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1 hour ago, MrGarrison said:

Yea but you’ve stated wrong views and made stuff up to suit your silly woke narrative as Hoops and BriT have shown. 

Making up and confusing points of a debate are two different things. In your view I intentionally did something to prove a point. I didn’t, I admitted I was wrong. I’m not above admitting that. But I stand by the rest of what I said to you. You can call it woke all you want, all woke means is being socially, politically and culturally aware of the issues facing minority groups. By its actual definition, most people are woke.

Edited by Chie
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1 hour ago, Chie said:

As I stated, she knew what she was doing, she did choose to disrespect trans student with what she said. You may disagree, super, welcome to freedom of speech. Since then has engaged in a whole host of anti trans activity and rhetoric, so defending her is a mute point imo.

Yet again you choose to simply make stuff up. The whole trail of correspondence and articles by Stock were shown by Hoops above


In her own words at no time has she disrespected anyone or refused to teach anyone or refused to recognize peoples chosen pronouns. You simply made it up. She’s a philosopher and as she ends her email:

“Philosophy is a discipline in which disagreement is normally tolerated and even celebrated as productive. If any student wishes to calmly and constructively discuss these matters with me, they are welcome to make an appointment with me by email” 

But it’s impossible to disagree with people like you without it being claimed as some sort of ridiculous self proclaimed hate crime. 

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1 hour ago, MrGarrison said:

Yet again you choose to simply make stuff up. The whole trail of correspondence and articles by Stock were shown by Hoops above


In her own words at no time has she disrespected anyone or refused to teach anyone or refused to recognize peoples chosen pronouns. You simply made it up. She’s a philosopher and as she ends her email:

“Philosophy is a discipline in which disagreement is normally tolerated and even celebrated as productive. If any student wishes to calmly and constructively discuss these matters with me, they are welcome to make an appointment with me by email” 

But it’s impossible to disagree with people like you without it being claimed as some sort of ridiculous self proclaimed hate crime. 

This is what makes me laugh about people like you. You continue to accuse me of making things up, even though I have already explained it several times and admitted I was confusing different points of the debate, it was not intentional, given this has been going on for years now. And yet, you intentionally do the exact same thing by accusing me of claiming it as a hate crime, I never said hate crime in the same way I never said anything about boomers earlier. The only person here who seems to be completely ignoring what is being said is you. I have answered nearly all of your points while you have focused only on a handful of mine with 99% of your focus on the fact I got something wrong and, ignore the fact that I have openly recognised that I got it wrong.

She stated things in regards to sex, gender, women only spaces with the insinuation of there being an issue. Even though, the evidence for such an issue is woolly at best. She did so, knowing she had trans students, knowing the political climate of the time and the backlash that others had received for doing similar. Again, whether she should have been hounded out of her job isn’t something I can answer. I believe she is entitled to her opinions. But, it was disrespectful at the time to link transgenderism to misogyny, safety and as if there is a insinuation against trans people in womens spaces. That, is disrespectful to the trans community. Disagree, by all means, that is my opinion.

What’s most interesting is that, me as an evil lefty wokey woke, is more than happy to listen to your views, allow you your opinions and is more than happy to respond to them and correct myself when necessary and more importantly learn, which I did when I admitted I had got something wrong. Yet you, can only focus on the instance where i got something wrong, repeating the point over and over and any other points I made “shut up with your silly woke views”.

Edited by Chie
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19 minutes ago, Chie said:

What’s most interesting is that, me as an evil lefty wokey woke, is more than happy to listen to your views, allow you your opinions and is more than happy to respond to them and correct myself when necessary and more importantly learn, which I did when I admitted I had got something wrong. Yet you, can only focus on the instance where i got something wrong, repeating the point over and over and any other points I made “shut up with your silly woke views”.

You’re frankly just ridiculous with your claims. And why are your posts so long? They contain about 3 lines worth of relevance and you just go on, and on, and on like a broken record until people lose the will to live. And you twist everything to the point that when challenged you have to admit you’re wrong. You don’t listen to anyones view at all you just preach at people. 

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11 minutes ago, MrGarrison said:

You’re frankly just ridiculous with your claims. And why are your posts so long? They contain about 3 lines worth of relevance and you just go on, and on, and on like a broken record until people lose the will to live. And you twist everything to the point that when challenged you have to admit you’re wrong. You don’t listen to anyones view at all you just preach at people. 



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6 hours ago, quilp said:

Does this type of protest really have any impact other than provoking disgust? Is pouring bottles of piss all over oneself, or wetting oneself in public really going to help garner support for their cause?


No arrests made...

Agree it’s simply being disgusting and offensive purely for the purposes of being disgusting and offensive. 

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8 hours ago, quilp said:

Does this type of protest really have any impact other than provoking disgust? Is pouring bottles of piss all over oneself, or wetting oneself in public really going to help garner support for their cause?


No arrests made...

Provoking disgust can be a core part of art and protest, two areas which can be quite strongly interlinked. 

How else do you get the message across that plenty of trans people end up with medical issues as a result of water retention, to avoid the bathroom conflict?

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2 minutes ago, Newsdesk said:

Cite the medical link for that utter rubbish please. 

I have cited it before now.


Which itself cites https://www.vox.com/2016/7/12/12161210/transgender-bathroom-survey

Which in itself cites https://www.ustranssurvey.org/reports

Happy now?

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3 hours ago, manxfisherman said:

Suggesting some of these people have a mental illness is 'transphobic' apparently.

Of course, no homosexual has ever caused themselves to be in great anguish by trying to live as as a heterosexual.

Turing was chemically castrated for being homosexual, not that long later, we see that as being as barbaric as it was.

Why would a trans person be any different?

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