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UK General Election Dec 2019


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4 hours ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

How about the 'fact' that the election was last week, not next week. The decision has been made.

You have squandered over 3 years calling people 'stupid' rather than making the case for the EU. You chose to take that route to make your side of the debate not me, I have nothing to add to what has already been endlessly debated.

Even the likes of Michael Heseltine and Tony Blair have now thrown in the towel and are urging people to move on.  We have had investment decisions on hold since the time that I feared Ed Milliband may get in - that four year delay has been of immense frustration to us as a family business, I'm moving on now, I do not have the luxury of further navel-gazing time. You must make your own choices.

What a load of old flannel.

As you have not answered the question, here it is again:

5 hours ago, P.K. said:

Like the rest of the brexiteers on here you must think the UK will do better outside of the EU than being on the inside where it had also influence for change.

What do you base that belief on?

Preferably £facts and not airy fairy political bullspeak please.


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4 minutes ago, P.K. said:

What a load of old flannel.

As you have not answered the question, here it is again:


If you understood the realpolitik of the corrupt undemocratic European Commission then claiming that the UK could make then there would be no way that you would make such a self embarrassing statement such as that.

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8 minutes ago, woolley said:

It's over, PK. Like that tosser with the megaphone and the daft hat you just need to accept it.

Are you blind?

I have said all along that you will get your totally stupid and completely unnecessary brexit.

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