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Customs borders and the island


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I wonder what arrangements will HAVE to be made as far as the island is concerned post BREXIT. Because Eire is remaining in the EU (poor sods) then there will have to be a customs barrier between Eire and the UK. That means that a customs barrier will have to be put in place between the island and Eire.

Any thoughts?  Will there have to be designated ports of entry to the island? And if so who will staff and control them? Then there's the matter of entry into the BREXIT zone, that will need a physical border in order to exclude EU citizens other than the southern Irish from entering the BREXIT zone at least until the free movement arrangement across the Irish sea is cancelled.

The impact of BREXIT on the island is going to be a very great more than seems to be realised or so it seems and that's quite apart from the unknown impact on the finance sector, especially e-gambling though judging by recent moves the e-gambling movement off the island there are some who have cast the runes and not liked what they read.

Maybe with BREXIT and the fallout it's time for the people on the island to seriously consider making approaches to HMG to become full members of the UK.

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Welcome to reality.

The UK Government had assured everyone that the Common Travel Area will continue to exist.

So no checks from Eire to anywhere else in the British Isles.

You are at least finally thinking about some of the challenges that need to be overcome in the next 11 months.

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CTA will continue until it is stopped which it at some point it must unless Eire does an Eirexit BUT that does not mean that there will not be border checks even with the CTA in place - there will have to be to prevent people using Eire as a back door to sneak into the UK. 

Nor does it mean that custom borders will not be introduced or that designated ports of entry will not be put in place  between Eire and the UK so one way or another BREXIT IS going to have a significant impact on the island.

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1 hour ago, Rog said:

CTA will continue until it is stopped which it at some point it must unless Eire does an Eirexit BUT that does not mean that there will not be border checks even with the CTA in place - there will have to be to prevent people using Eire as a back door to sneak into the UK. 

Nor does it mean that custom borders will not be introduced or that designated ports of entry will not be put in place  between Eire and the UK so one way or another BREXIT IS going to have a significant impact on the island.

We know Brexit will have an impact.

If border and customs checks are required on the Isle of Man then they should be paid for by the English taxpayers.  The Isle of Man did not vote in the referendum and therefore should not have to face increased costs for border/customs checks for something that was decided by the UK.

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10 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

We know Brexit will have an impact.

If border and customs checks are required on the Isle of Man then they should be paid for by the English taxpayers.  The Isle of Man did not vote in the referendum and therefore should not have to face increased costs for border/customs checks for something that was decided by the UK.

It doesn't really matter who pays, it's much more important as to where the designated ports of entry to the UK are decided to be..

If they are to be on the mainland then everyone arriving to the UK and probably from the UK will be required to cross an international border with all that entails - everyone. 

It's gonna be fun!

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39 minutes ago, Rog said:

It's gonna be fun!

Do you understand now why some of us are very concerned about the real impact of Brexit? 

As a British Citizen (it says so in my Isle of Man passport) why should I be subject to checks when travelling within the Common Travel Area?

Brexit not only limits my ability to travel, live and work in the EU but potentially impacts upon the ease of travel around the British Isles.

I am not sure fun is the word but there is a hell of detail that needs to be sorted before the end of the year.  Not all of that detail is going to be popular.

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42 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Do you understand now why some of us are very concerned about the real impact of Brexit? 

As a British Citizen (it says so in my Isle of Man passport) why should I be subject to checks when travelling within the Common Travel Area?

Brexit not only limits my ability to travel, live and work in the EU but potentially impacts upon the ease of travel around the British Isles.

I am not sure fun is the word but there is a hell of detail that needs to be sorted before the end of the year.  Not all of that detail is going to be popular.

You and others must be subject to immigration checks because it is possible for EU citizens to enter the EU (Eire) without border checks and because of the CTA potentially enter the UK without hindrance without a hard border to ensure that could not happen.

Not a lot of detail to be worked out at all. It's simple. Best will be when the CTA ends which it must and will.

Meantime the only open issue is where the border is to be located.

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There is no point in discussing this with Rog. He's like the belligerent drunk old man in the pub drinking his pints of mild, ranting on about how things were better in his day when they obviously weren't. Take your bullshit and frankly offensive retarded viewpoints and join stormfront forums or somewhere equally ridiculous. Go on, sod off.

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1 minute ago, TheTeapot said:

There is no point in discussing this with Rog. He's like the belligerent drunk old man in the pub drinking his pints of mild, ranting on about how things were better in his day when they obviously weren't. Take your bullshit and frankly offensive retarded viewpoints and join stormfront forums or somewhere equally ridiculous. Go on, sod off.

You and others might not like my values but in the case of an international border within the CTA it's a fact. 

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1 minute ago, TheTeapot said:

I'm annoyed the stinking enigma lost it with you and probably got banned. One of the forums best characters, funny as fuck, not been seen since, yet here you are free to spread your racist bullshit. 

Racist?  Please explain.

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1 minute ago, PottyLisa said:

You constantly elude to racist views.  You play a clever game with words.  You manage to keep yourself on the right side of moderation.  I'm completely with Teapot, posters like TSE add much needed comedy to this forum.  You just add bile and hate.

I genuinely have no idea what you mean.

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