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UK General Election Dec 2019


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3 hours ago, Rog said:

Lehman was brought about by a rogue trader as well you (should) know. (Ehhhh????)

But that apart, when was the statement ever made that Austerity was to be over?

Chancellor Sajid Javid declares end of austerity - 4th Sep 2019

The government has declared it has "turned the page on austerity" as it set out plans to raise spending across all departments.

Chancellor Sajid Javid outlined £13.8bn of investment in areas including health, education and the police in what he said was the fastest increase in spending for 15 years.



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38 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Chancellor Sajid Javid declares end of austerity - 4th Sep 2019

The government has declared it has "turned the page on austerity" as it set out plans to raise spending across all departments.

Chancellor Sajid Javid outlined £13.8bn of investment in areas including health, education and the police in what he said was the fastest increase in spending for 15 years.



Turning the page on austerity is NOT saying an end of "austerity", it is saying it is to move to the next phrase.  

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On 12/23/2019 at 12:26 AM, wrighty said:

@P.K. - do you type the phrase “totally amoral serial philanderer and inveterate liar” or whatever it is each time, or is it assigned to a single function key as a shortcut?

Adding to this, just think of the time you'll save P.K. if you just say he's S.P.I.N.AL ie a Serial Philanderer, Inveterate, Narcissistic, Amoral Liar.

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Austerity just means tough times for lazy people with 3 or more kids, often to more than one father. Many of whom have never managed to ever hold down a full time job... and then moan about migrants that do.

Well overdue IMO.

These are the people adding no value to, and killing the planet.

ETA: and are 30% of the Brexiteers. ..living in a bubble version of the British Empire they got told about by some England fan who remembers his grandad waving the cross of St George in a pub in 1966.

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To be honest I think it's important to remind folks what a flawed character Johnson actually is.

His New Year message, naturally from warmer climes, included the usual "Get Brexit Done" by the end of Jan nonsense. Are there really people out there stupid enough to believe him? It will take a lot longer than a month...

Thatcher set the Gold Standard for toxicity and polarisation. The country is most definitely polarised by brexit but it hasn't got toxic yet because essentially nothing has actually been done.

Jolly times ahead....

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

To be honest I think it's important to remind folks what a flawed character Johnson actually is.

His New Year message, naturally from warmer climes, included the usual "Get Brexit Done" by the end of Jan nonsense. Are there really people out there stupid enough to believe him? It will take a lot longer than a month...

Thatcher set the Gold Standard for toxicity and polarisation. The country is most definitely polarised by brexit but it hasn't got toxic yet because essentially nothing has actually been done.

Jolly times ahead....

So who would be your favourite (flawless) post WW2 PM?

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5 hours ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:


The reason I ask is because it was the first "political" memoir I have read which gave some fascinating insights into the running of a modern democracy.

However it also pulled no punches as to how not only were Blair's policies put under the microscope of the UK rabid right wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, but so were his family.

Now Johnson is such a "colourful character" shall we say his personality flaws have left all sorts of skeletons in all sorts of cupboards. But from the Wail, Telegraph, Express, Sun etc etc not so much as a peep. It's such fertile ground you would think they should have had teams ferreting away for that juicy scandal - but nothing. Why is that do you think?

Incidentally trying to get me to name a previous PM you can use to try and distract attention from Johnson's manifest failings is pointless. I'm a Liberal, hence I dispise the tory "I'm all right Jack, let's keep it that way..." ethos. However if you must know the politician I admired the most in my lifetime was John Smith. For sheer honesty, integrity, intelligence and passion he was head and shoulders above ALL of his contempories of ALL political colours. I'm sure he would have made the best Prime Minister since WW2.

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29 minutes ago, P.K. said:

The reason I ask is because it was the first "political" memoir I have read which gave some fascinating insights into the running of a modern democracy.

However it also pulled no punches as to how not only were Blair's policies put under the microscope of the UK rabid right wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, but so were his family.

Now Johnson is such a "colourful character" shall we say his personality flaws have left all sorts of skeletons in all sorts of cupboards. But from the Wail, Telegraph, Express, Sun etc etc not so much as a peep. It's such fertile ground you would think they should have had teams ferreting away for that juicy scandal - but nothing. Why is that do you think?

Incidentally trying to get me to name a previous PM you can use to try and distract attention from Johnson's manifest failings is pointless. I'm a Liberal, hence I dispise the tory "I'm all right Jack, let's keep it that way..." ethos. However if you must know the politician I admired the most in my lifetime was John Smith. For sheer honesty, integrity, intelligence and passion he was head and shoulders above ALL of his contempories of ALL political colours. I'm sure he would have made the best Prime Minister since WW2.

I would have voted for John Smith too - or perhaps Alan Johnson, so perhaps I might belong in a different box to that you have assigned me.

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