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Will the Labour Party survive?

Manximus Aururaneus

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Interesting to read the comments on this article in the Guardian. I have long felt (decades) that Guardian and BBC journalists (etc.) simply do not convey the aspirations of the working class that they themselves think they represent. That the views of these journalists are nothing more than 'mature student' nonsense is a fast breaking story that they themselves cannot see.

I disagree with the article, but agree with many of the comments - big reality check for the so-called intelligentsia.


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I find it amusing that Labour claim to be standing up for the most vulnerable in our society when, imho of course, their holistic approach to Social Welfare has gone some way to encourage an underclass.

Mind you, they at least consider the most vulnerable when making policy....

The change.org to prevent IDS getting a K is going rather well I see. Good.

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