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Budget Bullshit Bingo (2020)

On The Bus

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1 hour ago, Donald Trumps said:

Would an Auditor General ensure political footballs aren't forever kicked down the road?

That Auditor General needs to be an off-Island, independent, Crown Appointment.

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2 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

A proposal to which Tynwald would never, ever, agree.

The way it's going, the Manx electorate might not be minded to care about what Tynwald agrees or disagrees with.

Tynwald's fiscal competence is currently under self-inflicted scrutiny, with the only suggested repair to the situation being to cut essential services to the population in order to fund a pensions situation that TYNWALD has ignored for the last decade and a half, much for its own short term benefits, ie members votes.

If they can't be trusted with the Island's finances, those finances need to be passed to to somebody who can.

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2 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

The way it's going, the Manx electorate might not be minded to care about what Tynwald agrees or disagrees with.

Tynwald's fiscal competence is currently under self-inflicted scrutiny, with the only suggested repair to the situation being to cut essential services to the population in order to fund a pensions situation that TYNWALD has ignored for the last decade and a half, much for its own short term benefits, ie members votes.

If they can't be trusted with the Island's finances, those finances need to be passed to to somebody who can.

I quite like the idea 

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7 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

The way it's going, the Manx electorate might not be minded to care about what Tynwald agrees or disagrees with.

Tynwald's fiscal competence is currently under self-inflicted scrutiny, with the only suggested repair to the situation being to cut essential services to the population in order to fund a pensions situation that TYNWALD has ignored for the last decade and a half, much for its own short term benefits, ie members votes.

If they can't be trusted with the Island's finances, those finances need to be passed to to somebody who can.

So we would need to elect a House of Keys next year packed with new Members willing to then vote to outsource control of government expenditure/budget setting from Treasury/COMIN/Tynwald to some suitably qualified external entity. That’d make an interesting manifesto headline for any candidate!

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17 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

So we would need to elect a House of Keys next year packed with new Members willing to then vote to outsource control of government expenditure/budget setting from Treasury/COMIN/Tynwald to some suitably qualified external entity. That’d make an interesting manifesto headline for any candidate!

It would. All they have to do is give their electorate the clear choice between funding services including Health or funding PS pensions (and for how long?).

Shoo in for quite a few?

Or we could stick with the status quo, vote the thinking of the last 15 years back in again to carry on with the bland waffle and dodging, cut services to the general public and carry on paying pensions (and landowners) without any attempt to negotiate a sustainable future other than further bleeding the taxpayer?

Something has to change?

Edited by Non-Believer
Extra bit
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20 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

It would. All they have to do is give their electorate the clear choice between funding services including Health or funding PS pensions (and for how long?).

Shoo in for quite a few?

Or we could stick with the status quo, vote the thinking of the last 15 years back in again to carry on with the bland waffle and dodging, cut services to the general public and carry on paying pensions (and landowners) without any attempt to negotiate a sustainable future other than further bleeding the taxpayer?

Something has to change?

Ireland faced massive problems and gave their public sector workers a bit of a haircut:

The financial emergency measures were used by both the previous and current Government to reduce the public sector pay and pensions bill, including:

* 2009 No 1 was a pension levy imposed on public sector workers, worth an average of 7.5pc;

* 2009 No 2 was a pay cut on a sliding scale, dependent on salary size, but worth an average of 6.5pc;

* In 2010 the pensions of retired public sector workers and the pay of ministers were cut;

* In 2011 the pay and pensions of judges were cut;

* 2013 saw another pay cut for higher-paid public servants earning more than €65,000, pensioners on more than €32,500 and the suspension of increments.

So everything is achievable.

If you have the will to do it....

Edited by P.K.
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Eire knew it had to do it to survive. Once can only surmise that the IOM is different?

If I were standing, there are a good few trimming measures I’d propose. 

Manx Radio would have to stand on its own two feet - after all the BBC is under threat.

unify the local authorities and commission most of the services they provide. 

Seriously consider some of the measures imposed in Eire (and yes, that would directly affect me potentially)

privatise the buses

turn over heritage rail to enthusiasts.

re-privatise the packet

privatise utilities

re-frame the funding of the Lt Governor’s Office.

