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3 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:


Close, but no ceegar!

We're having a pig pickin' in our barn along with home brew cider from the next door farm and one hell of a firework display.

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23 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

I never promised any of that, perhaps you're confusing me with PK or some other remoaner. I was remain, but accepted the decision was leave as soon as the result was known. Please don't tar me with that brush.

I didn't promise any of that Daily Wail, Sun, Telegraph, Express crap either.

I too accepted the decision the morning after the referendum. After all, there was nothing else to do.

It does make me smile the way the brexiteers love to complain how the "remainers" have spent their time trying to stop brexit whilst conveniently forgetting it was people like Rees-Mogg and his ERG and the likes of Johnson who twice voted against May's deal who were actually preventing it from happening.

What you might call VERY selective memories....

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All the Brexiteers who keep repeating the mantra "we won, get over it" or "you lost, get over it", remind me of the American equivalents who have been telling everyone who would listen that "Trump won, get over it" or "Hillary lost, get over it".

They kept telling us how they won, and everything was going to be great.  The Wall was going to solve all problems, Trump was going to bring all the jobs, solve North Korea, sort out the Middle East...do all the things basically.

3+ years later, no Wall, Americas job market is in tatters, and the Middle East is at the worst it has been in decades.

So when someone says "we won, get over it" or "you lost, get over it", just remember, a lot of public and easily searchable promises have been made by the "winning" side.

By your results, you shall be judged.

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8 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

All the Brexiteers who keep repeating the mantra "we won, get over it" or "you lost, get over it", remind me of the American equivalents who have been telling everyone who would listen that "Trump won, get over it" or "Hillary lost, get over it".

They kept telling us how they won, and everything was going to be great.  The Wall was going to solve all problems, Trump was going to bring all the jobs, solve North Korea, sort out the Middle East...do all the things basically.

3+ years later, no Wall, Americas job market is in tatters, and the Middle East is at the worst it has been in decades.

So when someone says "we won, get over it" or "you lost, get over it", just remember, a lot of public and easily searchable promises have been made by the "winning" side.

By your results, you shall be judged.

Well Trump has launched a Middle East peace plan today.

Trump has promised $50 billion to the Palestinians conditional on them digging dirt on Biden :P

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I’m not completely, I mean, not 100%, sure that this whole impeachment thing shows Trump is bent, but I am 100% sure it doesn’t look good for Biden.

Biden’s son Hunter first got busted for drugs in 1988 (got off, of course). After a history degree and law school and acknowledged problems with coke and booze, he became a political lobbyist in 2001 (what else when Pops is a leading politician). He also put together and investment firm with Chris Heinz (stepson of John Kerry) and it’s said he piggybacked on Papa Joe’s official diplomatic visits to drum up business - very lucratively so in China according to D. Trump and others. 

Somehow the US Navy were in such need of a banker/investor/lobbyist in May 2013 that he was made an officer in the reserve via a direct commission (aka; no training required). He got sworn in at a White House ceremony with proud Pops looking on, and then got kicked out after a month for testing positive for cocaine. Didn’t hamper his career prospects though, as in April 2014 Pops got him a job on the board of Burisma Holdings - one of the largest gas producers in Ukraine.

Tragedy hit the Bidens in May 2015 when Hunter’s brother died of cancer. Hunter has confessed that for weeks on end he was so upset he only left the house to buy bottles of vodka. Thankfully, over in Ukraine, the board of Burisma were very understanding. Gallant Hunter consoled his brother’s grieving wife by ditching his own wife and three children and starting a relationship with her. 

For some reason, Hunter never saw eye-to-eye with Ukraine’s then public prosecutor Viktor Shokin, so Papa Joe and other Western leaders demanded Shokin’s removal, and Ukraine’s parliament promptly sacked him in March 2016.

Hunter was by this time earning $83,000 per month on the Ukrainian gig, but days before the 2016 presidential election Arizona police found a crack pipe that had been used to smoke cocaine, a white powdery substance, a credit card and a Delaware General Attorney ID in Hunter’s rental care after he’d returned it. Lucky for Hunter the cops didn’t take it any further, as cocaine possession carries a one year prison sentence in Arizona. 

In Feb 2017 Hunter’s divorce proceedings turned nasty, with his ex claiming that his extravagant spending on ‘drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations’ had caused financial instability for the family. She specifically mentioned a large diamond as one of his assets- a gift from a Chinese tycoon for peddling influence.

Things got worse in 2018 when an Arkansas women sued Hunter for paternity - which he denied, he broke up with his brother’s ex, and allegations concerning his dealings in China and Ukraine were published in a book called ‘“Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends.” 

By March 2019 Hunter was coming under the spotlight, but luckily he’d found love, and married again, to an attractive young South African lady who agreed to marry him six days after meeting him, and inApril 2019, Hunter finally quit Burisma, after allegedly actually visiting Ukraine on Burisma business a grand total of zero times. Not bad for $996,000 pa, so whatever it was he was doing for them, it must have been pretty special. 

Since then it seems like Donald is taking most of the heat for Ukrainian shenanigans, because of the dumb way he’s gone about investigating. 

It’s not all good news for Hunter though - he gave up fighting the Arkansas paternity suit yesterday and agreed to pay up. 




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Did you mean to post that in the Trump thread? 

Anyway, they're all bent. Trump is hilariously guilty of everything he's accused of, and the republicans are going to clear him. Its an amazing situation where John Fucking Bolton is the voice of reason, and is being accused of working got the democrats by the likes of Fox news. 

As for Joe Biden and his family, well they should all piss off. Horrible people.

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