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10 hours ago, Roxanne said:

So, someone finally coughed all over him, and his wife, and half the White House.  This could turn out very interesting - if you're the type to be interested. Of course he'll never get it bad, never, not him, unless he dies, then he'll have got it bad, but even then he's probably left instructions to his staff to say it was food poisoning or something.  Not the Chy Nya disease from Chi Nya.

He’ll be fine. Gargle with a bit of Dettol and he’ll be fine

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Just seen the run-through on the Beeb of Bozo's speech to Conference. Apparently we're going to see off Covid-19 like this island has seen off every invader for the last 1,000 years. It would appear that Bozo's speech-writers weren't aware that the only history date everyone remembers is the Norman invasion in 1066? Perhaps they just pinned their hopes on Gammons not being too proficient in maths. Fair shout...

Of course, "seeing off the Bosch" in the re-match also got a mention etc etc etc.

Pass the sick-bag Alice!

It was just pathetic...

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On 10/3/2020 at 1:53 PM, Roxanne said:

So, someone finally coughed all over him, and his wife, and half the White House.  This could turn out very interesting - if you're the type to be interested. Of course he'll never get it bad, never, not him, unless he dies, then he'll have got it bad, but even then he's probably left instructions to his staff to say it was food poisoning or something.  Not the Chy Nya disease from Chi Nya.

But he got it badder than anyone ever has and it's the best badder than the baddest ever and no one has ever got it badder and if anyone says they have it's false news and not true either in fact it's the untruest news there has ever been.

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  • 3 weeks later...
17 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

It’s like everywhere. There are wide disparities. The autonomous community governments in Spain, and regions in Italy, do much of the track and trace and impose the restrictions.

Its just over two weeks since I left Spain from Bilbao. Bilbao had a prevalence of 3 per 100,000. Apart from anti bacterial spray, distancing and masks everything was more or less normal. There was a touring big top opposite my hotel ( ferry was too early the next day for me to drive from Catalunya ) with two shows each day, at 50% capacity.

Again Catalunya, where I spent 40 out of my 60 nights away, was very low incidence in some areas. The local authority, where my house is located, has had one case since March. In one direction the next local authority, where there’s the nearest village shop, and  my nearest restaurant, has also had one case since March. In the other direction, where there’s another restaurant, they’ve had none. I ate out, socially distanced, menus all QR codes stuck on the table, everything cleaned, waiters wearing masks. They’re all closed now and facing ruin.

Down on the coast, I went to Sitges once. To sort out a problem with a tenant. It was busy, hot, and wearing masks was uncomfortable. But everyone did. Infection rates were higher, but not disastrously so, but I wasn’t taking risks. They’ve now shot through the roof, a local sheltered care facility had 47 positives last week, 33 residents and 14 staff. All the residents bar 2. Unfortunately looks as if it’s been brought in by staff. They’d been in lockdown with no outside visitors since March.

Barcelona I had to visit twice. Both times to see the bank manager. They’d frozen my account in February and wouldn’t unfreeze it until I physically appeared. Client Due Diligence gone mad. I’d updated everything in October 2018 and have the e-mail to say it’s in order. But because I’m non resident, and from IOM, I have to jump the hoops every year. No Covid flexibility. No show, no banking. Bill paying was a pain, so was collecting rent, or paying the small mortgage. They just put any incoming funds into a suspense account. That included the sum I transferred in January to cover bills for a year.

Barcelona figures were higher then. Now they’re very, very, high. But again everyone was following guidelines.

What I’m saying is people were generally responsible, and that the things like “state of emergency” is being misinterpreted in some ways. It’s a technical .central government, device to allow powers to the autonomous communities to impose curfews. Not all have. Indeed the Canaries are now ultra low, just masks, and back on the UK air corridor list. But as you can fly from mainland Spain without real restriction, internal domestic flights, I don’t know how that’ll work out.

What will be interesting, longer term, is what caused the spikes. Was it night clubs, bars, students, what? Same applies across most of Europe.

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  • 2 weeks later...
23 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

UK today reaches the grim toll of over 50,000 COVID-attributed deaths with a further 595 on the daily count. The 5th worst affected country(s) in the world. Utterly tragic.

Pure and simple - we got it wrong. Earlier restrictions such as we have now would have made a big difference.

Not really looking forward to the 'new' normal as they will probably cock that upas well.

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Interesting news from Italy, being mulled over by the World Health Organisation. As reported by Reuters and again by the Times of Israel...



Antibodies present in patients early October 2019 meaning they must've contracted the disease mid-late September, so the theory suggests.

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