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Bank Hill


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Just in case anyone doesn't know it yet - Bank Hill is closed, so don't come down from Athol Street on your way home or to Tesco...


North Quay and Bridge Road from Tesco side are still open - oh, and the traffic light with the longest red phase in human history is still there as well - Happy Waiting! :)


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Those temporary traffic lights down there are crazy! I went down Athol Street on Wenesday morning to go to Tesco, at 9.15 after the initial morning "rush hour", and sat and waited and waited and waited some more, in fact the lights at the end of Athol Street changed 12 times before I actually moved anywhere. There was total chaos, people were just stuck in the middle of the road unable to move.

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You can always count on most of the DOT road gangs to drag their feet, i used to get subcontracted out to them and it used to drive me up the wall specially the north gangs or Airport Gang , i would arrive in the morning before 8 wherever they were workin, some of the boys would stroll in 20 mins late i would be told what needed doing, unload the planner, and start chewing the marked areas out of the road, next minute i would have someone stop me and tell me to slow down as they wanted the job to 'Last' <_< .



It made me laugh when they put the roundabout at jonny wattersons lane and had it completed early and really made a 'song and dance' about it, all they did was take abit out of the hedges at the junction and lay acouple of feet of tarmac and painted a few lines down :lol:



There is slow, then there is DOT Slow.

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This area of Douglas has been closed on and off since January.


The wait to get off the bottom of the hill is actually six minutes. No, I'm not sad enough to time it but when I pulled up at the stop, a new track started on my CD player in the car and the counter on the track got to five minutes before it changed to green.


I noticed that the two other traffic flows go twice while you're waiting, something I checked on the way back from Tesco on the same trip. The wait at those lights is under two minutes. Great planning guys.


But anyway, all those dickheads stranded in the middle of the road at the end of Athol St shouldn't be so stupid to leave the stop unless there is enough room for them on the other side. All traffic from the middle lane is going down there so just sit tight and wait. Morons.

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But anyway, all those dickheads stranded in the middle of the road at the end of Athol St shouldn't be so stupid to leave the stop unless there is enough room for them on the other side. All traffic from the middle lane is going down there so just sit tight and wait. Morons.

Just wanted to add that I wasn't one of the dickheads stranded in the middle of the road, I was sensible and waited :) It seems to be the people coming across the bottom of Athol Street who cause the jams, they block the road and then nothing can move coming off Athol Street.

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God they do conjure up some stuff don't they. Two Roundabouts there is madness, they messed it up the first time, and they will again. Oh lets just tear down the new road we built a few years ago, course 4 roundabouts on the IOM within a few hundred metres of each other directing traffic in all directions won't be a problem ;)


If they had any brains back when they were building the hospital they would have placed a bridge across the old railway line to link up with the road that comes out of Tromode near Braddan School, so instead of having all traffic go through the centre of Douglas, you have a fast pased ringroad, all North South Traffic going past Douglas. Making it work however might need a bit of brain power ;)

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And they are closing the road by St Ninians at the end of next week. Should be a fun journey home for people in both the North and South

We had a taste of that on saturday, tea-time, when the roads were still closed for the rally. Twenty minutes to get from the top to the bottom of Summerhill. Did no one think that a bobby on point-duty at the bottom of the hill might have been a good idea?

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They also need to change the timing of the traffic lights at the bottom of Broadway when the TT course / Glencrutchery Road is closed. Because of the backlog of traffic behind those sodding horsetrams on the prom when the Broadway lights turn green you can't get onto the prom 'cos of the tailback. You get about 2 cars in the little section past the lights befor the prom proper before they turn red again. There was huge tailbacks up Broadway / Derby Road / Victoria Road

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And they are closing the road by St Ninians at the end of next week. Should be a fun journey home for people in both the North and South

We had a taste of that on saturday, tea-time, when the roads were still closed for the rally. Twenty minutes to get from the top to the bottom of Summerhill. Did no one think that a bobby on point-duty at the bottom of the hill might have been a good idea?



They were probably too busy sitting in their cars/vans at various points along the prom watching the chaos to actually do anything about it

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We had a taste of that on saturday, tea-time, when the roads were still closed for the rally.  Twenty minutes to get from the top to the bottom of Summerhill. 


20 minutes? You were lucky. Took me 3/4 hour. I came back from Ramsey and I didn't even know they were closed so I had to dive left at Hillberry and go all the way round. Summer Hill was just a joke.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, there's good news and bad news:


The good news: Bank Hill is open again and the 6 minute traffic lights are gone


The bad news: Bank Hill is open again and North Quay is closed (at least the part near the Marina)


So if you're planning on going to Tesco, drive down Bank Hill, otherwise you end up like the "Road Closed signs don't matter for me" dare-devils that tried to get through the fence this morning - quite funny to watch, though.. A guy driving in, noticing that he can't get through, turning around in approx. 12 moves and making the guys wait that wanted to access the private car park there...


Are they actually planing to make North Quay a pedestrian zone? If so, would all rat-race traffic in the morning and evening have to go over the harbour bridge? Just wondering....



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The plan is to pedestrianise the North Quay completely - eventually. I would expect it to be like Strand Street - with vehicular access first thing in the morning and in the evening - but I'm not really certain.

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