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Customs borders and the island


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8 minutes ago, P.K. said:

I'm not changing the subject at all. That would be you.

It's not a big "to do" list at all. You claim your tory party isn't anti-immigration. I have simply pointed out a national scandal that demonstrates just how awful they really are. If you were totally unaware of the Windrush scandal then fair enough.

If you did know about it, (face it, you must have done) then you are in such complete denial that you even lie about your wonderful tory party on here.

Not my problem....

Well, actually you do have a problem - its just that you cannot see it or face up to it.  

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Scare tactics, thankfully, do not persuade the UK electorate.

Oh, I dunno.... I think most brexit lies were ultimately scare tactics to some degree even if just by promoting false hope.

Some of these are blatant scare tactics, others are much more subliminal BUT THEY WORKED.


Remember :


They need us > we need them.

Britain can have the same trade deal and access to the single market l with the EU despite not being a member.

Not a single job will be lost because of brexit.

Turkey definitely joining EU

We'll be in charge of our own borders

We can save free tuition

Lower taxes because of no EU subs

Membership costs us £55m a day.

We will maintain a free flowing border at Dover

The EU will have an army to quell dissenters.

Conscription will return

Leave the EU to save the NHS (remember the 'building one hospital a week'?)

Majority of our laws made by EU

The EU will cost us more and more

EU is unelected

BMW UK sales alone will force the EU to give in.

Immigration cause of falling wages

We hold all the cards / Will be easiest deal in history done over a cup of tea in an afternoon.

There are no downsides

We can have our cake as well as eating it.

3 pin plugs to go and well as the £, driving on the left, English cuppa, fish and chips in newspaper  

WTO was some sort of global trade agreement

We could have a Norway style agreement and stop 'unwanted' immigration.

English are the biggest victims of racism

Our supreme court can be over ruled by a court in Luxembourg that doesn't have proper judges.

Remaining makes us more vulnerable to terrorism.

EU law makes things difficult for small business.

The EU pays big companies to relocate there.

The Netherlands are about to leave after us.

London will be another Singapore

We can be like Switzerland 

We can continue our existing standards and maintain zero tariffs whilst in 'WTO' trade talks under a24

There will be enormous savings to the consumer by leaving.

A low £ is a good thing.

Health tourism is common.

Our fishing industry will return to former glory.

Nothing will change for our ex-pats (aka immigrants in their destination country)



I could go on :lol:



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1 hour ago, ballaughbiker said:

I could go on :lol:

Just shows what a travesty the completely stupid and unnecessary brexit is.

Revealed: complex post-Brexit checks for Northern Irish traders

Transport and manufacturing heads criticise paperwork needed to trade with GB


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2 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:

Oh, I dunno.... I think most brexit lies were ultimately scare tactics to some degree even if just by promoting false hope.

Some of these are blatant scare tactics, others are much more subliminal BUT THEY WORKED.


Remember :


They need us > we need them.

Britain can have the same trade deal and access to the single market l with the EU despite not being a member.

Not a single job will be lost because of brexit.

Turkey definitely joining EU

We'll be in charge of our own borders

We can save free tuition

Lower taxes because of no EU subs

Membership costs us £55m a day.

We will maintain a free flowing border at Dover

The EU will have an army to quell dissenters.

Conscription will return

Leave the EU to save the NHS (remember the 'building one hospital a week'?)

Majority of our laws made by EU

The EU will cost us more and more

EU is unelected

BMW UK sales alone will force the EU to give in.

Immigration cause of falling wages

We hold all the cards / Will be easiest deal in history done over a cup of tea in an afternoon.

There are no downsides

We can have our cake as well as eating it.

3 pin plugs to go and well as the £, driving on the left, English cuppa, fish and chips in newspaper  

WTO was some sort of global trade agreement

We could have a Norway style agreement and stop 'unwanted' immigration.

English are the biggest victims of racism

Our supreme court can be over ruled by a court in Luxembourg that doesn't have proper judges.

Remaining makes us more vulnerable to terrorism.

EU law makes things difficult for small business.

The EU pays big companies to relocate there.

