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Customs borders and the island


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5 minutes ago, PottyLisa said:

You constantly elude to racist views.  You play a clever game with words.  You manage to keep yourself on the right side of moderation.  I'm completely with Teapot, posters like TSE add much needed comedy to this forum.  You just add bile and hate.

Whether or not you agree with his comments, he still has the right to air them. Or are you and teapot the new forum voice of conscience?

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Just now, Neil Down said:

Whether or not you agree with his comments, he still has the right to air them. Or are you and teapot the new forum voice of conscience?

Of course he has the right to air them.  As have I the right to air mine.  Which I just did.

I'm not reporting him (there's no grounds), I'm not asking for him to be banned (again, no grounds), I'm just expressing my opinion, that's all.

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1 minute ago, PottyLisa said:

Of course you don't.  I shant be engaging any further with your idiotic trolling.


Good day.

For goodness sake, I'M NOT TROLLING.

I'm a staunch Conservative and reject absolutely unrestricted freedom of movement between countries, a view which seems to be what iritates people most. I don't support the "we're all the  same" concept, we're not, nor that all societies and "cultures" are equal, they're not. Theres nothing in the least bit racist in that. It's just facing reality.

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17 minutes ago, PottyLisa said:

Of course he has the right to air them.  As have I the right to air mine.  Which I just did.

I'm not reporting him (there's no grounds), I'm not asking for him to be banned (again, no grounds), I'm just expressing my opinion, that's all.

No, but you like a couple of others on here, post hoping to inflame the situation thereby getting the original poster banned. It's as plain as day

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5 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

No, but you like a couple of others on here, post hoping to inflame the situation thereby getting the original poster banned. It's as plain as day

You're wrong. I'm not that strategic, I think you're giving me a bit too much credit Neil. I'm not sure anyone else would view my posts as trying to get people banned.  I'd be interested to know if they did. I'm not sure how you can say it's as plain as day?

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32 minutes ago, Rog said:

I'm a staunch Conservative and reject absolutely unrestricted freedom of movement between countries, a view which seems to be what iritates people most. I don't support the "we're all the  same" concept, we're not, nor that all societies and "cultures" are equal, they're not. Theres nothing in the least bit racist in that. It's just facing reality.

Rog, sorry but believing that all societies and "cultures" (which can only be your way of avoiding saying other creeds and colours) are not equal is the dictionary definition of racism. By all means subscribe to that if you want but don't deny it.

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14 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

No, but you like a couple of others on here, post hoping to inflame the situation thereby getting the original poster banned. It's as plain as day

He treads the line carefully like a clever troll.

One day he will tread one foot over the line and get what he has coming to him as the nasty troll that he is.

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I'm going to bail out for a bit. 

BREXITis now a certainty, the results of BREXIT are obviously inflaming people but they are unavoidable.  Some folk don't like much less accept what has driven people like me to go balls out to see it succeed and have become fixated with believing that it has all been because of racism when the real driving force is the loss of our sovereignty, control of our borders, constraints on our trading terms in world markets, cost of membership and more along those lines.  I guess it comes down to not wanting to be part of what the EU has become since we elected to join what was a trading trading bloc.

Then there's the dreadful effect of the common fisheries policy, the common agricultural policy, QUOTAS and other interference with how we live in OUR own country. Throw in the tendering policy where we have been required to have to tender for work in OUR country across all states in the EU that has seen jobs that WE want doing going to businesses in other EU states resulting in unemployment in OUR country as work has to be lost to EU states.

So it's NOT all about racism. It's about membership of the EU not being in our best interest as a country.

Then there's the perilous state of the ECB and the EU as a whole.

BREXIT is best for Britain and especially England and now it's only a matter of hours away.  Good.  Will it have knock on effects for the island?  Unquestionably but when the interests of 80,000 people have to be considered against the interests of close to 80,000,000 people then it's no contest.  As for the border between the UK and the EU because it will be an international border there will HAVE to be a customs and immigration control.

Sorry guys - you'll have to live with a changing world.

Edited to add - I see that the withdrawal bill has achieved Royal Assent so it's all over now.

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2 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

I'm annoyed the stinking enigma lost it with you and probably got banned. One of the forums best characters, funny as fuck, not been seen since, yet here you are free to spread your racist bullshit. 

Agree about Stinky. One of the absolute best and smartest posters here ever.

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7 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

How? It's not in Schengen.

I travel through DUB regularly from the EU and there is always a passport check. Always.....

Beat me to it. This is why this is absolutely not an issue. Ireland stayed out of Schengen because it could have Schengen or CTA but not both. When push comes to shove the Irish, like the Scots, know which side their bread is buttered. I appreciate that having shown documents to reach Ireland anyone can then proceed via the CTA, but unless they are self-funding they are soon going to show up in the system without physical border checks. There is no automatic right to remain and work or claim benefits by entering in this way.

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1 hour ago, PottyLisa said:

You constantly elude to racist views.  You play a clever game with words.  You manage to keep yourself on the right side of moderation.  I'm completely with Teapot, posters like TSE add much needed comedy to this forum.  You just add bile and hate.

Do you think Rog is Nigel Farage? :D

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20 minutes ago, Rog said:

I'm going to bail out for a bit. 

BREXITis now a certainty, the results of BREXIT are obviously inflaming people but they are unavoidable.  Some folk don't like much less accept what has driven people like me to go balls out to see it succeed and have become fixated with believing that it has all been because of racism when the real driving force is the loss of our sovereignty, control of our borders, constraints on our trading terms in world markets, cost of membership and more along those lines.  I guess it comes down to not wanting to be part of what the EU has become since we elected to join what was a trading trading bloc.

Then there's the dreadful effect of the common fisheries policy, the common agricultural policy, QUOTAS and other interference with how we live in OUR own country. Throw in the tendering policy where we have been required to have to tender for work in OUR country across all states in the EU that has seen jobs that WE want doing going to businesses in other EU states resulting in unemployment in OUR country as work has to be lost to EU states.

So it's NOT all about racism. It's about membership of the EU not being in our best interest as a country.

Then there's the perilous state of the ECB and the EU as a whole.

BREXIT is best for Britain and especially England and now it's only a matter of hours away.  Good.  Will it have knock on effects for the island?  Unquestionably but when the interests of 80,000 people have to be considered against the interests of close to 80,000,000 people then it's no contest.  As for the border between the UK and the EU because it will be an international border there will HAVE to be a customs and immigration control.

Sorry guys - you'll have to live with a changing world.

Edited to add - I see that the withdrawal bill has achieved Royal Assent so it's all over now.

You are being called out on your racism has little to do with any of the above, at least it doesn't for me. The majority who voted did so to leave the EU, so that has to happen and is happening. Whether that is a good, bad or mixed thing is probably something that could only be evaluated in the future after sufficient time has passed to see the consequences. I believe you are being called out on your racism not because of your stance on leaving the EU but rather on your general stance on other creeds and colour. You have on numerous occasions on numerous threads outlined your belief that not all creeds and colours are equal, I am repeating myself but that is the dictionary definition of racism. By all means be a racist but don't try playing some sort of victim card when you are challenged about it.

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