/2019 at 3:14 PM, manxman1980 said:

Yes that is important but where did that money suddenly appear from?  Did the Government have a rummaged down the back of the sofa and suddenly find a lot of change?

There was no spare money just laying about.  Unfortunately the Conservative government is going to issue more Gilts in order to fight against the claims being made by Labour/Momentum or the gullible and naive would have believed their crap and elected them. 

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2 minutes ago, Rog said:

There was no spare money just laying about.   

So where did they get their hands on the money to pay the DUP?  And where are they getting the additional funds to pay for the 30,000 new nurses, new 20,000 police officers, etc if they aren't going to be raising taxes and not pushing for appropriate "tech taxes"?

The "magic money tree" will be as bare as BoJo's face when he lies again (and he will lie again...and again...and again).


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1 minute ago, manxman1980 said:

Come on Richard it is 50,000* new nurses that have been promised.

*19,000 of which already exist but they are still classed as "new"

Which is why I said 30,000 because as always with lying Bojo, he has massaged the numbers to mislead his "fan base".

And for some bizarre reason, they take the bait, hook line and sinker.

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58 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

Those who still believe that the EU economy will now outpace the UK economy and that the EU is the better place to live should consider moving to the EU whilst they still have the chance. But it's their decision. They have the choice. There is always a boat from Dover in the morning.

Like the rest of the brexiteers on here you must think the UK will do better outside of the EU than being on the inside where it had also influence for change.

What do you base that belief on?

Preferably £facts and not airy fairy political bullspeak please.

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51 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Stand by for inbound "fake news" claims or bloody liberal HM Treasure traitors...


I don't think that even you could cling to the veracity of a claim to predict gdp 15 years into the future. If that were possible we'd all be millionaires. Just as likely the UK will soar ahead. 

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3 minutes ago, woolley said:

I don't think that even you could cling to the veracity of a claim to predict gdp 15 years into the future. If that were possible we'd all be millionaires. Just as likely the UK will soar ahead. 

Who am I more likely to trust when it comes to national finances, the very institution who looks after the nations finances and has access to billions of data points...or you Woolster?

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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:

Which is why I said 30,000 because as always with lying Bojo, he has massaged the numbers to mislead his "fan base".

And for some bizarre reason, they take the bait, hook line and sinker.

Precisely what are these lies that BoJo is said to have told?


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