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Ira To Put Down Arms

Speckled Frost

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A conflict/dispute with its roots lying hundreds of years in the past obviously isn't going to be sorted out overnight.  But perhaps the fact that one of the parties involved in it has taken at least a tentative step towards finding a political, rather a violent, solution is cause for a small celebration.


We should all hope politics, not violence, will prevail.

There must be some doubts as to the ability of the Provisional IRA to carry the Republican movement along with its proclamation and instructions to volunteers. We need to remember the Provisionals were formed following an ideological split within the "Official" IRA which had taken a distinctly Marxist direction.

The Real IRA, who were responsible for the Omagh bombing, were formed as a result of disagreements within the Provisional IRA.

The Real IRA have quickly responded to today's news by issuing a statement running counter to the Provisional's proclamation. REAL IRA STATEMENT

It is, of course, a moot point as to whether the Real IRA has any remaining support within the Republican movement. The Omagh bombing, in particular, left the organisation reviled, even amongst hardline Republicans. However, a television news item, tonight, reported genuine concern, amongst republican families living in the Ardoyne area, that the demise of the Provisionals would leave them exposed to attacks and intimidation from the Unionist community.

We should hope these people do not turn to the Real IRA for protection. The organisation has been quick to spot the opportunity and has issued a statement claiming working class republicans are "anxious" about their security. Real IRA Story

It remains to be seen if the Real IRA has any remaining substance. But, until we have solid evidence to the contrary, we should not assume all republicans will favour politics over violence.

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I can't believe that The Real IRA have a Yahoo Group and issue their statements on it. I can't believe its really them.


Is there an Al Quaeda Yahoo Group too? I hardly dare search. That kind of thing would never happen on MSN.


Anyhow. They must be really wonderful people, the Provisionals. To stand down like that and stop killing people. (Now that they've got their Northern Bank pensions and their holiday homes sorted out).




Just had another look at that strange board. Like many of those Yahoo groups it's the same handful of posters and spam.


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What seems to be getting lost is the simple fact that there are TWO countries on the island of Ireland, Eire and Great Britain or at least a province of Greta Britain.


The British province comprising the remaining 6 counties of Ulster are as much a part of Great Britain as Kent or Lancashire. The whole thought of power sharing is an insult not ony to the people of what is left of Ulster but should be to the entire population of GB. It is like the French demanding power sharing in the government of Kent.


My hope is that Dr Paisley sticks to his guns (literally if need be) to defend that part of Britain that the awful government presently in place in GB seem unwilling to do. NuLabour has a mandate albeit under the totally inappropriate electoral system of GB to form the government of GB and Bleah is the Prime Minister. Rather than negotiating the hand over of a part of GB to a foreign power which is what Eire is he should be defending the Province.


That the IRA has announced that it is to cease an armed conflict against GB is a smokescreen. What would be far more appropriate would be for Eire government to stop seeking to annex a part of GB simply because it is on the same island as Eire and for Bleah to start to do what he should and lock this disgusting concept of power sharing into touch.

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What seems to be getting lost is the simple fact that there are TWO countries on the island of Ireland, Eire and Great Britain or at least a province of Greta Britain.


The British province comprising the remaining 6 counties of Ulster are as much a part of Great Britain as Kent or Lancashire.  The whole thought of power sharing is an insult not ony to the people of what is left of Ulster but should be to the entire population of GB.  It is like the French demanding power sharing in the government of Kent.



The six counties (Ulster is actually a misnomer because historically it includes part of the Republic) is only a part of Great Britain by virtue of conquest and settlement - the comparison with Kent is, therefore, totally inappropriate.

Ultimately, because it is the wish of the majority of its citizens, those counties will become part of a united Ireland - whether that comes about in the immediate future or in the much longer term is the only question that remains.

Claiming that it should remain forever a part of Great Britain is rather like claiming that Normandy should still be under British rule or, perhaps, that Goa should still belong to Portugal.

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I think that England should be a republic and let the rest of the British isles decide their own fate via the ballot box...


I'm all for special relationships with the rest of the British Isles (even a shared military like the IOM) but we should all have the right of self determination. I'm sick of the celtic nations blaming England for all their ills. I'm sure we will all get along much better with home rule.


Don't get me wrong about being a nationalist though. In our family there are Irish, English and Manx born and we all get on just fine...

