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UK General Election Dec 2019


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15 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

We have had 4 years of indecision whereby we could not invest, but no longer, I know where I'm going, and it ain't no crying game.

So what about Brexit was delaying your investment decision?

Will it have been resolved at the end of January? 

Delighted to say that we have prepared for this and have the relevant licences to bring in new immigrants to work for us.  It also provides a safety net should freedom of movement for EEA/EU workers be withdrawn.

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1 minute ago, manxman1980 said:

So what about Brexit was delaying your investment decision?

Will it have been resolved at the end of January? 

Delighted to say that we have prepared for this and have the relevant licences to bring in new immigrants to work for us.  It also provides a safety net should freedom of movement for EEA/EU workers be withdrawn.

Best that you stay firmly planted on the platform and take no risks. Best wishes.

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31 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

How can I debate anything with you P.K. when you start off with the premise that I am stupid?

Between myself and my other half we have five scientific / medical degrees accumulated. That does not make us super-intelligent, nor does it make our opinion the only valid one. But it tends to suggest, at the least, that we have a valid opinion to offer for consideration i.e. We are not stupid.

I was expecting a difficult Brexit debate, expecting to have to put up detailed arguments to explain my position.

But you (as an example) made that effort totally unnecessary - all we had to do was to sit back and watch you calling 17.4 million people 'thick' to know that you would lose.

You lost, for that reason alone. That really, really was stupid!

If and when you want a reasonable debate then I am open for one. You have called me 'stupid' - I have never at any time thrown that comment back at you.

You are not stupid, but you have acted very stupidly in calling me and 17.4 Million other voters 'stupid'.

It cost you your EU dream,  just how stupid is that?

So another load of old guff failing to answer the question.

So here it is again:

9 hours ago, P.K. said:

Like the rest of the brexiteers on here you must think the UK will do better outside of the EU than being on the inside where it had also influence for change.

What do you base that belief on?

Preferably £facts and not airy fairy political bullspeak please.


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1 minute ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

Best that you stay firmly planted on the platform and take no risks. Best wishes.

What are you babbling about?  We need  skilled workers that we cannot find in the UK and have taken measures to protect the interests of our business in a post brexit UK.  

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1 hour ago, Rog said:

Oh come on PK that's really scraping the bottom of the barrel even for you.  In any case where is the proof that BoJo new there was no press present?  It is more than likely that h was unaware there was a press presence but very much more likely that the creature hat confronted him had arranged for the press to capture that he was king to do.

So you're now claiming that Johnson, in the run up to an election, would visit a hospital WITHOUT a media circus present including the UK rabidly right wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, to record how caring he is about the NHS?

If you genuinely think that then you're losing your grip on reality.

Just for the record the over-worked and under-paid staff of that hospital booed and jeered him all the way back to his car...

Hard to blame them really. When every hour of their working day is trying to do their best with less resources thanks to tory policies...

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5 minutes ago, P.K. said:

So you're now claiming that Johnson, in the run up to an election, would visit a hospital WITHOUT a media circus present including the UK rabidly right wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, to record how caring he is about the NHS?

If you genuinely think that then you're losing your grip on reality.

Just for the record the over-worked and under-paid staff of that hospital booed and jeered him all the way back to his car...

Hard to blame them really. When every hour of their working day is trying to do their best with less resources thanks to tory policies...

But, having taken the above into account, he got a landslide 80 seat majority! Mainly from working class backgrounds.

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14 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

My old guff won, your old guff lost, get that?

You have still failed to answer a very easy question.

I can't help thinking there must be a reason for that.

But anyway, here is another opportunity for you:

10 hours ago, P.K. said:

Like the rest of the brexiteers on here you must think the UK will do better outside of the EU than being on the inside where it had also influence for change.

What do you base that belief on?

Preferably £facts and not airy fairy political bullspeak please.


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7 minutes ago, P.K. said:

So you're now claiming that Johnson, in the run up to an election, would visit a hospital WITHOUT a media circus present including the UK rabidly right wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, to record how caring he is about the NHS?

If you genuinely think that then you're losing your grip on reality.

Just for the record the over-worked and under-paid staff of that hospital booed and jeered him all the way back to his car...

Hard to blame them really. When every hour of their working day is trying to do their best with less resources thanks to tory policies...

Have you been drinking?

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10 minutes ago, P.K. said:

You have still failed to answer a very easy question.

I can't help thinking there must be a reason for that.

But anyway, here is another opportunity for you:


The bit that you are not getting (and never have got) is that, if you call your debating partners 'Stupid', then not only are they not going to debate with you, they are going to beat you.

You have been beaten - do you not have the intelligence to get that yet?

You have lost the EU, lost Brexit, lost the argument, and are about to lose any sense of debating power you have left, because you insist on calling your debating opponents 'stupid'.

Do you not get that P.K.?

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