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Ira To Put Down Arms

Speckled Frost

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Seems a rather sudden decision by the IRA.


I wonder how much the current climate has had on their decision?


They are clearly getting no sympathy anymore, particularly in the US.


The Northern Bank robbery and the murder of Robert McCartney were PR disasters but it seems the terrorist threat elsewhere has kind of deadened the impact of the IRA tactics.


Good news though at a pretty tense time

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I don't think it has been a sudden decision at all - since the ceasefire in 1997 they've gradually been manouvering to a position whereby they could get to this point without alienating their members and supporters.


Yes it is good news. Hopefully now the other splinter groups from both sides will follow suit.

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Alledegely, the Northern bank robbery and the 26 million that was stolen, was planned as a pension fund for ex-members, i suppose those in thier 30's, its been a way of life for them.


I sincerely hope that this is the final hurdle and all the parties can start talking again.


Unfortunally with the old faces of Adams, McGuiness and Paisley around, its going to be difficult building trust.


I think the McCartney sisters have had a major impact of late, they stood up to the organisation, like no one ever has.

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I think the McCartney sisters have had a major impact of late, they stood up to the organisation, like no one ever has.


Umm, you need to go read up on what's happened to them since the first flush of publicity.

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Dream on.


They are not giving up. They are too deeply entrenched in the criminal world, and in the psyche of both North and South.


Revenge killings, punishment beatings, pipe bombs, drugs dealing, cattle and cigarette smuggling. They will not stop.


You read it here.

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Uhh, I'm not talking about that.


Well why not enlighten me then?


You could start with this




I was aware of the information,but i felt Ans was implying something more sinister had happened.


Very sad that these circumstances have arisen for the family, but its going to take a hell of a long time for attitudes to change within the community.

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I would like to see what excuses Mr Paisley comes up with not to talk to the republicans now.


I would also like to see Mr Adams and crew talk to the police about the McCartney murder and the Northern Bank raid. As if...


I simply can't see any of the hard liners backing down about the issue of unification.


However perhaps time will heal things. Most people I know over there are bored of the arguing and just seem to be getting on with life. I think the real hope lies with the teenagers & 20 somethings who seem to more interested in partying than fighting.

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A conflict/dispute with its roots lying hundreds of years in the past obviously isn't going to be sorted out overnight. But perhaps the fact that one of the parties involved in it has taken at least a tentative step towards finding a political, rather a violent, solution is cause for a small celebration.

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