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Will the Labour Party survive?

Manximus Aururaneus

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2 hours ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

Given the number of ex / retired labour grandees who say that it will not survive ( Blair, Brown, Field, Burnham, Harris, Cooper, Straw , Blunket, Balls et al) - will the Labour Party be around to fight the next election as the main opposition party?

Well if it elects Long-Bailey as the new leader it’ll still be around in the sense of half-a-dozen sixth form Trots who will never need to trouble themselves to form a government. 

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It was surprising that Corbyn (and McDonnell) didn't have the dignity to stand down immediately after the result. Even in the face of party-wide criticism he decided the best way forward was to not, "run away" but to hold on to the reins and refer to the committee for a period of introspection, to analyse what went wrong and where. It doesn't take much analysis to come up with a suitable answer. His standing down at that point would hardly have made much of a difference to a party in such disarray, and to some members it may've come as a salve to soothe the wounds of defeat.

It's who takes the reins, post-Corbyn, which will decide Labour's future prospects and longevity as an effective and credible opposition.

My prediction would be a Nandy/Starmer combo.

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Starmer as leader would bring establishment standing to the party.

Albeit as an unlikely, knighted, Labour-supporting Civil Servant as an ex -Director of Public Prosecutions.

Britain is too inherently "centre", politics-wise, for any far left-leaning movement to be successful.

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1 minute ago, the stinking enigma said:

It's about time they put a Tory back in charge of the labour party. Old jezza had them running scared for a while though. I've never quite seen such a mobilisation of smear.

What isn't present can't be smeared.

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Standing back and looking at it; Corbyn's offerings and people's perception thereof must have been dire to drive ANYBODY towards the Buffoon.

With Johnson's demeanour and record, would he have stood a chance against decent opposition?

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The problem isn't the Labour party as such, but the problem for the Labour party is that the whole country, pretty much, leans towards the Tory philosophy and economics.  Thatcher did that by giving council house tenants the right to buy, encouraging everyone to own shares by selling them shares in BT, British Gas, Water etc while simultaneously breaking union powers and closing down uneconomical industries.  She painted the country blue.

So a traditional Labour party, like Corbyn/MacDonnell will never have a chance.  John Smith and then Blair moved them right enough to compete and be acceptable for the Tory leaning UK population, but since 2010 they've gone the other way again.

To answer the OP, the labour party will only survive if it changes back towards a Blair/Brown model, ie becomes Tory-lite again.

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