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Peel Marina


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for a start Government find it difficult to prosecute themselves ,  and  a heavy metals pollution trial would only attract unwanted attention  from the UK media  and as I see it the department bringing the prosecution  before the courts , the chief executive appears to have over ridden his scientific officer and given   the DOI  permission , 

what I would like to know is where the suction dredger and the miles of heavy duty rubber pipes is hiding now , what did it cost , and was all this agreed by treasury , 

Peel harbour is in a mess  with heavy metal pollution building up at an alarming rate again , 

no wonder some of the longtails are leaving the ship , no doubt with pockets jingling ,and huge pensions to look forward to , 

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37 minutes ago, Omobono said:

 the chief executive appears to have over ridden his scientific officer and given   the DOI  permission , 

That's not correct. You need to read the Tribunal judgement. Para 18.

"Before the DoI can dump silt at sea, it must present its proposal to DEFA. DEFA must consider and deliver an opinion on the rights or wrongs of the proposal. DEFA’s only right is to be consulted on whether a licence to dump silt should be granted."

The CEO at DEFA couldn't either give or refuse permission.

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3 hours ago, finlo said:

Funny how it's never in the public's interest when it comes to prosecuting anything or one government related!

Remember the cockup over the oil spill from the Douglas power station? Very expensive to clean up and afaik the gov were liable for prosecution.

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4 hours ago, Omobono said:

thanks for the correction  which is accepted we don't wish to finger an innocent  man  ,  so that means the DOI and someone in authority  there    chose to disregard the advise from DEFA ,  well on their heads be it ! 

Or not, as seems to be the case here. As noted by many, our much vaunted biosphere status is a farce.

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15 hours ago, doc.fixit said:

Just run the river down the side the same as Laxey and get rid of the stupid flap gates.

That causes big problems though with pontoon and lots of the vessels berthed in the harbour. Not saying theres not big problems now just its not as easy as just getting rid of the flap gate. Probably the cheapest option by far though.

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28 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

That causes big problems though with pontoon and lots of the vessels berthed in the harbour. Not saying theres not big problems now just its not as easy as just getting rid of the flap gate. Probably the cheapest option by far though.

I was also thinking of Padstow which has conventional swing gates, so, I would accept swing gates and a wall keeping the river to the side and exiting separate from the retained harbour. I've never liked flap gates because of the never ending maintenance of the pit for the gate which inevitably gets full of debris and the underwater hydraulics. Swing gates don't have this problem. 

The river would not deposit debris in the harbour and the floating harbour would be flushed each tide. There might be some deposit in the basin but there are few harbours that don't have some silt.

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19 hours ago, Roxanne said:

It’s might not be in the public’s interest but it’s certainly in the interest of the public. 

Probably in the interests of the Scallop fisherman who weren't allowed to fish the beds in 14/15 because of the dumping of the silt. 

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