I’m sure there’s a lot more -  but can’t see any being popular measures with the electorate 


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9 hours ago, P.K. said:

Ireland faced massive problems and gave their public sector workers a bit of a haircut:

The financial emergency measures were used by both the previous and current Government to reduce the public sector pay and pensions bill, including:

* 2009 No 1 was a pension levy imposed on public sector workers, worth an average of 7.5pc;

* 2009 No 2 was a pay cut on a sliding scale, dependent on salary size, but worth an average of 6.5pc;

* In 2010 the pensions of retired public sector workers and the pay of ministers were cut;

* In 2011 the pay and pensions of judges were cut;

* 2013 saw another pay cut for higher-paid public servants earning more than €65,000, pensioners on more than €32,500 and the suspension of increments.

So everything is achievable.

If you have the will to do it....

Well, they had to repay the IMF & EU (incl. UK) loans somehow.

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1 hour ago, Derek Flint said:

Eire knew it had to do it to survive. Once can only surmise that the IOM is different?

If I were standing, there are a good few trimming measures I’d propose. 

Manx Radio would have to stand on its own two feet - after all the BBC is under threat.

unify the local authorities and commission most of the services they provide. 

Seriously consider some of the measures imposed in Eire (and yes, that would directly affect me potentially)

privatise the buses

turn over heritage rail to enthusiasts.

re-privatise the packet

privatise utilities

re-frame the funding of the Lt Governor’s Office.

I’m sure there’s a lot more -  but can’t see any being popular measures with the electorate 


you can propose what ever you want to get in,  but you now full well that the vested interests will never adopt any of them.  

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1 hour ago, Andy Onchan said:

Well, they had to repay the IMF & EU (incl. UK) loans somehow.

Precisely. We don't even have the option of going cap-in-hand for loans and there's still been next to nothing done over the years to address the issues. Now it's "We'll get the taxpayers to fund it". Surprise, surprise.

How many times have contributors on these boards predicted this? I couldn't count them all personally.

What is worrying to me is the fact that they're saying this now. For years it's been kept quiet or "assurances given". If it's actually being admitted to now, in best IoMG tradition, then the shit is well past the fan and flying towards those to whom it's going to stick to.

One or two people need to be questioned about the lack of action on this over the years. We were paying them handsome salaries to look after the fiscal governance of this Island. They've prioritised themselves.

Edited by Non-Believer
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16 hours ago, GD4ELI said:

You've never provided a link to this claim about Canada, also i am 101% sure the IOM gov. would lose any legal challenge.

andrew neil bbc this week around a year ago it was covered....

legal challenge see below.......

12 hours ago, P.K. said:

Ireland faced massive problems and gave their public sector workers a bit of a haircut:

The financial emergency measures were used by both the previous and current Government to reduce the public sector pay and pensions bill, including:

* 2009 No 1 was a pension levy imposed on public sector workers, worth an average of 7.5pc;

* 2009 No 2 was a pay cut on a sliding scale, dependent on salary size, but worth an average of 6.5pc;

* In 2010 the pensions of retired public sector workers and the pay of ministers were cut;

* In 2011 the pay and pensions of judges were cut;

* 2013 saw another pay cut for higher-paid public servants earning more than €65,000, pensioners on more than €32,500 and the suspension of increments.

So everything is achievable.

If you have the will to do it....

so its clearly possible ^^^^^^^^^^^

3 hours ago, Derek Flint said:

Eire knew it had to do it to survive. Once can only surmise that the IOM is different?

If I were standing, there are a good few trimming measures I’d propose. 

Manx Radio would have to stand on its own two feet - after all the BBC is under threat.

unify the local authorities and commission most of the services they provide. 

Seriously consider some of the measures imposed in Eire (and yes, that would directly affect me potentially)

privatise the buses

turn over heritage rail to enthusiasts.

re-privatise the packet

privatise utilities

re-frame the funding of the Lt Governor’s Office.

I’m sure there’s a lot more -  but can’t see any being popular measures with the electorate 


while other areas need reform this is classic cs distraction techniques........

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1 hour ago, sir nige said:

andrew neil bbc this week around a year ago it was covered....

legal challenge see below.......

so its clearly possible ^^^^^^^^^^^

while other areas need reform this is classic cs distraction techniques........

Like I said, its a fag packet start.

Of course, its all irrelevant unless I also become CM.

Other option is a coup.


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