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French Paedophilia Trial

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The French Justice system has prevailed in a case against 65 adults accused of


child abuse in Angers. Story


I have to say, as a mother of two young children, that I can't understand how


so many people could come together to do these unspeakable things to children.


How, given the number of people involved, could it have gone unnoticed for so long ?


The youngest child was 6 months old at the time of the offences.

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Having raised four children of my own (2 of them still very young) + two stepchildren, I also feel the same kind of utter revulsion when confronted by a story such as this. Childhood ought to be a time of security, innocent pleasures and learning, and nothing can ever replace that for these victims.

From the report on the link, and other sources, it appears that the French authorities were very reluctant to take the whole thing seriously and had to be pushed into prosecuting those responsible (rather like the similar one in Belgium a few years back). I wonder why this is - is it because 'important' people are involved? Is it because the sheer scale of the thing defies belief? Is it because its hard to believe that apparently ordinary people can actually be so wicked?

In the end, the sentences - up to 28 years in jail - may act as a deterrent to others who harbour similar evil desires, but no sentence or retribution can ever replace the lost childhoods or heal the possibly lifelong psychological scars that these monstrous adults have inflicted on those children.

Even though I'm normally opposed to capital punishment, my immediate reaction was to think that the guillotine would have provided a more appropriate form of retribution.

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Even though I'm normally opposed to capital punishment, my immediate reaction was to think that the guillotine would have provided a more appropriate form of retribution.

I beg to differ on this one - solitary confinement in a tiny cell for the rest of their life would be more appropriate - it's the death penalty, only longer...


Mr. Guillotine's invention simply is too good for these people...

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The most worrying thing about paedophilia / child sexual abuse is exemplified by this story, namely that most of it occurs within the family rather than by the media stereotype of the weirdo middle aged male stranger prowling parks and playgrounds.

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It's not just counselling and support for now and the near future but they will most probably need help for a very long time if not for life as one of the sad knockon effects of child abuse is that in many cases the abusers were themselves abused and the whole process can be self perpetuating.

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That is truly appalling.  I am so saddened to read that.  I sincerely hope that the children get full counselling and support for as long as they need it.


Despite what people might think abuse is very frequently passed on from generation to generation.


I used to read Exodus 34 : 7 at face value (Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, unto the third and to the fourth generation).


Until that is I realised that what was behind it other than the description of the attributes of God was also a truism. What a child sees and experiences they frequently take as normal and even right and so carry on to do the same.


Oh I know there will be a hue and cry that being abused has made a person determined not to abuse in their own right and in many cases this is true but not in the majority and especially if the abuse is taking place all around and is therefore seen as being normal.


Take female circumcision, A terrible act and one unlike male circumcision, an act with absolutely NO clinical advantage and yet one that is perpetrated on generation on generation of women in some societies even in Britain today whereby young girls are frequently sent ‘home’ for some wizened old bitch with a razor blade or broken bottle and a needle and thread to mutilate them most horribly.


Sent by their mothers who had suffered the same awful treatment themselves because it is 'the done thing'.


That this case in France involved a great many people makes me wonder just how much was down to perversion on the part of individuals and how much was down to a perverted custom and practice within a community.


For those that may be interested have a look at http://www.memecentral.com/ and / or Google ‘memes’.

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I agree with just about all of that. (It had to happen sooner or later Rog)


Much truth in what you say - but try to keep reminding yourself also that we cannot begin to understand other cultures and why they do such things - just as they must have difficulty in understanding ours.


I know I do sometimes. :/

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Weird stuff! 60 odd people prostituing their own children! I imagined from reading the postings it was some network of people across the country, not families.


What I do find interesting in that these people are willing to prostitute their children for food or even a packet of cigtarettes. Of course what they have done to their children is despicable but does the poverty of the area actually play in part in what is going on here.

More than just banging up people I think it deserves an investigation into why this has taken place, not necessarily why it went unnoticed though that is important.


Read that 'meme' stuff before it is quite interesting but whatever you do, do not read the Lucifer Principle by Howard Bloom, it has to be the biggest pile of sh*t I have ever read.

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And on a very very similar note to all this - take a look at good old Pitcairn Island for their nasty customs.


We don't often hear about that Manx connection these last few years do we?


Sorry to drag it out from under the carpet but when I look up on that hill on Tynwald day it sends a shiver down my spine. Right down my spine.



Google search: Pitcairn child abuse


Google search: Pitcairn child abuse

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Oh I know there will be a hue and cry that being abused has made a person determined not to abuse in their own right and in many cases this is true but not in the majority.......


I disagree - source please.

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Even though I'm normally opposed to capital punishment, my immediate reaction was to think that the guillotine would have provided a more appropriate form of retribution.

I beg to differ on this one - solitary confinement in a tiny cell for the rest of their life would be more appropriate - it's the death penalty, only longer...


Mr. Guillotine's invention simply is too good for these people...


I agree with Amadeus the guillotine is far to quick a death.

I abhor these despicable beasts who are classed as human beings and even though the do-gooders won't agree with me, in my opinion the only punishment for these beasts is an extremly slow death.

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The horrible thought is that this kind of appears to be so widespread throughout the so-called civilized world. Until someone manages to shine a spotlight on their dirty, dark and disgusting activities there's just no way of knowing who's involved in it. It could be your neighbour, your friend, someone you enjoy having a drink with.... anyone. It really does make you shudder.

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Oh I know there will be a hue and cry that being abused has made a person determined not to abuse in their own right and in many cases this is true but not in the majority.......


I disagree - source please.


The source is quite simply the number of times that we read of people soing something to their kids and the justification / excuse coming up that they had been abused themselves as kids.

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