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Isle of Pride


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Thing is everyone at the Pride event were invitees, including the organisers.  I thought the police presence was meant to build bridges, those who were there were good natured and chatted with everyone who wanted to, they certainly weren't exuding oppression.  Mending bridges involves forgiveness and understanding on both sides. 

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20 minutes ago, Manx Bean said:


Seriously - WTF are these two clowns talking about? Historical events are just that. I doubt there is one serving policeman left here who was serving when being homosexual was illegal - even if there are any - at that time they were upholding the law. They weren't responsible for making the law FFS. So, shouldn't their protest be saying "No Politicians" at Pride events, hmm??

You’re right they’re just clowns. We strive for an inclusive society … but we don’t want the police anywhere near us. I’m sure if somebody nicked his handbag it would be a case of why weren’t the police here I feel hurt and alarmed. A couple of attention seeking muppets. 

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22 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

If I were a sponsor of the event I’d certainly be considering my options for next year.

Not the sort of stunt that you really would want to be associated with.

I guess everybody involved will want to distance themselves from the comments in the last audio clip here


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7 minutes ago, Mistercee said:

And one of them is the current "Manx Bard" - Culture Vannin and the Arts Council need to have a look at the selection process!!  

(2) The Manx Bard | Facebook

It is the current trend that after every outburst, racist remark, supposed politically incorrect comment or insensitive joke, to cancel those people. In particular they are cancelled from existing, they can’t make a living.

Perhaps it was time this was put into practice on the island. Maybe the militant hotheads and those who think that they are owed by society, learned to behave, grow up and in some respect realise compared to others they are quite fortunate. 

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It's way beyond time that these idiots were told to feck off. If you want to be treated as decent human beings then start acting like one. Nobody these days gives a rat's arse if you are gay/lesbian/black/ or anything else, as long as you are a decent human being. Get over yourselves

Edited by Passing Time
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24 minutes ago, Passing Time said:

It's way beyond time that these idiots were told to feck off. If you want to be treated as decent human being then start acting like one. Nobody these days gives a rat's arse if you are gay/lesbian/black/ or anything else, as long as you are a decent human being. Get over yourselves

There is still a good deal of unjustified hate thrown in their direction, there's no denying it and that negativity needs to change but fervent outbursts like this doesn't do the cause any favours. And I would contend that there are many within that community who feel the same way but are reluctant to say so given the predictable pile-on's. Pile-on's that have a regressive, counter-productive effect, especially with old-school homophobes just looking for an excuse to shout and point. 

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39 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Perhaps it was time this was put into practice on the island. Maybe the militant hotheads and those who think that they are owed by society, learned to behave, grow up and in some respect realise compared to others they are quite fortunate. 

They aren’t hot heads. Just a pair of attention seeking dick heads. I heard the interview this morning and it was just embarrassing. They even asked them to cite evidence of police harassment that had happened to them and they couldn’t and just came back with something like “everyone in the LGBT community knows this is the case”. They reminded me of a pair of ultra woke Kevin and Perry’s straight out of a Harry Enfield sketch. They’re just a paid of sad drama queens who have already burned their 15 seconds of notoriety. 

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Interesting comments on this. 

I'm trying to play devils advocate on this one.

When passing the parade this year I saw these two with their notices. At the time I couldn't make sense of it and have only really caught up with it now.

Having read the statement I understand where they are coming from.

I also agree that the Pride board is mostly made up of straight people. I don't agree this is representative of the event at all. In my opinion (and it's only mine) there are a couple on there who are only in it for capital, whether that be social, political or financial. 

Given the scale of this event I don't think it's an option for the Police not to be there. So rather than have a stand off surely it would be better for them to engage with the Police to try and bring everyone together.

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2 minutes ago, jackwhite said:

Interesting comments on this. 

I'm trying to play devils advocate on this one.

When passing the parade this year I saw these two with their notices. At the time I couldn't make sense of it and have only really caught up with it now.

Having read the statement I understand where they are coming from.

I also agree that the Pride board is mostly made up of straight people. I don't agree this is representative of the event at all. In my opinion (and it's only mine) there are a couple on there who are only in it for capital, whether that be social, political or financial. 

Given the scale of this event I don't think it's an option for the Police not to be there. So rather than have a stand off surely it would be better for them to engage with the Police to try and bring everyone together.

The majority did Jack but sadly, airtime is being given to the two idiots hell bent on ruining it

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1 minute ago, Passing Time said:

The majority did Jack but sadly, airtime is being given to the two idiots hell bent on ruining it

I specifically meant these two. They could help their case, rather than harm it, which they clearly are currently. 

Have worked in a number of places including those in this community, and there are always those who are bitter and twisted and not very nice. That could be said about places of all denomination though.

I don't think the general consensus on here to slate them is completely warranted although they could have gone about this better.

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3 hours ago, Manx Bean said:


Seriously - WTF are these two clowns talking about? Historical events are just that. I doubt there is one serving policeman left here who was serving when being homosexual was illegal - even if there are any - at that time they were upholding the law. They weren't responsible for making the law FFS. So, shouldn't their protest be saying "No Politicians" at Pride events, hmm??

The irony of their statement is of course that it means that they, the queer folk, are being discriminatory - not to mention the fact that the Police have every right to be at such event, and in fact if they weren't, it would be unlikely that such an event would be allowed to take place for Health and Safety reasons.

Honestly boys - grow a pair, get over yourselves and maybe get your facts right.


It's not just about historical events. It's about the police force's role.


The irony of their statement is of course that it means that they, the queer folk, are being discriminatory

No they're not. Not wanting the police force there isn't discrimination. If they said "No people who happen to be police officers" and banned off-duty police, that'd be discrimination.

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1 hour ago, HeliX said:

It's not just about historical events. It's about the police force's role.

No they're not. Not wanting the police force there isn't discrimination. If they said "No people who happen to be police officers" and banned off-duty police, that'd be discrimination.

The issue is that they were protesters. In fact they claim that the whole Pride event was a protest rather than a party or anything else. No other group of protesters get to choose whether their protest is policed, and in what manner. That is a decision for the Police, surely? People can protest about the manner of policing if they wish, but they cannot demand that their activities are beyond the remit of the Police, otherwise where does it stop?

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1 hour ago, HeliX said:

No they're not. Not wanting the police force there isn't discrimination. If they said "No people who happen to be police officers" and banned off-duty police, that'd be discrimination.

Let’s be honest though nobody gets to dictate where the police should or shouldn’t police. And in fact if it’s known the police are not going to be there the event will just become a magnet for the local thieving scallies who know that chances of getting caught nicking phones and wallets is minimal. They’ve just idiots.

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