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Jurby Prison


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How much Extra will this cost to build anyone want to start i will start by saying it will cost £20 million extra.



The Tender of AWG, the one they accepted and then rejected was a fixed price with no risk to the Government, the one that O,Hare McGovern have is an open contract or something like that so we can expect extra costs. At the Wedding cake prices submitted by subcontractors have now been binned and the works are proceeding on a daywork basis and its alleged that some of the subcontractors have been paid four times more than what they priced for

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I would be interested to know if a feasibility study was carried out for the proposed site in Jurby.


If a study was done, did it consider things such as how much it would cost to transport prisoners to and from the prison and Douglas Court House for remand hearings and sentencing? Did it consider the provision of medical facilities? The nearest hospital is in Douglas and whilst this could be inconvenient to most people living in the North of the island, how do they propose to provide a fast, safe and secure method of transport for prisoners?


How much will it cost the taxpayer to have advocates travel from Douglas to Jurby and back to attend meetings with the prisoners?


What environmental impact will a new prison have on the landscape and surrounding areas?


Have any provisions been made for relatives to be able to get to Jurby in order to visit prisoners and if so, what are the financial implications to the visitors or taxpayers?


What will be the cost of this construction and what are the qualifications of the contractors in relation to the building a suitable prison? Are the contractors approved by the Home Office for the construction of prisons?


Home Affairs Minister Phil Braidwood said prisoners have to be risk assessed before officers decide where to take them because the lower Douglas station, in Lord Street, is not appropriate for offenders who may become violent.


It was built by a private developer and fitted out as a police station at a cost of £1 million to the taxpayer.




This fiasco just proves that someone with experience should be hired to construct buildings that are of a specialist nature!



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The Tender of AWG, the one they accepted and then rejected was a fixed price with no risk to the Government, the one that O,Hare McGovern have is an open contract or something like that so we can expect extra costs. At the Wedding cake prices submitted by subcontractors have now been binned and the works are proceeding on a daywork basis and its alleged that some of the subcontractors have been paid four times more than what they priced for


Lets correct a few things


1. AWG aka Morrison Construction Ltd worked with the Design Team to establish a cost for the Prison which was carried out on a partnering basis however the Contract they would have finally entered into would have probably been the same contract that O,Hare McGovern have which would have entitled them to make claims for variations etc. However I do believe because of the original partnering approach Morrison Construction would not have been playing the Contractual game on this Project. What is there to say that O Hare McGovern wont operate in a similar manner. The final price on any contract is dictated by a) the client not making changes and B) the quality of the information provided by the Design Team at tender stage and during the course of construction.


2. In relation to Government Offices there is no way that OHM are on daywork. Variations will be paid at rates submitted within the original BoQ. If OHM want to pay their subcontractors on a daywork basis that is a matter for them and has no bearing on the final price.

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If a study was done, did it consider things such as how much it would cost to transport prisoners to and from the prison and Douglas Court House for remand hearings and sentencing?


I did hear somewhere that they would be using video conferencing for trivial appearances such as remand or bail. Anything which was a quick visit in and out with a definite return to prison after would be looked after in this way.


Obviously court appearances for sentencing and trials would still require a physical presence.

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They also didn't take into account how easy it'd be for an escaped convict to assimilate to Jurby society - almost no effort at all.


They did consider this but realised that once the escapee got over the wall and realised he was in Jurby he be straight round to the gate begging to be let back in


Assuming of course he would make it back to the gate.


Survival is touch and go if you're travelling less than 30mph in Jurby.



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this will make you laugh , the planning office turned down 'Tristar farms' app to build a runnway on his farm (strang) saying it was to near the other proposed site for the prison and if there was a jail break a plane could land on his runway and remove the escaped prisoner :lol::lol::lol:



So just to make it easier for all the criminals to escape by air they agree to build the new prison at an airport but also i would just like to know what local lags can afford a plane to help them escape :o or do the authorities expect to rent out cell space in the new state of the art prison for high profile criminals from across the pond ?

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When they talk about video conferencing there must be a cost for that i remmember watching something on the telly and it was working out at £3000 a hour for them to run is this true?


To be honest with you i dont see why land near the sewage farm could not be used, putting the prison in santon would have been better than a 25 mile trip to jurby from douglas.


As for visiting it is down to the prisoners family to sort that out i don't see why the public should pay for a convicts family to visit him, after all there is buses to jurby so if aint that much of a problem.

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