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UK General Election Dec 2019


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37 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

What actually matters - is will we as a country put our political prejudices aside and back the effort to improve the NHS or not?

If you would rather support your political views than support improvement of the NHS then you are neither a Socialist nor a person of moral upstanding.

What matters to you most? Improvement of the NHS for those in need or your political dogma?

Here is a question for you:

On 12/18/2019 at 11:59 AM, P.K. said:

Like the rest of the brexiteers on here you must think the UK will do better outside of the EU than being on the inside where it had also influence for change.

What do you base that belief on?

Preferably £facts and not airy fairy political bullspeak please.


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34 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Here is a question for you:


You are not my judge. If you want to live in the past, unable to come to terms with the present, let alone plan for the future, that's your call. It's your problem not mine, I don't care. The Brexit debate is finished, we are leaving. I hope that you get over it sometime, if not, well.......start a campaign for a 'Peoples vote' or something, whatever floats your boat. You're a busted flush old bean. 

The more time that you spend on here writhing and kicking off about a matter already settled, then the more S***** you look. But it's your choice, and I'm not going to use that very offensive word against you.

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14 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

What matters most is a Government that is held to account on the promises and commitments it made in its manifesto. 

Some of those promises are blatantly misleading if not dishonest. 

Oh, and why do we now have unelected members of the House of Lords holding positions in the cabinet?  I thought we were trying to get away from unelected people dictating what we should do?

What matters most to you? Holding politicians to account (good luck with that) or sorting out the NHS for real people? Which matters most to you?

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17 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

What matters most to you? Holding politicians to account (good luck with that) or sorting out the NHS for real people? Which matters most to you?

Doing the first enables the second... if Politicians are not held to account nothing will get done.

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13 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Doing the first enables the second... if Politicians are not held to account nothing will get done.

Manxman, unlike some others on here, you sound like a sensible person with decent morals.

All I can say in response to your statement (which I know is well intentioned) is that, given the combined 45 years experience of myself and my other half in the NHS /Care sector - hoping (let alone depending) on politicians (of any doctrine) to act in taking the lead will lead to the square root of F. all.

The Do'ers' do, if it brings results, the politico's will take the credit. It is never, ever, the other way round.

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Manximus I thought the whole reason that the Conservative Party had succeeded to such an extent at the last election was because the previous Government was being held to account for failing to deliver Brexit?

Should this Government, with such a large working majority, fail to deliver its manifesto promises then surely they to should be voted out at the next opportunity? 

Of course,  I understand your point in relation to the NHS.  I am pleased to hear the Government will enshrine in law a spending commitment towards the NHS.  Now let's see them deliver...

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1 minute ago, manxman1980 said:

Manximus I thought the whole reason that the Conservative Party had succeeded to such an extent at the last election was because the previous Government was being held to account for failing to deliver Brexit?

Should this Government, with such a large working majority, fail to deliver its manifesto promises then surely they to should be voted out at the next opportunity? 

Of course,  I understand your point in relation to the NHS.  I am pleased to hear the Government will enshrine in law a spending commitment towards the NHS.  Now let's see them deliver...


But my point is that no Government, of any persuasion, can 'Deliver'. They can only provide the circumstances under which it is possible for it to be delivered.

Delivery is down to us, not Government, which is why I disagree profoundly with those who say that they, having lost the vote, will continue to fight and oppose the majority consensus.

That is bollocks - No company, sports team, any organisation could succeed if the 48% who lost the vote determined that they would then oppose the majority view as to the best direction to take.

What chance success with 52% working for it and 48% whingers opposing? 

Methinks about zero.

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10 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

See above, same answer. It's time for the dogma to end and the teamwork to prevail.

I am not a Labour supporter by any means.  What the UK needs is real constitutional reform. 

Reform that removes the confrontational nature of British Politics and moves towards a much more co-operative approach. 

That means scrapping first past the post and the introduction of proportional representation.  That scares the bejezus out of many (small c) conservatives though.  

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3 hours ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

You are not my judge. If you want to live in the past, unable to come to terms with the present, let alone plan for the future, that's your call. It's your problem not mine, I don't care. The Brexit debate is finished, we are leaving. I hope that you get over it sometime, if not, well.......start a campaign for a 'Peoples vote' or something, whatever floats your boat. You're a busted flush old bean. 

The more time that you spend on here writhing and kicking off about a matter already settled, then the more S***** you look. But it's your choice, and I'm not going to use that very offensive word against you.

I very much want to plan for the future that you are so positive about.

So it would greatly help my positivity if you would share all your reasons for being positive for a future outside of the EU by answering this simple question:

On 12/18/2019 at 11:59 AM, P.K. said:

Like the rest of the brexiteers on here you must think the UK will do better outside of the EU than being on the inside where it had also influence for change.

What do you base that belief on?

Preferably £facts and not airy fairy political bullspeak please.


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I see the tories are straight in with their strategy of never mind the state of the nation get re-elected at any cost.

The "photo id to vote" nonsense being a wizard wheeze. However a High Court judge has ruled that the citizen sign up fee of £1012 is unlawful. Hence the tories are giving a hard look at the US system of court appointments.

It already looks like this government is going to be very bad news for our version of democracy.

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29 minutes ago, P.K. said:

I see the tories are straight in with their strategy of never mind the state of the nation get re-elected at any cost.

The "photo id to vote" nonsense being a wizard wheeze. However a High Court judge has ruled that the citizen sign up fee of £1012 is unlawful. Hence the tories are giving a hard look at the US system of court appointments.

It already looks like this government is going to be very bad news for our version of democracy.

Well it looks as though it's going to deliver what the majority of people over here want.

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