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Wot odds on the forthcoming election?


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6 hours ago, Rog said:

I would dearly love to see a Conservative victory I'm fear from convinced such will be he case. Quite apart from the BREXIT divide Labour have played a very clever campaign by targeting marginal seats and immigrant communities and colonies. Use of the anti-Semitic card is hugely attractive there and also amongst many knuckle dragging British.The Conservative campaign has dropped a huge bollock by trying to outspent the Labour spending proposals because they immediately prompt the question if hey can see he need and have the money why was nothing done before. I'm not going to rant on but to e what this highlights is how very much we should move from the FTP to some form of PR.

My prediction for this election?  A Lib/Lab coalition though I continue hoping for a Conservative government..

Judging by the extremely poor grammar, phenomenally bad spelling and wayward syntax,I suspect you were nurtured and educated by knuckle dragging Brits

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1 hour ago, Barrie Stevens said:

Lord Hume of the Hirstle was the last PM in the House of Lords but briefly. He renounced the title using the then new legislation of 1963 and stood for election to the Commons as Sir Alec Douglas Home. Thus he was PM in both houses.  It was not OK in the 1960s to have a PM in the Lords. But I think still possible in theory but might cause a lot of trouble...


You’re just posting random links that confirm what I posted.

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22 minutes ago, John Wright said:

You’re just posting random links that confirm what I posted.

Not exactly confirm but supportive as indeed I have been of you...There again it is not me raising the topic but seeming experts. We live in strange times whereby the rules I knew are being strained viz a viz Boris tricks...I would not be surprised to see a PM  in the Lords if Brexit is supreme and Boris needed to push it through. This election is in reality a referendum and I suspect we shall see a few high wire acts yet. And Lord Home was PM  in the Lords before he went to the Commons. He did not renounce his title so as to be PM but more to continue in office.

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Well to answer the question in the OP, and to get away from this House or Lords nonsense - 

From Paddy Power:

Next PM - BJ 3:1on, JC 2:1, rest no chance

most seats - Con 20:1on, Lab 9:1, rest no chance

Overall majority - Con 15:8 on, Nobody 7:4, Lab 20:1


So the bookies seem confident enough for you Rog. 

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