The Netherlands are about to leave after us.

London will be another Singapore

We can be like Switzerland 

We can continue our existing standards and maintain zero tariffs whilst in 'WTO' trade talks under a24

There will be enormous savings to the consumer by leaving.

A low £ is a good thing.

Health tourism is common.

Our fishing industry will return to former glory.

Nothing will change for our ex-pats (aka immigrants in their destination country)



I could go on :lol:



Except for the fact that the electorate listened to that bullshit and rejected it - you could indeed go on, and on, and you will, and you will still have lost, sorry.

Please do go on.........and on..........

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7 hours ago, P.K. said:

I'm not the one in denial...

You do not think that you are in denial, but you are.

Soubry is in denial - toast

Gina Miller in denial - toast.

Dominical Grieve in denial - toast.

Blair in denial - toast.

Alister Campbell in denial - Toast.

Chukka in denial - Toast.

Carney in denial - toast

Mandelson in denial - toast.

CBI in denial - toast.

BBC in denial - toast.

SNP in denial - Toast.

Varadker in denial - toast.

Corbyn in denial - toast.

Lib dems in denial - toast.



P.K. In denial - He will rise above the the failures listed and prove himself to have been correct all along. ?? Dream on (toast) boy.

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3 hours ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

You do not think that you are in denial, but you are.

Soubry is in denial - toast

Gina Miller in denial - toast.

Dominical Grieve in denial - toast.

Blair in denial - toast.

Alister Campbell in denial - Toast.

Chukka in denial - Toast.

Carney in denial - toast

Mandelson in denial - toast.

CBI in denial - toast.

BBC in denial - toast.

SNP in denial - Toast.

Varadker in denial - toast.

Corbyn in denial - toast.

Lib dems in denial - toast.


P.K. In denial - He will rise above the the failures listed and prove himself to have been correct all along. ?? Dream on (toast) boy.

You're completely in denial over the nasty party and immigration in exactly the same way you're completely in denial over this other small issue with your totally stupid and completely unnecessary brexit which meant that once again you couldn't muster an answer:

On 1/2/2020 at 8:52 PM, P.K. said:

I asked you a very simple question to wit minus the trading clout of the EU what leverage does the UK have to better the deals it currently has via the EU?

Why don't you just quit while you're behind....?

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9 hours ago, P.K. said:

You're completely in denial over the nasty party and immigration in exactly the same way you're completely in denial over this other small issue with your totally stupid and completely unnecessary brexit which meant that once again you couldn't muster an answer:

Why don't you just quit while you're behind....?

Five phases;

1. The idea

2. The debate

3. The vote

4. The appeal

5. Final decision.

I'm in phase 6 having accepted 3 & 5 - you remain in phase 2. if you want to, I've moved on.

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9 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Oh I get the result. I just don't get the point. Or the mental crowing from 'adults'.

Try thinking about this for a few minutes from my point of view rather than your point of view (I'm being serious).....

In the 4 years 2015 - now, I have been asked many many times, on forums, in pubs, in work why I wanted the UK to leave the EU - In all that time, I have yet to get to the end of my first sentence!

The conversations normally go something like this....

Q. Why do you want to leave the EU?

A. Well, it's because I ...

Q. It's because you're a racist?

A. No, it's because I...

Q. Because your a nationalist?

A. No, it's because I........

Q. Economically illiterate? Stupid? Uneducated? Nazi? Old? Colour prejudice? Don't care about your kids?..............on and on.

The net result is that to this day, I have yet to explain my reasons for wanting to leave - so now, with the agreement signed by both sides, it will happen, and I have absolutely no intention of explaining myself now - I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the moment. Sorry, but that is the place that I have been led to. Having been told that I am not worthy of a decent hearing of my views, having been told that I do not know my own motives, others know my motives better than me, I no longer want a hearing, I no longer want to attempt to explain myself.

If you want to know what I think about the EU - ask the likes of P.K. or Richard Britten or any of the other mind-readers.

I don't feel good about this, I feel sad, but that's where I am at the moment.

Let them stew in their own juice.



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