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Isle of Pride


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38 minutes ago, 2112 said:

If it didn’t cost the taxpayer, then all the better. Perhaps if the donors of the paint and the Labour were mentioned, both on the IOMNP Facebook page and also on the Nations Propaganda Mouthpiece, perhaps people (not just me!) wouldn’t need to ask the question. 

Are they also moaning about the cost of painting Castletown Commissioners Office Pink for Breast Cancer? 

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1 hour ago, 2112 said:

Island gears up for The Long Walk to Pride - Manx Radio 9/6/21

I don’t know if anyone has seen the front entrance of the Villa Marina? It has been repainted in the rainbow colours, and it’s created a rumpus on IOMNP Facebook page. Loads up in arms that people dare to question the cost of painting, and questioning or raising a point could deem you racist, sexist or possible homophobic, in the eyes of some of our most left wing ‘nutters’

I have nothing against this taking place in the Villa Marina gardens, however, I do take issue with the repainting of a taxpayer funded and owned building.

Who paid for the repainting?

Who authorised the repainting?

How much did it cost? 

The Island is going to have to make very hard choices, belt buckling, and certain sections of society will be hit.

If the Isle of Pride charity have paid, is it a good use of charity resources?

As an aside, I have noticed that whilst it has started of as Isle of Pride, a predominantly LGBTQ+ event/organisation it is morphing into a super organisation with other sectors and groups tagging along. Various groups and charities are aligned to the Isle of Pride. One question I would ask is -

If you are a primarily a LGBTQ+ charity supposedly trying to raise awareness of issues within the local LGBTQ+ community, would it have made sense to align yourselves with LGBTQ+ charities, such as the Terrence Higgins Trust or Albert Kennedy? An admission charge or collection could have promoted with the proceeds going towards these charities? 

Just a suggestion!

The post on IOMNP you reference already had all the answers to this. Could've saved yourself a long and stupid post.

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16 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Has that happened? I heard it was going to, I'll go have a look.

You won’t have to get very close.

It is most definitely PINK.

All for a good cause but I am glad I am not the one who has to do the cover up.

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9 minutes ago, trmpton said:

You won’t have to get very close.

It is most definitely PINK.

All for a good cause but I am glad I am not the one who has to do the cover up.

I’m told the paint is environmentally friendly, and easily removed/painted over.. 

One of the posters on IoMN&P making most noise is someone who normally alleges anything critical of Israel, or pro Palestinian/Arab is antisemitic.


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Just now, John Wright said:

I’m told the paint is environmentally friendly, and easily removed/painted over.. 

One of the posters on IoMN&P making most noise is someone who normally alleges anything critical of Israel, or pro Palestinian/Arab is antisemitic.


I did notice that.

I also noticed that if you were to make a venn diagram of homophobes, bigots, anti-vaxxers and Trump supporters it'd basically just be one circle.

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24 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Shh!  Or you'll wake the "What about us menz"  crowd up.

Now you shh! Or the DOI will claim they've bollocksed up the Prom to raise awareness for testicular cancer. 

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54 minutes ago, John Wright said:

All sponsored, materials and Labour, and the return to original colour will also be covered. That information is freely and widely publicly available.

What church group uses the Villa on Sunday?





That is pretty cool. If it weren't foggy I'd toddle over there in me lunch break for a skeet. 

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It’s worth saying that on site there are plenty of signs saying who/what the charities are. And who the sponsors are.

I’m not involved in Isle of Pride. But the Castletown umbrella event for Breast Cancer and Mannin Cancers has raised £20,000, after all expenses, by selling umbrella sponsorship. I’m involved on the fringes of that, last year I arranged funding for the original purchase of the brollies. And there are enough left over for Douglas Strand Street next year.

These big events do cost. But businesses and individuals are happy to sponsor and seed fund, and join in. The umbrellas cost £4,000. Ive no idea about the cost of  paint to Strix, or value of time, commissioners hanging the brollies, or B&P painting, but to net £20,000 it’s worth it.

And more to come next year.

A fun day out on 18 June. There’s a pink piano in the square, music, events, and it’ll be an attraction to Castletown all summer.

Pride is a one day event. But dozens of sponsors. Lots of events, both at the Villa, but as fringe and post pride at Peggy's and 1886 and Front Room. It raises awareness, funds, and will be a good day out.

Whenever I was asked to sponsor that’s what I always asked about. The value added. The last Pride event I organised, I did 3 between 2000 and 2002, raised £2500. 

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