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1 hour ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

Five phases;

1. The idea

2. The debate

3. The vote

4. The appeal

5. Final decision.

I'm in phase 6 having accepted 3 & 5 - you remain in phase 2. if you want to, I've moved on.

Oh the irony!

23 hours ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

You (claim to) know my mind better than I know it myself ....................

What an appalling hypocrite you are.

Maybe you should try practicing what you preach....

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49 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

I preached leaving the EU - I'm about to practice it. Cheers!

This is your idea of preaching is it?

1 hour ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

Try thinking about this for a few minutes from my point of view rather than your point of view (I'm being serious).....

In the 4 years 2015 - now, I have been asked many many times, on forums, in pubs, in work why I wanted the UK to leave the EU - In all that time, I have yet to get to the end of my first sentence!

The conversations normally go something like this....

Q. Why do you want to leave the EU?

A. Well, it's because I ...

Q. It's because you're a racist?

A. No, it's because I...

Q. Because your a nationalist?

A. No, it's because I........

Q. Economically illiterate? Stupid? Uneducated? Nazi? Old? Colour prejudice? Don't care about your kids?..............on and on.

The net result is that to this day, I have yet to explain my reasons for wanting to leave - so now, with the agreement signed by both sides, it will happen, and I have absolutely no intention of explaining myself now - I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the moment. Sorry, but that is the place that I have been led to. Having been told that I am not worthy of a decent hearing of my views.

You're a brexiteer all right.

Lie after lie....

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Except for the fact that the electorate listened to that bullshit and rejected it - you could indeed go on, and on, and you will, and you will still have lost, sorry.

Unlike some, I have fully accepted the result the second Bozo won the GE so cut the "you lost get over it" type playground talk. I have got over it and Woody like jeering is rather pathetic don't you think?

As for "that bullshit", it clearly worked so the electorate (generally) did not reject it, more's the pity. Just read the toilet wall that is SM. Many really are expecting all their life's dislikes and troubles to suddenly vapourise immediately following next Friday's celebrations.


Going forward....I get the feeling that there will be every increasing numbers "going on about it" as their promises fail to materialise unless by chance a miracle happens. (If it does, I shall be cheering with them.... more probably).

I have no doubt there will be plenty set to initially cheer about but that momentum has to be maintained for the next 5 years. Eg Driving diggers through cardboard boxes at his mate's Staffordshire factory will butter no parsnips if life gets even harder for those voted tory for the first time in their lives because of some promised hope.

I really want to be positive about all this now, but genuinely positive unemotional data is in very short supply. 

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1 minute ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:


No fall in the pound?

No emergency budget costing £2,500 per head of population?

No 500,000 increase in unemployment?

No airplanes stuck in mid-air unable to land in the EU?

You promised, you really promised, and now you let us down.

I never promised any of that, perhaps you're confusing me with PK or some other remoaner. I was remain, but accepted the decision was leave as soon as the result was known. Please don't tar me with that brush.

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4 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:


No fall in the pound?

No emergency budget costing £2,500 per head of population?

No 500,000 increase in unemployment?

No airplanes stuck in mid-air unable to land in the EU?

You promised, you really promised, and now you let us down.

We enter a transition period...

Let's see where we end up after the 31st December when the transition arrangements end.

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