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UK General Election Dec 2019


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9 minutes ago, woolley said:

So you keep saying. If you see it as a triumph, it's a very minor one that says much about the bankruptcy of your position.

It's over - and out.

Where are you getting this "triumph" nonsense from?

As I have said all along you'll get your totally stupid and completely unnecessary brexit.

By the way, you never say "over - and out" as it means you don't know what you're talking about....

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10 minutes ago, Rog said:

Better come up with indisputable facts, not spin.

Oh no! You're never claiming Johnson turned up at a hospital without press coverage???!!!

Dear me Roger. Sure it's difficult, and stupid, to claim Johnson isn't an inveterate liar, against all the evidence to the contrary as well. But if you're determined to take on that impossible task then you REALLY need to up your game...

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3 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Oh no! You're never claiming Johnson turned up at a hospital without press coverage???!!!

Dear me Roger. Sure it's difficult, and stupid, to claim Johnson isn't an inveterate liar, against all the evidence to the contrary as well. But if you're determined to take on that impossible task then you REALLY need to up your game...

Well of course he had press coverage!  It was part of the campaign trail. Where's the lie in that. 


HOWEVER  the fact that the thing that confronted him was a Labour/Momentum activist presenting himself as just a concerned parent - now THAT'S dishonesty in spades. 

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Bloody hell, this is tedious. How about some more neutral input for you?

Firstly, it is true that you cannot make economic predictions 15 years into the future. Well you can, but they’re virtually guaranteed to be so wrong that it’s not worth doing so. One definition of an economist is someone who makes economic predictions that turn out to be wrong, but is then able to explain precisely why they were wrong. 

Secondly, nobody knows if Brexit is going to be good or bad. It may be the best thing ever for UK PLC, or the worst. I suspect most of us will notice no difference at all. 

Thirdly, it is going to happen. For all the PKs and Richard Brittans out there who think Brexiteers are all stupid - well they’re not. Some of them are, just like some remainers. But others are highly intelligent. But the people have spoken. We live in a democracy, which is the worst system of government apart from all the others. The people have spoken, twice, so it has to happen. 

Let’s all make the best of it. I’m not a big fan of BoJo, but he’s right when he says getting it done is far better than more delays and dithering. 

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5 minutes ago, Rog said:

Well of course he had press coverage!  It was part of the campaign trail. Where's the lie in that. HOWEVER  the fact that the thing that confronted him was a Labour/Momentum activist presenting himself as just a concerned parent - now THAT'S dishonesty in spades. 

So he deliberately made his child ill to confront Johnson? And he knew Johnson would be visiting?

Don't think so Roger....

You asked for lies, Johnson clearly stated there were no media present.

Lying bastard.

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6 minutes ago, wrighty said:

Bloody hell, this is tedious. How about some more neutral input for you?

Firstly, it is true that you cannot make economic predictions 15 years into the future. Well you can, but they’re virtually guaranteed to be so wrong that it’s not worth doing so. One definition of an economist is someone who makes economic predictions that turn out to be wrong, but is then able to explain precisely why they were wrong. 

Secondly, nobody knows if Brexit is going to be good or bad. It may be the best thing ever for UK PLC, or the worst. I suspect most of us will notice no difference at all. 

Thirdly, it is going to happen. For all the PKs and Richard Brittans out there who think Brexiteers are all stupid - well they’re not. Some of them are, just like some remainers. But others are highly intelligent. But the people have spoken. We live in a democracy, which is the worst system of government apart from all the others. The people have spoken, twice, so it has to happen. 

Let’s all make the best of it. I’m not a big fan of BoJo, but he’s right when he says getting it done is far better than more delays and dithering. 

I don't think all brexiteers are stupid. In these situations I'm always minded that a Classical Greek scholar was also an appalling racist.

But from the evidence on here, well, as you say, they seem to have no idea how it will turn out and care even less. Experience has shown that when times are hard it's always those with the least who suffer the most. And in the UK they have already suffered through years of austerity.

But the brexiteers on here simply don't care that leaving the EU could make their already desperate situation even worse...

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11 minutes ago, P.K. said:

So he deliberately made his child ill to confront Johnson? And he knew Johnson would be there?

No, the child was already ill. No one has said the father deliberately made him ill. You made this up. It was probably sheer coincidence that this father was a labour activist but when an opportunity presents itself...

11 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Lying bastard.


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11 minutes ago, P.K. said:

So he deliberately made his child ill to confront Johnson? And he knew Johnson would be visiting?

Don't think so Roger....

You asked for lies, Johnson clearly stated there were no media present.

Lying bastard.

Oh come on PK that's really scraping the bottom of the barrel even for you.  In any case where is the proof that BoJo new there was no press present?  It is more than likely that h was unaware there was a press presence but very much more likely that the creature hat confronted him had arranged for the press to capture that he was king to do.

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

I don't think all brexiteers are stupid. In these situations I'm always minded that a Classical Greek scholar was also an appalling racist.

What sort of logic is this? The subliminal text is your usual rote that brexiters are appalling racists. Isn't that so..?


But from the evidence on here, well, as you say, they seem to have no idea how it will turn out and care even less.

"They?" Wouldn't "we" be more appropriate here? Because you certainly don't know how it's going to turn out. And this, "care even less." You're still coyly insinuating (without evidence) that brexiters are feckless and stupid, careless and fickle. As well as racists. Tut-tut.


Experience has shown that when times are hard it's always those with the least who suffer the most.

Yes, unfortunately, this has always been so. But we don't live in some squalid, Victorian-esque society any more. Usually, the state will provide, some unfortunates slip through the net. Law of averages but social services do their best on limited resources. 


But the brexiteers on here simply don't care that leaving the EU could make their already desperate situation even worse...

What "already desperate situation" are you describing here? Once again, you're claiming brexiters don't care what happens; what tiresome nonsense.

Give it a rest PK. Brexit is in the bag. It will be, as has been said on numerous occasion here, a period of swings and roundabouts, we Brits are a resourceful lot. You seem to forget this.

Edited to add: @wrighty  Well said, that the bones of it.

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3 hours ago, P.K. said:

What a load of old flannel.

As you have not answered the question, here it is again:


How can I debate anything with you P.K. when you start off with the premise that I am stupid?

Between myself and my other half we have five scientific / medical degrees accumulated. That does not make us super-intelligent, nor does it make our opinion the only valid one. But it tends to suggest, at the least, that we have a valid opinion to offer for consideration i.e. We are not stupid.

I was expecting a difficult Brexit debate, expecting to have to put up detailed arguments to explain my position.

But you (as an example) made that effort totally unnecessary - all we had to do was to sit back and watch you calling 17.4 million people 'thick' to know that you would lose.

You lost, for that reason alone. That really, really was stupid!

If and when you want a reasonable debate then I am open for one. You have called me 'stupid' - I have never at any time thrown that comment back at you.

You are not stupid, but you have acted very stupidly in calling me and 17.4 Million other voters 'stupid'.

It cost you your EU dream,  just how stupid is that?

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21 minutes ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

We've all lost :(

What now?

Cry that 'We've all lost'? 

Or knuckle down and succeed?

We have had 4 years of indecision whereby we could not invest, but no longer, I know where I'm going, and it ain't no crying game. You cry if you want to, I'm going full steam ahead to invest in UK Plc.

No EU or Corbyn barriers to stop it now. There's a train leaving station P.K. imminently , get onboard or not, your choice.

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