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A bit of history -


During World War II, Eire remained neutral, but sometimes gave tacit support to Britain, and a lot of their subjects joined the British services.


To keep Eire in line, the Germans 'accidently' bombed Dublin one or two nights - it was in fact a message to Mr. DeVelera and co to stay neutral.


About this time, Churchill had a secret meeting with DeVelera - and in exchange for Eire offering full support to Britain in the war, he offered the six counties to Eire, giving them a full and unified Ireland.


Rog, as far as Britian was concerned then, the 'British' six counties were an easy sacrifice, and actually meant little to the British establishment.


In the event, DeVelera turned down the offer. Which shows how much the six counties meant to Eire.


Those people living in the six counties, Republican or Loyalist, would be betrayed by either side if it was politically expedient.

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Ultimately, because it is the wish of the majority of its citizens, those counties will become part of a united Ireland - whether that comes about in the immediate future or in the much longer term is the only question that remains.

Claiming that it should remain forever a part of Great Britain is rather like claiming that Normandy should still be under British rule or, perhaps, that Goa should still belong to Portugal.


If and when the majority of the population of the Province decide that they want to become a part of a united Ireland then that's exactly what should happen but until then the Province is a part of GB and no foreign power should have a say in how it is governed.

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Northern Ireland IMHO has been an "occupied" country for years - this has been a major cause of the "terrorist problem" .


ie - If there was no occupation of what I see as should be a "sovereign nation" then we would never have had any IRA bombings in the UK.


I can only welcome the recent announcement by the IRA - hopefully this will lead to a reduction in support of "The Real IRA" as most of the populace seem to prefer political solutions rather than violence.


The only major thing left to take any "arguments" away from the "Real IRA" is for all of the British troops to pull out, all of the Unionist movements to make a similiar declaration to denounce violence and to disarm.


Whether this will truly happen or not is anyones guess - but IMHO it's a huge step in the right direction.

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Did anyone see Newsnight last night?


An official IRA spokesman** was being interviewed by the Newsnight lady. She asked him about four times "Will the punishment beatings be stopped?" and he talked over her, slagging off the BBC for asking him questions.


He never answered the question. So, the punishment beatings will go on.


She also asked were they giving up criminal activities, and got the same 'totalling ignoring the question' response. You would think they would have at least the courtesy to lie and pretend they had given those things up.



**Shaven headed bully/thug trying to intimidate a woman

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Problem is even if the majority of Northern Ireland's citizens wished to join Ireland would it mean that the province should be made part of Southern Ireland?

I am not sure; what about the self-determination of those wishing to remain under British rule or that of those who would rather have independance of either country.


I don't necessarily believe that Northern Ireland has to, at some point, join the Republic of Ireland in view of the history. It I think up to the people who live in Northern Ireland.


I think some form of power sharing makes sense. Considering how a large proportion of the population of Northern Ireland identify as Irish and the Catholic population have long been under-represented in the province I think it makes sense to have the involvement of the Irish nation-state. Northern Ireland isn't going to be part of Great Britain indefinitely and I would imagine the politicians in Westminster have for a long time been ready to 'see the back' of Northern Ireland, as it has only embroiled Great Britain in trouble for decades.


The Rhymes - most of the celtic nations have some form of 'home rule' already. They could do with more in some areas but I agree with what you say.

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I'm based there at the minute, i've been here for 16 months and my tour ends in a weeks time! As you can imagine 've seen some crazy S**t during that time.

To be honest i think a think that has gone on for 100's of years is more than unlikely to come to a cease within a matter of weeks/months although it would make me and i'm sure alot of other people VERY happy if one day peace came of NI.

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Here's a test to see if this is just window dressing and spin.


Tony Blair, Mrs. Thatcher, John Major, and every Secretary of State for Northern Ireland for the last thirty years still have full round the clock security because of the threat from the IRA.


Removing a couple of observation towers in Armagh is just a stunt.


Lets see if security is removed from them. I guarantee it won't be.

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Here's a test to see if this is just window dressing and spin.


Tony Blair, Mrs. Thatcher, John Major, and every Secretary of State for Northern Ireland for the last thirty years still have full round the clock security because of the threat from the IRA.


Removing a couple of observation towers in Armagh is just a stunt.


Lets see if security is removed from them.  I guarantee it won't be.

I think it must be the 'security' that's the 'window dressing.' Both John Major and Mrs T had it, but it didn't prevent either of them from being stabbed in the back by their own party!

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