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UK General Election Dec 2019


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10 minutes ago, woolley said:

Well it could be for the Island if Jezza did get in and started poking around the offshores. Don't know how far he would get in reality, but it's a known unknown.

You never know with these things. It could turn out to be an opportunity for some.

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24 minutes ago, quilp said:

There's hope for the nation's young yet. From last night's QT...


Lol. That clip will haunt him embarrassingly for the rest of his life. There's one every election.

And let's be honest: Corbyn is about as Marxist as Sweden.

(Most of the actual Marxists have joined Farage's Brexit Party Ltd anyhow. It's a ragbag of lifelong contrarians, troublemakers and conspiracy nutters. The old Revolution Communist Party signed up en masse and other potential candidates are ex SWP)

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16 minutes ago, woody2 said:



13 minutes ago, quilp said:

You can assume all you like. What would you expect them to do? In the extremely unlikely event of that happening I would expect a good deal of civil unrest. In fact, I would hope for it. 

In the hugely unlikely event that the Lib Dems were the winners of the General Election the pair of you would call it undemocratic?  And you quilp would want civil unrest?

By the way, what happened to the predicted riots that would happen if the UK did not leave the EU on the 31st October?  

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I sympathise with him, but it’s up to the ERG and DUP to explain to him that brexit was an undeliverable fantasy that can only be solved by leaving with a shit deal or starting from scratch like no other country on Earth with endless negotiations from an increasingly weaker position. 

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2 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:


In the hugely unlikely event that the Lib Dems were the winners of the General Election the pair of you would call it undemocratic?  And you quilp would want civil unrest?

By the way, what happened to the predicted riots that would happen if the UK did not leave the EU on the 31st October?  


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53 minutes ago, woody2 said:


Well down on my manor Thursday is pension day for many and the buses were full. Also Thursday is Benefits Day or The Old King Cole for many as the money goes in Wednesday night so Spoons was packed out with Dole boys on the ale at £1.99 a pint and pensioners getting the two for one lunch with a drink. Then I think Corry was on telly or was it EastEnders? Tim Martin bombs Spoons with Brexit beer mats, magazines etc. So no one takes any notice....I know of no one who cares the proverbial simian coitus any more and for my money I think the Old Trouser Press will stand on the steps of No 10 due to the under current of sullen hate for the Latter Day Fascists ie Tory Toffs which is why so many Mod Cons are having it away on their toes rather than getting the Spanish archer by standing again.....So that's why there were no riots. The real hatred will come out with a quiet X on the ballot paper and my chicken's entrails point to the Trouser Press as a shock result more or less by default. 

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