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Should the IOM leave UK for EU?

Manximus Aururaneus

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10 minutes ago, doc.fixit said:

Do you believe that the UK would allow it to happen?

I want to start with those on here who claim (I believe falsely) that they want it to happen. Put up or shut up time is my question I suppose.

So let's start with the premise that the UK Gov would allow it to happen if the majority on IOM voted for same. John Major stated during the N.I. peace talks that 'Britain has no strategic interest over N.I.' Does Britain really have a 'strategic interest' over IOM if IOM wanted to join EU?

Is there a majority on IOM to bin UK and join EU as some suggest? Let's find out. That's democracy.

Who on here wants IOM to separate from UK and fully join EU?

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Well my honest answer is it's too complex for me to figure out whether we would be better off or not!

My gut instinct is to suggest that we could be better off in the EU merely because it wouldn't be our govt. making the decisions although who's to say that an EU affiliation would govern us better?

Maybe if the UK does come out of the EU then maybe I would lean towards the EU but I don't think it would be allowed, so, maybe a protocol 3 type arrangement between us and the EU might work to our advantage?

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52 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

Many on here suggesting such a stance.

It is absolutely open to the IOM to drop its Crown dependency status and apply for direct EU (Full) membership. Should it do so? As a Non - UK aligned independent state?

The rules are the same for you as for Scotland thus far. You would have to be independent first and then apply to the EU after many years of preparing. You would have to align with the Euro which could take years.

You would have to show that you can assume the full body of EU laws etc. ie "Acquis" Click the link.

You do not have the power to drop the Crown Dependency status.

You would have to pay into the EU funding.

The problem you do face is more immediate.

When the UK leaves the EU your existing Protocol 3 relationship to the EU will fall.

What have you got to replace it? All you will have so far is a relationship with the UK as a Crown Dependency.

You are British sovereign territory and the decisions are made for you in London.

London will decide what you can have as was indeed the case when Protocol 3 was introduced to assist the UK as to what to do with the Crown Dependencies back in the old Common Market days.


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No way would we better off in the EU. Many of our employers would leave and we would be stuck in the middle of nowhere with high import and export costs (because of our location)...grasping for EU handouts whilst being tied down with additional regulations and tax controls and dictations.

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Never happen. We wouldn't meet the economic critical mass criteria.

EU have got enough lying lame ducks to support as it is (Greece for instance and anybody else who falsified their joining economic criteria)

Although....perhaps we could ally ourselves to the ROI? 

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2 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:

....grasping for EU handouts whilst being tied down with additional regulations and tax controls and dictations.

We already are. And just substitute UK for EU...via tax fiddles...

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I can't think of any poster on this board who has seriously suggested it. Does anyone really believe it's a possibility? Malta (pop. 500k?), the smallest EU member; it handed over nearly €60m to the EU as its last contribution. It probably has a small and profitable export market (I don't know) and considerable income from tourism as well as financial services which enables it to pay its way. 

This little inconsequential rock couldn't afford it. 


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@Manximus Aururaneus

What's with all this "you"?  It suggests you are not actually an Isle of Man resident.


Which is fine but why then get so agitated about whether the IOM is a member of the EU or not?

Personally I believe the Isle of Man would be better joining a "celtic alliance" with Scotland,  Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. That's highly unlikely to happen though.

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Personally (as an unagitated IOM resident and taxpayer who will not be silenced)) I do not think that the IOM should even consider EU membership.

I supported, and still do support Brexit.

But there are some on here who seriously disagree with Brexit (even though they live in a place never a full member of the EU).

So what I am asking of those people is, now that you are no longer going to get 'Pseudo' EU membership via the UK (Whilst not being prepared to fully sign yourself up either).

Are you proposing that the IOM now signs up to full EU membership, full alignment to EU rules, and full EU tax compliance now that you no longer have the UK to cover for you?

Put or shut up time I suppose.




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21 hours ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

Jeez.  Better to remain silent and be thought a fool...

This fool guessed that the 2016 referendum would be for 'Leave'.

This fool guessed that Boris would make PM and do it.

This fool correctly predicted a large Conservative majority in 2019 for Boris followed by Brexit.

You predicted the opposite, go and sit in corner and giggle with Rich Britten. Don't stay silent, that might give people reason to think that you're clever.

This fool got what he wanted and correctly predicted  - how did you fare?

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